
India: On a Quest to Make India Great Again

India took many stupid decisions like partition, declining UN seat and Nepal. Rudra, a DRDO scientist was assassinated by Pakistan. When he opens his eyes again he is transmigrated into a Hindu Bengali family with knowledge about many subjects to help him in his quest to make India great again ######## it is inspired from solaceviolet's 'ww1: after the war, i became the leader of India' and fanficworld07's 'India: I became the first pm of India' It is a work of pure fiction set in an AU. None of these things are real and my own thoughts and are not towards some group, race, culture etc.

FlameSpear · Urban
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43 Chs

31. Death of Some Fools

1953, India

I faced severe backlash in politics when it was found that I have a nuclear warhead created and tested without anyone knowing, not from my party as they understood the need for secrecy and for nuclear bombs but politicians like those of Congress that only see India as a backwater country were my main opposition but they were set straight after a strong rebuke and sarcastically questioning that whether they want us to stop manufacturing weapons completely as well.

But seeing how this war affected our food reserves, if not for green revolution many people would have died from hunger, and how many essential goods were charged higher prices by companies I proposed a bill for military economy under which if India declares war with anyone than all the essential industries of the country will come under government control till the end of war. This is to keep the prices of goods needed by the goverment stable. The companies who contributed in the war efforts can obtain loans from government at very low to no interest rate, low taxes for next few years etc. in future for the advantage their rival company gain over them in this time period.

Over this period the fashion industry has evolved a lot. Some narrow minded individuals tried making a ruckus of how these dresses are so short and all but were quickly silenced when the facts are thrown on their face that India is a hot country and completely covering yourself in clothes will only lead to decline in health.

On my suggestion my sister along with many other textile companies started fashion shows for all kinds of clothes which they could show in their private own fashion magazines and a Mr and Mrs India contest was also started by government to promote the new fashion. Similiar contest were organised for every state as well.

This opened a new industry for modelling which also supported film industry as well. Some industries supporting film industries like textile industry for actors and setting up different sets etc. were also set up. A strict check on nepotism is being maintained on film industry. If ten new actors from India don't enter the industry every generation than a strict investigation is conducted for finding out the reason.

Similarly the automobile industry, in which many new companies have started after the release of the cars by my company and Tata motors, has started creating sports car and bikes in the country and race tracks are being created for the races that will be conducted in future.

Cooking competition are being organised which are largely funded by large hotel chain owners to pick out the talent hidden in the local kitchens and increase the taste of the food of their hotels and restaurants.

Roads highways and other government projects are coming along nicely in every state. At first we were paying the labour in money but soon we started to pay them in grain as its production has shown a great boom in production, to gather more people who are suffering from hunger. All the increased grain produced is bought by government and is used to pay the poor labour who can't afford food.

A system was developed in which those workers who contributes a more than average are assigned the lands taken from zamindars and nobles in their village for a 99 year lease. But this was only focused on landless labourers. All the details of the worker is given to the nearest government office and they are assigned a number so that every worker can be evaluated easily. After the completion of project they are assigned the land.

This way we started by first building canals in every village to provide sufficient water to every village. Then bridges, roads and highways are constructed. Similarly many government buildings, drainage, plumbing etc are being constructed.

It can be seen that green revolution was a major hit. Employing modern farming techniques like four field crop rotation and tools like tractors and pumps and drip irrigation has increased the harvest and it will keep increasing for the next year before stablising.

This increased the efficiency and productivity of workers in every sector and after finding about this meritorial system of land leasing workers became even more motivated.

In this period negotiation with Bhutan and Nepal also came to an end and they became a part of India with the current king being equal to the CM till his death and then the government will turn democratic.

Along with this, a bill was passed in parliament for the division of NIA(see auxiliary ch 4) into 3 seprate division.

First RAW, responsible for gathering intelligence and responding to threats from outside India.

Second SHIELD (check marvel full form) , responsible for monitoring internal matters like foreign funding, brainwashing, safety of scientist, engineers and high ranking politician and their families etc.

Third NIA (National Information Agency), responsible for countering terrorism and eliminating terrorist all over India.

The working of these 3 organisation will be top secret and intelligence gathered by them will be kept secret until it has grown obsolete and will only be known to military officials, PM and President and talking about this information even with head of states of foreign nations without express permission from the head of these organisations will be treated as treason of highest order.

The last clause was specifically for fools like moraji desai (this fool don't deserve his name's first letter in capital) who somehow was able to gain a seat in parliament even now. And as expected he and his supporters were the most vocal opposers of this bill but could stop it from passing as even many of Congress MP agreed with this.

When he couldn't get his wish he decided to protest go on protest and started hunger strike with his supporters. Many media channels covered this but when we revealed his reasons for this hunger strike and how he is just trying to blackmailing government to gain top information and maybe sell it to foreign countries and hindering defence of India all his support from general populace was cut off.

We gave him a time of 10 days to stop this childish tantrum that he calls strike or be treated as a traitor of the nation. When he didn't stop his strike even after 10 days he and his supporters were arrested and all their bank accounts and property were ceased and a thorough investigation took place.

But they didn't stop their hunger strike even in jail so media was allowed inside to keep an eye on them and to show that they are being treated well. They were kept under 24 hours surveillance by media and police. When they didn't break their strike and refused to go to hospital, take glucose or anything, they all passed away in their sleep due to hunger.

He was remembered as a fool who died in a childish tantrum because he wanted some more power or to benefit from the lives of our brave agents.