
Jean carnival


My stomach remains flat,I still maintain my pretence with my roommates,joking,going out and just vibing,other times I was victors girlfriend,how I was smiling and being cheerful when my entire life had crumbled I don't know.

Victor kept encouraging me,he says we can keep the baby,he's almost done with school and we'll be fine,I believe him even though I've this strong hate for him somewhere inside he's trying to be there and make things right.

2nd semester exams came,I knew I'd been a little distracted,but I gave it my best shot,exams lasted two weeks, final year parties where going on all around school,tessa and my roommates cajoled me into going to one of those parties,a jean carnival...

It was quite a large gathering at social science,there was music and games,I needed this...

my girls and I just sit in a corner and observe,well until tessa runs after a man.

"na man go kill tessa sha" Jane scoffed

we all burst out laughing