
Commitment issues

play Ali gatie-running on my mind


My life wasn't perfect,but it was okay,being in this shit hole called a university,was terrible,if I hadn't dated that ife girl in my second year,my lecturer wouldn't have failed my courses,and thanks to him I've to spend an extra year in school,well I got to spend plenty of time with nora though,she's such a sweet girl.

I know she doesn't deserve an idiot like me,but she hasn't left me yet,I thought I'd gotten her all to myself at first and then she goes to Lagos,her idiot of a bestfriend had charmed his way into her heart,fear gripped me when she told me that night that she didn't want to be with me.

I grew green with jealousy and envy,but of course I didn't let that show,I'd scare her away for good so I invited her over,knowing nora,she has a good heart and can be easily taken advantage of,I didn't actually anticipate the events that took place.