
India: On a Quest to Make India Great Again

India took many stupid decisions like partition, declining UN seat and Nepal. Rudra, a DRDO scientist was assassinated by Pakistan. When he opens his eyes again he is transmigrated into a Hindu Bengali family with knowledge about many subjects to help him in his quest to make India great again ######## it is inspired from solaceviolet's 'ww1: after the war, i became the leader of India' and fanficworld07's 'India: I became the first pm of India' It is a work of pure fiction set in an AU. None of these things are real and my own thoughts and are not towards some group, race, culture etc.

FlameSpear · Urban
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43 Chs

25. United Asian Organisation (UAO)

1950, India

After returning from UK, I started working on making an organisation similiar to UN but only focussed on Asia as UN is more a place for European countries to make their problem the world's problem.

A building was being designed for this purpose and now it is finally finished. This building will have a floor designated for every country and more floors will be added to it as more nations will join it.

This organisation will be only for Asian countries dealing with problems of Asia. This is to reduce the power of UN in Asia. Afterall many Asian problems were never solved by UN but european problems were always solved ASAP.

This organisation has certain rules for the nations joining it. They are as follows-

* No military takeover or government under military rule will be allowed and will lose membership in future.

* Countries influenced or under foreign rule are not allowed.

* Two member nations are not allowed to go to war with each other. Doing so will lose membership, even permanent membership.

More rules will added in future but these are the ground rules for now. Japan, Indonesia, Tibet and many other countries have already been sent an invite to join and we are waiting for their replies.

I have secretly started rebellion in Iran, Iraq and almost every country in British Petroleum operates to remove the British influence from all the Asian countries. Instead, India will sell them the extraction and processing technology at cheaper price than all over the world and even technology on how to locate new rigs on the condition that they cannot sell it to other countries.

Britishers may have left India but they will always be my enemies for what they did to my country and what it's state would have been if not for me. Even after Indian market opens for foreign companies, Britain would still not be allowed as there is a saying 'once bitten, twice shy'.

While this will delay the oil supply of India it will create better relation with Islamic countries as many countries were slightly agitated by emergence of new dharmic Islam. Now India's support in these rebellion and providing cheap technology for the extraction and processing will help mending those relations.

That's why India recognised the rebels as actual government after they gained enough momentum. It didn't take much time for the governments to fall and new government was set up a mix of democratic and theocratic, constitutional monarchies or completely democratic depending on the countries previous government and how their government reacted to the rebellion.

This helped in making better relationswith many countries brought nice business to India, decreased British influence in Asia. So it is a ultimate win for India without anyone being the wiser. Many Asian countries also joined India after their rebellion as a thanks and to stop a military takeover.

We also negotiated with Afghanistan over border matters specifically area of pashtunas and decided on similiar relation like Nepal and Bhutan. Meaning a small price for visa, open borders for each other as the current government was more open minded due to the current weakness of Afghanistan as compared to middle ages. Afterall the conflicts between Indian kings and Afghani or other invaders always led to destruction in Afghanistan whether it is Indians kings or Islamic kings of other countries.

The current government is more in line with pathans of India and have similiar moral code as rajputs of India. So we agreed to these conditions but still kept our borders secured so that any organisation like Taliban don't trouble us.

All these countries joined UAO and Japan and Indonesia were made permanent members of the organisation.

On global scale many African countries have also started gaining independence and the whole continent should be free from foreign rule by 1960. India is ready to sell them all the technology they need for cheap price if it reduces european control over the world.

We showed special interest in the freedom of colonies of Portuguese, Dutch, French and British. While not showing any military support we supported them in a more under the table manner in whatever way they wanted till they gained independence.

We also warned Tibet to be prepared for a war with China as it's government will never accept theocracy and will either try to supress them or put their puppet in their place. Independence of Tibet is very important for India as it will act as a buffer for India from Chinese attack as India doesn't share much border with China currently, just in some parts of Arunachal Pradesh.

China was also sent an invite for a membership of UAO but it just said they will think about it. They will most likely try to join after Mao's death to use change in regime as a reason to join even after capturing Tibet and attacking India

We are also negotiating with Nepal and Bhutan for integration but their pride as only kingdom that was never won from outside was coming in between. We even discussed letting the current dynasty rule in a constitutional monarchy way.

But we still finalised a military alliance against China like NATO because if it captured Tibet they will share their second border with China which will be a danger for both of them.

Lanka was also easily integrated with India and devided into two states on the basis of linguistic majority so that Tamils are not forced to learn sinhala as people hold language very close to them.