
India: On a Quest to Make India Great Again

India took many stupid decisions like partition, declining UN seat and Nepal. Rudra, a DRDO scientist was assassinated by Pakistan. When he opens his eyes again he is transmigrated into a Hindu Bengali family with knowledge about many subjects to help him in his quest to make India great again ######## it is inspired from solaceviolet's 'ww1: after the war, i became the leader of India' and fanficworld07's 'India: I became the first pm of India' It is a work of pure fiction set in an AU. None of these things are real and my own thoughts and are not towards some group, race, culture etc.

FlameSpear · Urban
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43 Chs

2. In 20th Century

When Rudra opened his eyes he find himself in an unfamiliar room. At first he thought that he is brought to a hospital but when he looked around he couldn't find any hospital machines and it looked like a normal room. But he thought how can it be, I was shot in heart, where am I if not at a hospital.

When he went to check his wounds he saw that his hands are too short. When he looked at his body he find that he is very small. He looked around for a mirror and after finding it he looked at himself and found that he looks like a five year old. He started thinking that who is this boy and how am I in this body. Then suddenly he feels a sudden ache in his head and he is assaulted by memories of this body.

He finds that this boy is also coincidentally named Rudra for he is born on shivratri that is 22 Feb 1895, he is five years old right now and he died because of a head injury caused when playing. At first he felt sad for occupying this innocent boys body but than he thinks that the will die either way so, it is better that his parents don't have to suffer the heartbreak of their first child's death. He also found that he has knowledge about many other subjects than he studied in his previous life and many of the lost knowledge as well

Soon, a lady enters his room this was Saraswati, his mother. When she saw him awake she couldn't stop herself and hugged him and started crying. "Rudra, you are awake finally, I was so scared. The doctor said you might not wake up, I thought I lost you." She said hysterically and hugged him tighter.

"Maa, nothing happened to me see I am alright standing infrony of you" Replied Rudra. He felt bad for lying to this women but how was he supposed to tell her that her son died and this is someone else occupying her son's body.

"Wait here I will call your father, he will be very happy to hear that you have woken up and are alright. I should also call the doctor to check if everything is alright." Saraswati said and went call this body's father.

'Sigh, I think I should start calling this body as myself and not a third person that no longer exists' thought Rudra.

Soon Saraswati returned and behind her was a man and a boy following behind her. They were Uday Singh and Shakti Singh, his father and younger brother respectively.

As soon as his father and brother entered his brother ran and hugged his legs and his father asked "Are you alright Rudra, is it paining somewhere just wait doctor will come soon."

"I am alright father, thank you for asking but nothing happened to me" Rudra replied.

After fussing over him for sometime they clamed down, it helped that he has Rudra's memory in calming them down. Soon and english doctor came and checked over me he said that I am alright and just need some restand then he left. I never liked european or white's for that matter in previous life, their 'holier than you' and entitled attitude always set got on my nerves.

After they calmed down I decided to spin a tale of how Mahadev came in his dream while he was unconscious and told him that he was very angry with British destroying and stealing from temples, destroying our culture and forcing people to change their religion and how he asked him to stop the British and throw them out of Bharat. He also told him that to help him in this endeavour Mahadev gave him knowledge about many sciences and lost arts.

They were shocked after hearing this. My lie may not have worked in my time but in this age they believed me when I told them about many advanced things that I should not have known at my age. They thought they were blessed that Mahadev chose their son for this task but were also worried about something happening to him.

When they told him their worries he told them that he will be careful and he is not going to do anything now, he will wait for right opportunity and till then he will build his base. This assuaged their worries for now. When this news reached my whole family, yes in India we lived in joint family at that time, they thought I am an avatar of some god, my grandparents were most vocal about it. After they all calmed down we decided to keep our silence about it and only family members will know about it.

After some days

I was thinking about what to do and how to build up a strong base for future. I decided that I will start the freedom struggle after WW1, that was the time United Kingdom start losing their power. Before that I will have to gain enough fame and prestige that Britishers could not arrest or kill me without major backlash. I also decided to learn from Vedas and puranas as they have many latest scientific theories that took these white's centuries to prove and even more time to believe. I also decided to learn Kalaripayattu, an Indian martial arts that is father of all martial arts. So, I told my parents that I want to study in gurukul format and learn Kalari but it was difficult because Britishers banned gurukuls and Kalari to destroy our culture but they told me that our family have all those books and many scholars in our family that could teach me and that my chacha(father's younger brother) Rajveer has also secretly learned Kalari and wrestling.

I agreed and so my training began and I started soaking every knowledge like sponge. My parents woke me up at 4 in morning than after a bath my extended family thought me yoga and body strengthening exercise than after breakfast my theoretical knowledge began and then after lunch I was taught about kalari's forms. This remained my schedule for next few years.