
Incubus In Danmahci (rewrite)

(I wrote a fan fiction with the same idea a while ago but I horny wrote it and I think that I could do better this time around) This story is about some guy randomly getting transmigrated into the world of Danmachi he learns pretty fast that maybe everything is going to be alright anyway.

bananaphone · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 21

My eyes flutter open and I'm assaulted with light. I feel a soft sensation on the back of my head.

My eyes quickly adjust and I take in the sight I wasn't able to before, a truly beautiful girl with emerald green eyes and long blonde hair, my eyes drift upward, with her signature blonde fox ears. I think about my current position. Ahh a lap pillow.

"Ah! You've awoken." I hear Haruhime state.

"Thank you for looking after me." I thank her as I relinquish my position and start getting up and stretching. I see her face turn sorrowful.

"That was the Ishtar Familia's captain right?" I asked her, and my question brought her out of her thoughts.

"Yes, that was Phryne, our captain." She replies shyly unsure of how to approach me. I sigh. I'll take this chance to strike the Ishtar Familia, they don't have Haruhime and I just beat their strongest member.

"I'll have to get rid of the Ishtar Familia, anyone you care about." I say seriously.

"Dd-d-do you h-have to? To all those people?" Haruhime asked me while stuttering.

"Ishtar probably felt her connection to her captain die out, and can still feel yours so not only will they continue to chase me, they will redouble their efforts once they realize that I might have kidnapped you." I tell her seriously.

"There is one person. Aisha" Haruhime told me, she also gave me a description so I could find her.

"Haruhime, I believe you should stay here. I'll be back as soon as I can." I tell her as I gift her some Valis to keep her afloat in Rivira for maybe a day or two while I sort this out.

I quickly make my way back up not wanting to face the wrath of my goddess.

I arrive in front of the gates to the Manor, to my surprise they open immediately revealing the group of executives that were going out to celebrate at the Hostess of Fertility. They were also surprised to see me.

"I suppose I'm right on time" I tell the group scratching my head.

"Cain!" Loki almost immediately jumped to my side and held onto my side like a koala.

"Well, it's time to head out." Finn starts the march forward anew.

As we entered the Hostess of Fertility I spotted both Syr and Bell in the corner of the room. I pretend like I didn't see them and enjoy the festivities. I challenged both Gareth and Loki to a drinking game and came out victorious since alcohol doesn't affect me. I also ate my heart out like everyone else. As the festivities were dying down a drunk Bete called for me.

"... and Cain, what's the deal with that girl that calls you her big brother anyway?" Bete asks me in the middle of a story, I didn't like that he was asking about Belle drunkenly again so I decided to try and change the subject.

"Ah- you mean Belle, she's a rookie I've taken under my wing." I tell Bete.

"What do you think, Cain? Just hypothetically, who would you choose? Us? Or the newbie?" he drunkenly provokes.

"Belle." I say calmly not giving it a second thought.

"What?! You'd rather have that newbie stand behind you than stand with us?" Bete slams the table with his fist and asks aggressively. I give him an icy stare and reply.

"You guys might be standing with me now, but 'that newbie' is the only one that can hope to stand with me later." I tell Bete and the Familia matter-of-factly.

I heard someone get up and run out of the bar, this time, however, I could see their face. Unlike last time, her face had a radiant smile that showcased her unbridled joy and a determined look in her eyes.

I didn't stop knowing this experience would prove invaluable to her in the future while some looked over and a waitress shouted after her.

"Belle." Syr tried to catch up with her but was unable to. When she halted her efforts I saw her sneak a glance in my direction and immediately her face gained a red hue. I go up to the barkeep Mia Grande and sigh.

"I'll pay her tab…" I say she gives a huge smile while telling me the amount, just how much food did she order? 

"Round of drinks! On Bete!" I exclaim the party's atmosphere now fully restored. We continued for almost the entire night.

I stayed awake until the dead of night and went to the only place that hasn't slowed down one bit, the place that never sleeps, The Red Light District, and at the center of it all, Belit Babili, home of the Ishtar Familia.

I entered the home of the Ishtar Familia pretending to be like everyone else, I did attract a few stares from others due to my delish good looks.

I approached someone who was standing guard.

"Can you report that Cain is here?" I ask him, he looks over at me surprised.

"Yes, I will tell her immediately." As he leaves his station.

{Ishtar POV}

I sit in contemplation of what to do, Phryne is gone, and I still feel Haruhime, so he has my key to beating Freya as well. I had already announced to my familia members that we would start a manhunt for him and to prepare.

Suddenly a guard burst into my throne room eager to report information.

"Speak!" I say authoritatively.

"Cain is inside the building and requests a meeting with you." A smile forces its way on my face as I reply.

"Gather the executives and then bring him here." I finished.

One by one executives of my familia entered and assumed their positions on either side of me except for my Aide, Tammuz Belili who stood behind me.

When everyone had gathered the door opened one final time. Revealing an incredibly handsome man, one that might even look better than some gods of beauty, he was tall and well built, with shining golden hair and bright crimson eyes, then I noticed something else.

An aura so ugly, yet it seemed to pull me in like a tornado, I could feel myself dripping at the whole sight of him. As he started to approach I smirked to myself as he looked over my body, eventually meeting my eyes as he stopped a good distance away.

"Let's make a deal Ishtar." He started, and I let him continue with his proposition.

"You give me 50% of the Red Light Districts earnings and disband your familia. In exchange I won't kill anybody" He offers I scoff as I get up from my throne and make sure to sway my hips, it had my desired effects and he was captivated by my body. Once I was close enough I threw myself on him and started tracing my fingers along his exposed skin to stimulate him. Being so close I unconsciously started smelling him and his scent was not something of this world, it was something too good to be made by even the gods, I could be in this position forever.

"Those terms… they are too harsh, perhaps we can discuss… another form of payment." I say seductively.

He immediately pried me off of him grabbed me by the throat and lifted me looking at me with an icy glare.

"Should I take that as you rejecting the deal?" He said not hiding his hostility. Why doesn't my charm work on him?!

"Unhand her! You bastard!" Tammuz says as he no doubt leaped into action, though I could not see him. The man in front of me though looked unperturbed by the oncoming assault. Without him ever taking his eyes off me I hear crackling from just behind me followed by a wet piercing sound.

By the reaction of my familia executives, I knew what had happened.

Tammuz had perished, unflinchingly, without him needing to take his eyes off me. The familia immediately took up battle stances ready to engage when two walls of fire appeared from thin air cutting them off from me, I could feel the searing heat on my skin.