
India: On a Quest to Make India Great Again

India took many stupid decisions like partition, declining UN seat and Nepal. Rudra, a DRDO scientist was assassinated by Pakistan. When he opens his eyes again he is transmigrated into a Hindu Bengali family with knowledge about many subjects to help him in his quest to make India great again ######## it is inspired from solaceviolet's 'ww1: after the war, i became the leader of India' and fanficworld07's 'India: I became the first pm of India' It is a work of pure fiction set in an AU. None of these things are real and my own thoughts and are not towards some group, race, culture etc.

FlameSpear · Urban
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29. Indo-Sino War

1951, India

After various attempts by China to integrate Tibet diplomatically and failing because of our warning to tibet, they finally decided to go on war with Tibet. But winning Tibet was not so easy. It is completely covered by its mountain ranges and its forts, temprature and higher ground over enemies gives them a advantage over China but things were not so simple. It looks like China is looking to win this war through numerical superiority and better weapons which are provided to it by USSR, despite their mounting causality.

Tibet was losing ground very fast because of it. And they cannot hold Tibet like this for long. Maybe because of this reason Dalai Lama decided to seek help from us. He knew that we have decided to remain neutral in foreign affairs. That's why he decided to make Tibet a part of India with the governance remaining under Dalai Lama and being able to seprate from India after 40 years if general populace wants to with India only responsible for defence and foreign policy of Tibet till then.

As a president was yet to be selected this matter was discussed in a parliamentary session in which Congress and some supporters of Gandhi in other parties were the main opposition they were silenced after giving them a reality check that China will also target is for the area of Ladakh that they call akshai chin. While all this was finalised but somehow Mao learned about it and assassinated each and every high profile government officials who knew about except some who were alive through pure luck.

Seeing this India joined the war after these officials declared to media the decision of their late Dalai Lama. And that's how India entered into Sino-Tibet war and it became Indo-Sino war.

All the planning, tactics and execution was left to Sam Manekshaw and Arjan Singh (First Air Marshal of India). They conducted joint operation and many camps of Chinese army were raided and bombed not only in Tibet but also in Chinese territory of which we learned through the information provided by Tibet government which was in disarray before our arrival and taking control.

Our forces were preparing for this for 2 years in the Himalayan mountain range and Kashmir to get used to the cold and low air concentration in high peaks of Tibet.

But wars are not won so easily. Tibetan army that was around ten thousand was reduced to five thousand by the time Indian army arrived. And casualties didn't stop on our side by the time we recovered the lost are a of Tibet some five thousand personnel lost their lives and another thousand of Tibetan army.

But even after losing whatever land captured from Tibet and unable to gain any more land Mao didn't stop sacrificing his soldiers. If it was not for our great scientists who were successful in creating the first atomic bomb of India and some deals with USSR, the primary weapon provider of China, to put pressure on China to stop the war than it may have continued for a lot longer.

By the end of the war, we lost twenty thousand men and almost all of Tibetan army. But China lost somewhere around 1 lakh or 100 thousand soldiers and volunteers. And it was only because of our superior technology and the new weapons I designed for this eventuality.

But now we need to do the much more difficult work and that is to stabilise Tibet which is easier said than done. We faced much opposition from some people who were hiding in shadows so we searched about them and find out that these were the people who were bought by China by promised of high posts in Tibetan government and their leader becoming the next Dalai Lama.

We exposed all these people's crime infront of the common populace of Tibet and they were executed. But this left the existing government even weaker and we can't trust the priests for a theocratic government. So, it was decided to conduct voting for common people on whether they want democracy or theocracy.

During this we promoted democracy from behind the scenes by regularly showing the corruption of government and much more and suppressing riots in the same manner as during Pakistan annexation. After election, 60 % people voted for democracy. So Tibet was decided into 2 states for better governance and 2 CMs were selected again through elections.

The 2 new CMs were very capable men and agreed with us to diminish the power of the priest to stop any future riots and plans for taking over government. And that's how the priest of Buddhism were slowly reduced to caretaker of temple and organiser of religious events in temple just like all other religions in India.

As for the deal with USSR, we were able to convince Afghanistan for a railway network along with a pipeline from USSR, for USSR's goods as USSR lacks an Ocean or sea that is not frozen for more than six months and that's why unsuitable for stable trade. USSR's goods will come to India through this rail network where USSR can conduct trade in our ports of Balochistan and Sindh. This network will be completely paid by USSR.

The naval base in Great Nicobar and other territories in Indian Ocean were strengthened and strictly ordered to hinder and if possible completely stop trade of China during this war.

While we agreed not to interfere in the internal matters of Tibet, the death of Dalai Lama was very beneficial to India as we gained a perfect natural defence from China for majority of our border with it. And seeing how the priests will lose all their power within next 5 years I don't think we will lose Tibet after 40 years period ends but knowing about ambition and lust of power of some people we decided not to invest much in Tibet other than for military purposes and it's foreign policy.

But because of this war Nepal and Bhutan is afraid of India as it borders their country from all side and could cut all their trade and tourism any time we want. So after witnessing the development of India they have finally started thinking of integrating with India.