
India : Godly Doctor

Vishnu Gupta, a graduate student at the N.D Medical University who is about to graduate, suddenly merged a memory, which gave him a lot of clinical experience and knowledge. A program called "Medical Road Offer" completely changed Vishnu's medical path. Vishnu, who has a low academic qualification, mingled with a group of highly educated and intelligent students and colleagues, and began his journey to fight monsters and upgrade to become a god. "Come on, Doctor Vishnu!" With the cheers of the audience and patients, Vishnu rushed all the way. This is a story of a medical student who gradually grew into a medical master. It is more of an everyday article, not a live broadcast article, please read with caution. Visit my patreon for latest content patreon.com/Jatin2808_

Vella_Jatin · Urban
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18 Chs

Operation in progress

  Priya Sharma looked at Vishnu.

  "You have explained the situation of peritonitis to the patient's family, right? The patient has gallbladder perforation. After the operation, the risk of infection is very high. You must pay special attention to this."

  Sometimes it is like this. You obviously hope that the patient will get better, but when explaining to the patient's family, you have to explain all kinds of risks, even from life to death. Many patients and their families said that doctors always like to scare them, saying that they will die of a disease after an operation.

  They are scared to death, but in the end, they are still fine. It's all in vain.

  But this is really not to scare the patient. Usually, the risks of gallbladder surgery must be explained, but those serious complications and even the risk of death are all glossed over. After all, the risk is only one in a thousand or one in ten thousand. There is really no need to worry too much. Just be mentally prepared. But the situation of gallbladder perforation is different.

  Not to mention those serious complications, even the risk of death has been increased to less than one percent.

  "Don't worry, teacher, I have explained everything clearly."

  Vishnu also knew Priya Sharma's worries. If something really went wrong, there would definitely be a lawsuit. The family members would not care how big the risk was. They would tell the outside world that someone from the First Affiliated Hospital had a gallbladder operation and killed someone. Then, some people with ulterior motives and keyboard warriors would exaggerate the matter. Even if it was reasonable, the hospital would have to pay compensation under pressure, or even hand the doctor over for talking back.

  This is the norm now, so doctors are becoming more and more careful

  when treating patients. Explain the risks before the operation, so that if something really goes wrong later, it will be easier to talk to the patient's family. Of course, this is just a psychological hope. For example, the patient's wife is fine, but I'm afraid that the brothers and sisters will not be able to get over it.

  The operation is still going on.


  The guests were also chatting enthusiastically at this time.

  "Teacher Mahesh, is Vishnu's progress a little fast?"

  Aman Chopra asked Mahesh Rana, the only doctor present. It was not that Aman Chopra specifically mentioned Vishnu, but the situation of others. Compared with Vishnu, Vishnu

  's progress was too outstanding. Farman and Vivek from the Department of Neurosurgery were still familiarizing themselves with the computer system and asking their senior brothers in the department for advice on medical record writing.

  Yuva and Luxmi from the Department of Cardiology were also working hard on the electrocardiogram. After entering the department, the teacher gave them their first task, which was to study the patient's electrocardiogram.

  The electrocardiogram is not only a routine examination in the Department of Cardiology, but also a must-do examination for patients in all departments before admission.

  The examination is cheap, simple to operate, and convenient. Each department is equipped with electrocardiogram equipment, and nurses can do it. With so many advantages, it can rule out most heart diseases, so it is naturally favored by various departments. However, the difficulty of reading the electrocardiogram is among the most difficult among all the examinations.

  Not to mention the interns who had just joined the department, even the senior cardiologists did not dare to say that they could fully understand the electrocardiogram.

  Although Yuva and Luxmi were both top students, they did not dare to say that they were proficient in the electrocardiogram.   

  Now, the instructor will come to test them soon. At this time, they can only refer to the medical records and look up books to try to understand the electrocardiogram in front of them as soon as possible. Seeing their frowning faces facing the red stripes, those who don't know would think they are speculating in stocks.

  Siya and jatin from the general surgery department are faster and have started to receive patients.

  Their task today is to take turns to see patients, from asking medical history to physical examination, to prescribing examinations and giving medical orders, etc., just to cultivate their ability to manage patients independently.

  However, it is their first time to manage patients. Whether it is seeing patients or writing medical records, there are many problems. Director Lucky has already scolded them badly. Fortunately, Director Lucky has an operation, otherwise, they would probably have to work miserably under the education of love.

  Compared with these three groups, Vishnu and Pooja from the emergency department are a bit more eye-catching.

  Vishnu and Pooja successfully received emergency patients and completed preoperative preparations. What's more, Vishnu has already started the operation. The contrast is huge.

  Especially Vishnu's performance in the operating room. There were also filming equipment in the operating room, but the patient was blurred. They still saw Vishnu's performance clearly. When Vishnu was disinfecting and laying the sheets just now, they were all prepared for Vishnu to be scolded. Who would have thought that Vishnu would survive like this? This made them very sad, and they didn't get to eat the melon.

  Of course, it was not completely without gain, such as Dr. Priya Sharma's first love.

  They were very curious. If this part was cut into the official video, would Priya Sharma be able to return home in the future?

  The other guests also looked at Mahesh Rana.

  Mahesh Rana nodded, "This progress is indeed a bit faster. According to my guess, the operation should start in the second stage. Of course, there is no specific standard for when these students can do what. After all, as doctors, we hope that students can grow quickly.

  Maybe Dr.Priya has not thought about this matter deliberately. The reason why he took Vishnu to the operation was just because he felt that Vishnu could be competent for the role of assistant. This is terrible. You know, Vishnu has only met Dr. Priya twice and has been in the emergency department for less than a day. It

  only took one day to win the trust of Dr. Priya. The height of what Vishnu has shown can be imagined."

  The guests looked at each other when they heard this. At this time, they had to accept a reality. So far, Vishnu is the best among the eight students. The

  second place in the written test and interview. After entering the department, whether it is writing medical records, communicating with patients, or operating, it seems to surprise them again and again. This made them suddenly think, will Vishnu really be one of the two people left in the end?

  Thinking of this, they were even more shocked. This was a real dark horse counterattack.

  Although they always talk about dark horse counterattacks, they basically don't believe in the story of dark horse counterattacks. They are just joking because they have seen too many people

  and things. What dark horse counterattacks are just the blessing of the foundation. But Vishnu is different. After all, his academic qualifications are there. "At present, Vishnu seems to be the best, but they don't show much. Whether it is writing medical records or doing operations, they can actually be honed. I believe that after a week, other students will be able to do well. After that, it actually depends on their real foundation. It depends on whether Vishnu can continue to be excellent."

  The speaker was Hua Muyuan. This seemed to be correct, but the inner meaning was that she was still not optimistic about Vishnu. In her opinion, whether it was writing medical records or doing operations, they did not show their real skills. These other students, after getting familiar with them, can also make rapid progress. The important thing is what they learned in college, and these things, Vishnu is definitely not comparable to other students.

  (End of this chapter)