
Chapter 3: Arrested

"I'm going home later." Thelo said while cooking breakfast.

I halted. "T-Take c-care, then."

Clearing the lump on my throat, I averted my gaze. I put my attention on putting cereals on a bowl.

"Don't you have plans on showing up at them?" He looked at me, "It's already seven years. They miss you so much."

I looked at him, pleadingly. "I'm not ready to face anyone yet. It's enough that only you, Yino, Summary and Bareea know that I'm here."

Guiltiness crept in me. I miss them, too. But I'm not ready yet.

"Don't worry and don't be scared. They will wait, princess." He genuinely smiled.

I bit my lower lip as I'm trying hard to restrain myself from crying.

I ran towards him and hugged him tightly. Like a button clicked, tears flow down to my cheeks.

He laughed. "You're still our crybaby princess. You're 25 years old, have you forgotten that?" He pinched my cheeks.

"Uh, sweet!" Yino exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes while wiping my tears. I went back to where I was seated.

Yino got my milk and put some on his glass. Suddenly, he pinched my left cheek.

"Still a crybaby," he mocked at me.

I shot him a glare. "Do you want me to kick your ass off my unit?"

He hushed me and open the television.

"The case of Eena's Fortalejo has been closed. Among the person suspected, Inspector Lipata identified the accused with concrete evidences. The inspector refused to reveal the identity. He just say," a video of Inspector Lipata appeared.

"He will be revealed when he is in the hands of the authorities."

I was left flabbergasted when Yino abruptly turned off the television.

"Dress up. Let's go to Triptivo's abode," Yino seriously said.

I looked at Thelo who seriously went to the room where they slept last night.

We have the same conclusion. The inspector used the pronoun 'he', one thing is only for sure. They were referring at Tivo.

Wearing peach v-neck oversized tee shirt inserted to my black trousers paired with rubber shoes, I tied my hair in a ponytail.

Am I ready? Of course, I should. Argh! Why should I be ready? This is the second time anyway. We will be there as his err-friends? yeah, friends.

I went outside when I'm contented with my look.

"Let's go," Yino led the way.

We were quite as we went to the parking lot.

"What are we exactly gonna do there?" I stated to broke the deafening silence.

Thelo shrugged. "I don't know. I was dragged by Yino's seriousness."

His widened eyes looked at us. "What?! You don't know what are we gonna do there?"

"You're the one who dragged us. So, we should be the one asking here." I crossed my arms in my chest.

We all stopped at the middle of the parking a lot.

"What's the point of going there?" Thelo is suppressing a laugh and I am, too.

Yino ran out of words and just went to his car.

And so we followed.

"I know Triptivo already have cogitated about this. I wonder what would be his plans." Thelo said, sitting at the passenger seat.

Maneuvering the car, Yino beamed, "I have a hint about the plan of that moron."

Silence again dominated. I know they are thinking about the case and so am I. Beating Fortalejos was like knocking at a hard wall.

I looked at the two, they are on a deep thought. There's an unidentified invisible tension at between the three of us.

I sighed and just wandered my eyes outside. But, my eyes end up widened with my mouth.

Goodness gracious!

A numerous people holding posters imprinted with different words about seeking justice for Eena with a tag of #JusticeForEena. They also are shouting, Jus-tice-for-Ee-na!

"Triptivo is indeed in trouble. This will going to be fvckin' mess up." I heard Thelo whispered.

My head almost bang at the passenger seat when the car abruptly stopped. Thanks to the seatbelt.

"The fvck, Yino! / The heck, Yino!" both Thelo and I exclaimed.

Yino raised both of his hands, eyes widened, nose flared and mouth opened. "Were you required to concurrently snort at me?"

"Seriously? You stepped at the foot brake abruptly. Goodness gracious! This will freaking kill me." I held my chest as it pound so fast. This might led me to heart attack. Goodness!

He put his crossed arms in his chest and raised his brow. "Do you want me to say 'Hey! I'm gonna step at the foot brake. Be prepared,' even if we are going to die from a car accident?"

I was about to speak when Thelo warned us, "I'm going to bump your heads with each other if you bicker again while I'm having a phone call."

My mouth really wanted to countered but I can't, so my left hand will handle that.

I hit Yino's nape. "Ouch!" Gotcha!

He looked at me, angrily. And to celebrate my victory, I smiled sweetly that makes him more annoyed.

"I can't go with you. I need run some errands." Thelo went outside of the car. "Take care," he left.

After that we arrived at Triptivo's place. I moved into the passenger seat and put on my seatbelt. Safety purposes.

We reached at Triptivo's place. This is his private property.

"Yino?! Cynwise?!" a familiar voice echoed when we went outside of the car.

Yino shrugged. "None other than."

Triptych ran towards us. She ran passed by Yino, whose arms were spread widely.

I laugh when I saw Yino hug himself.

"Are you really here?" Triptych pinched my cheeks.

"She's real, baby Tych. But, we are here not to take some chitchats with you. We are here for your brother." Yino faced Triptych at him. "We are so supportive right? Even if he will be arrested, we still support him. So, let us in to his abode and call your brother who is busy playing billiards."

I saw Triptych rolled his eyes after hearing Yino's barbarisms.

Like what he commanded, we did it.

After a few minutes, footsteps echoed at the house.

"Welcome to my glamorous abode!" a husky voice reverberated.

Voila! Yino's sudden mood swings functioned.

"Thank you, Mr. Lopez." He smiled mockingly. "You are under arrest."

Triptivo guffawed, "I'm waiting for them for the past few hour."

So, he really knew. He's waiting for them.

"I guess you are ready. This is a total mess, Triptivo." Yino turned serious.

Triptivo sighed and smiled. "I know, dude. I'm not a fool," then he laughed again.

He's the only person I know who is happy behind the fact that he knew he will be on bars.

"Do you want me to cry, don't you?" he seconded.

Yino smiled, it was a genuine one. "Nah. I hate your face."

"You should ask me first if I like or love your face before you stated you hate my face. On the contrary, I hate your face too." Thelo countered.

If I didn't know them, I can say that they were really arguing.

Triptych cleared her throat. "Just so you know, I and Cynwise are also here."

"Uh, sorry baby Tych!" Yino made his voice like a kid.

Triptych rendered him a mug face. "One more baby and I will punch your face."

"Hey, don't you know how to talk?" Triptivo asked me that made the two looked at me.

I cleared my throat. "I know. I just let you all blabber there. You might have been deprived for having the rights in blabbering."

Triptych laugh echoed at the house. "That was savage!"

A silence deafened when we hear a succession of doorbells.

"They're here." I could sense nervousness at Triptych's voice.

I looked at him. I won't deny it anymore. I am indeed worried.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine," he smiled at me genuinely. Triptivo knew that I was worried.

I don't know if that was a good thing or not.

We all went out of the house.

"Good morning, Ma'am. Is Mr. Triptivo Lopez here?" A police officer asked.

Triptivo raised his hand. "I am here. Is there anything I can do for you?" he acted like he's clueless.

The officer handed him a white paper.

The Warrant of Arrest.

Triptivo opened and read it. He didn't say anything after.

"Mr. Triptivo Lopez, you are under arrest on a suspicion of frustrated murder against Ms. Eena Fortalejo," the officer held Tivo's hands and put a handcuffs on it. "You have the right to remain silent. If you waive your right to remain silent, anything you say can and will use against you in a court of law. You have the right to have a lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire," the officer stated the Miranda of Rights at him.

Triptivo looked at his sister, "Call, Atty. Santiago"

Then he, with the police left with tranquility.

I hope he's doing the right thing for this mess.
