
India: On a Quest to Make India Great Again

India took many stupid decisions like partition, declining UN seat and Nepal. Rudra, a DRDO scientist was assassinated by Pakistan. When he opens his eyes again he is transmigrated into a Hindu Bengali family with knowledge about many subjects to help him in his quest to make India great again ######## it is inspired from solaceviolet's 'ww1: after the war, i became the leader of India' and fanficworld07's 'India: I became the first pm of India' It is a work of pure fiction set in an AU. None of these things are real and my own thoughts and are not towards some group, race, culture etc.

FlameSpear · Urban
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43 Chs

4. Interview

1909 Boston, USA

Like that 2 years went by, I have become worldwide famous for my theories and innovations and my arms company is supplying US army better quality weapons and earning nice profit. I have finally decided to give New York Times as I have acquired around 2% shares of its shares.

The interviewer soon came and introduced himself as Alex Knight. He came straight to business without beating around the bush and asked "Mr. Singh, you first came in spotlight when you published your papers on your quantum atomic module in which you proved that Rutherford's atomic model is false as well as introduced your own atomic model based on their atomic number and kept releasing papers on different things but you have denied every request for interview till now. So my question is why did you agree to this interview now?"

"I thought that it's about time answer some questions people have about me and start thinking me as an arrogant prik." I answered with a calm smile on my face.

"But why did you choose NYT specifically." He asked.

"Because I thought I should answer everyone's question and I may also need support from different govt. for my research on other theories and discoveries in which I need specific resources" I replied.

"Then why did you denied BBC." He questioned

"We all know that it is a channel to spread British government's propoganda over world. I didn't want them to change the interview to suit their agendas. I also bought your companies shares so I can be sure you wouldn't distort facts." I answered. He grew slightly nervous after learning that I have bought their shares.

"So how did you get the idea for these theories that you published in your papers." He questioned

"Well the things like quantum atomic model, I just thought to simplify them and just got an idea one day, as for my multiverse theory and other theories that I published and will publish, they are given in our scriptures and cultural books like Vedas, Puranas, Upanishad, etc. from which I studied before coming to America." I replied. Alex grew curious hearing my reply.

"So you are saying that all these theories are already written in your scriptures and cultural books" He asked while frowning.

"Yes they are, and they were taught to all students in our gurukuls but the Britishers banned these gurukuls and closed millions of gurukuls and burned our libraries and universities. You have to understand that Sanatan culture and many African culture has always been science promoting culture. We pray to goddess Saraswati, the goddess is knowledge. But you wouldn't understand this because I heard that Galileo was killed when he introduced his theory of earth is round not flat and is revolving around sun not the other way round and even after that it took years for you to accept these facts but in my culture it was already known that earth is round, their are 9 planets in our solar system that revolve around sun. But those barbarians just to prove their superiority are stealing this knowledge and burning it to stop it from being and then showing as their achievements and discoveries." I replied slightly heatedly. He was shocked by my reply.

"So don't you think that you are stealing the credit by publishing them in your name." He asked. I understood his trick instantly. He wants to show me as a thief who stole others work to take credit, wel two can play this game.

"Well some may think like that but I never said that those theories are mine that I discovered on my own. I just published those so that other nations don't steal it in future and publish it in their name. And I know many nation wouldn't think twice before denying them in future when we propose them but will make them facts discovered and proved by their scientist when they find out that they are infact true. Just like British, Portuguese and others that can't think beyond that book that is written by man but still says are god's words. Stupid barbarians." I replied. He was stunned by my forwardness and fearlessness of how I accused many strong nations of theft.

"So you are saying that these nations are thieves stealing your wealth and knowledge." He asked trying to bring me in a tight spot. But I have already decided that these nations are my enemies and I have become too important for US to just hand me over.

"Yes they are thieves that are stealing not only from but my whole nation, not only that they steal from temples and mosques, taking anything they can be it idols of gods or relics of our history and burning and destroying what they can't. Don't you know as a former colony how many nations they looted, how many cultures they destroyed, afterall they also destroyed your culture and civilisation and now no native Americans can be found in this land." I answered heatedly. He grew nervous when I mentioned their past of them being a former colony.

"So what are your thoughts on British colonizing your nation." He asked carefully.

"They are a blight on the blessed soil of my nation that needs to be removed. They grow poison on our soil, sell my people in slavery and kills people for fun. They have many time the population of their nation but still acts high and mightyas if we all are below them.

And I announce that if anything happens to me now or when I return to my nation or am arrested then Britishers are behind it and have arrested me on false charges. I hope that America will protect me and my family here and would not let those savages do as they please in America." I replied trapping them in wordplay.

After this he didn't dare ask more questions, afraid of what I will say or the reaction of those colonialists. But whatever their reaction be, I am satisfied that I defame them and they can't do anything without making an international crisis out of it.