
Indian girl travel back to Ancient China with portable space

Anika, age 28 ..foodie chubby indian girl travel back to ancient China which is far different from her planet earth. She has space with her which give her unlimited foods, material supply with refill powers in it. She meets main lead qin mufeng and and his three brothers...they were waiting for their destined partner to arrive and bring happiness and blessing to their kingdom..in their kingdom where there is less population of females and females where regarded as queen. Anika was excited as she treated beautiful in that kingdom.Anika introduces her indian cuisine and customes . With the help of space she enjoy richness in ancient time and enjoy the love and care of her 4 partners

Daoistfrdcyk · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Night walk And Shock

Mufeng open the door greeted with peaceful smile of anika.. He came to hold her hands.. Anika - but it's bit cold there?? Mufeng - "ohh.. It's normal .. Wait I will bring shawl to you.. Then he move towards his old fashioned cupboard.. And take thick shwal maybe made of rabbit furr.. And put it on her.. Feeling soft white fabric she didn't brother to ask much.. If she asked.. Mufeng will explain in details.. That he had already made every thing ready for his partner.. This rabbit furr he himself hunted and made it.. Seeing that his anika is wearing his hand made shawal looking extremely cute.. He hold her and give it tight squeeze " Let God .. Today there is less cold.. As summer is arriving.. Otherwise in most year there will be thick layer of snow " .. Anika excited by it as she has never seen snow.. " Wow that's great.. I have never seen snow.. As my hometown mostly surrounded by mountain and i have work in a city were there was sea.. And extreme warm weather.. Never in my life I have enjoy snow.. " .. While walking towards garden.. He hinted with his finger to his shadow guards to keep distance from them.. Giving them privacy.. So there was no one around as they walk.. Only cold winds and little greenery greeted them. After reaching they began to take round looking at unknown plants anika mood was little complicated " Everything is so different here.. I don't even know the names of these plant and these cold weather.. Everything changes so fast in life.." Seeing her longing towards her hometown.. He try to divert her mind " Oh so you work near sea.. I have never been to sea before.. How does it look?? It must be great right?? 

Anika know he was changing topic but still reply " Yes it's very beautiful.. Sound waves coming from shore are music to ears.. I sometimes go there to sit for hours watching sunrise and sometime sunset.. It's just little far from my city.. But i ended up going there in vacation.. Sea was truly vast and deep.. And gives peace to soul.. As it's flowing waves teaches us to go with flow.. Always be calm.. And if situation desire create storm .. Hahaaa ". Listening from her about sea.. He also had longing feeling.. How good that will be if he goes and enjoy sunset with her. While holding her hand he says "here also there was beautiful spots, river and mountain.. I will take you there when you want.. You like snow.. Right? Just wait for 5 months and there will be thick layer of snow will there in surrounding. Anika - "so you like cold weather??" Mufeng. - No... Anika - " Why.. Snow are beautiful?" Mufeng took deep breath and said.." In cold season here there will be more death.. Especially females.. They can't preserve themselves from cold wind.. Even though we try our best.. But death rate here increasing every season" . Anika was shocked and asked " Then why don't use wood and coal to keep them warm?? " Mufeng make her sit in rock beside fountain .. " Because not many can afford wood, and appropriate amount of food and lack of medcine was also the reason for that.. That's why my third brother mu yang " Dedicated his life to medicine.. He want to decrease this death rate.. My 2 brother mu heng shi was good in business try to store a ways to improve standard of living by providing woods and cloths.. And fourth brother mu qing who although has carefree nature. But still during cold season he tries to gather as much food he can get to distribute to citizens.. " Listening him talk about his brother.. She said " Your brothers are impressive.. One is good in business, another one in medicine and last one has big heart and compassion towards people". Seeing that she had made nice image of three brats in her heart.. He wish to slap himself for being talkative .. Why he has mention that three brats.. He finally got chance to spend time with her and he ruined it himself. " No they are not that great.. It's there duty as prince to serve their country.. One of them is profiteer only give priority to money, another one is need only knows about reading and last one is idiot foodie.. He just live carefree life.. I am only among them is great in martial arts and managing the kingdom.. " Seeing that he his back bitching his brother Anika laugh.. " It's ok it's human nature.. We eldest child have birth right to diss our younger one. My brother babu.. He was just cry baby and my sister gauri such moody and have lot of arrogance in her. We all three always fight but infront of enemy we fight back together.. I front of our parents we always support each in fulfilling dreams.. It's happen between siblings I understand.. ".... By listening her He started feeling little guilty towards his brother for keeping Anika's arrival secret. But he knows that his brother's spy will definitely inform them and they will reach here in two three days.. Than he will lose the chance of this peaceful talk with her.. Especially with mu qing he was such a sweet talker... He will directly gets attention of her and flirty nature of second brother mu heng is always disgusted him.. And handsomeness of his third brother mu yang.. Ohh.. He is more handsome compare to all of them. Thinking about this.. He feel less guilty..because those brat are so Scheming.. Anika " So they all live here in the house??

Mufeng - "yes, we always goes around for work and have little time together.. So we decided to live together even though we can afford different mansion for ourselves". Anika " That's so sweet.. This shows you all have great bonding.. I would love to meet them.. Where are they??" "They have their own work.. And will come back in two threes days he replied. Let's goes it little cold here and we are here for hours.. You maybe tired let's gets rest in bed.. While we enjoy supper there ".. Anika hold her shawl tightly and said "ok.. Let's go ".. Hey mufeng.. Why didn't I see anyone while coming.. You are prince .. So were are those so called guards and servants? " "I made them leave so no one can distrub us.. I will introduce you to them tomorrow morning"