
Incubus in Danmachi

this guy reincarnates into Danmachi with the help of a R.O.B

bananaphone · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

System Quest (18+)

Seeing that the new Arcanum has destroyed my falna I get worried that Hestia is going to be in a serious depression if I don't come back soon, so I take one last glance at my status and teleport back up to the church.


Name: Nick Knight

Level: 1600(299,164)

Job: Monarch of Lust (

Perverted Skills effectiveness increases by two times

Job Skills:

Ruler Authority lvl max - You are able to move and control objects with telekinesis)

Title: Demon King (Gives skill {Dominator lvl Max - Gains Height to look more dominating. People are more inclined to follow your words, awakens masochistic tendencies in women})

The One Who Conquered the Dungeon (Gives skill {King of the Dungeon lvl MAX - You know everything that happens in the dungeon and can control the dungeon})

Fatigue: 0

Gold: 348B

HP: 150,000 (7,224,900)

MP: 150,000 (7,225,100)

AP: 150,000 (7,539,200)

Strength: 1500 (299,191)

Endurance: 1500 (299,190)

Dexterity: 1500 (299,184)

Agility: 1500 (299,180)

Magic: 1500 (299,188)

Aura(Evolved version of Qi): 3000 (545,744)

Remaining Points: 0

Affinity: 1000

Physical Damage Reduction: 77.3%

Magical Damage Reduction: 67.3%


(Combat Skills)

{Elemental Mastery lvl MAX - You fully mastered every basic element, creating skills Space Magic, Barrier Magic and Lightning Magic}

{Greatsword Aura Mastery lvl MAX - You have mastered the art of combining Greatswordmaship and Aura (Combined from Greatswordmanship and Sword Aura(Evolved version of Sword Qi))}

{Space Manipulation lvl MAX - The laws of space no longer are applied to you}

{Time Manipulation lvl MAX - The flow of time no longer applies to you}

{Absolute Barrier lvl MAX - You can construct barriers that cannot be broken, and can manipulate time and space (Evolved from Barrier Magic using Time Manipulation, and Space Manipulation)}

{Lightning Mastery lvl MAX - You have fully mastered the element of lighting, creating skills Destruction Magic, Holy Lighting Magic}

{War God lvl MAX - Your abilities are raised by 1000% for each opponent you are outnumbered by}

{Holy Lighting Mastery lvl MAX - You have mastered holy lightning}

{Destruction Mastery lvl MAX - You have mastered destruction}

(Active Skills)

{Wife Seal - Makes a target your Wife(Must be done consensually)[Affected by Monarch of Lust]}{Slave Seal - Makes a Target your Slave(Must be done consensually)[Affected by Monarch of Lust]}{Onahole Seal - Makes a target your Onahole(Must be done consensually)[Affected by Monarch of Lust]}{Body Fluid Control - You have full control over your body fluids}{Fertility Control - You decide if you make kids or not}

(Passive Skills)

{Absolute Charm - Everything about you attracts even the most emotionless women On - (OFF)}{Perfect Body - Your body is perfect in every way for Martial arts, magic, and in the eyes of Women}{Aphrodisiac Body Fluids - Your body fluids are equal to that of a very strong aphrodisiac they also taste amazing On - (OFF)[Affected by Monarch of Lust]}{Addictive Touch - Your touch is addictive to women On - (OFF)[Affected by Monarch of Lust]}{Demonic Dick--> Godly Cock - Your dick size and semen output is drastically increased it also moulds the body to fit you perfectly[Affected by Monarch of Lust]}{Godly Growth Rate - You grow at a rate 100x faster than most humans}{Infinite Libido - You have infinite Libido On - (OFF)}{Abnormal Resistance lvl. 10 - Negates the effect of abnormalities such as poison}{Great Sage lvl. 12 - Exponentially improves power, widens effect range, and makes mana usage efficient.}{Luck lvl. Max - Improves Luck}{Deleter - Exponentially improves abilities against monsters that the user had fought before and gained excelia from.}{Strong Body→Steel Body - Increases physical resistance by 10%}{Rafaela, Lord of Wisdom - A genderswapped Raphael with the same powers i.g. Alteration, Future Attack Prediction, All of Creation}{Divine Aura - You have an overwhelming divine presence that anyone can sense}{Arcanum - A lock placed on your stats for the world's wellbeing (ON) - Off}{King of the Dungeon lvl MAX - You know everything that happens in the dungeon and can control the dungeon}{Dominator lvl Max - Gains Height to look more dominating. People are more inclined to follow your words, awakens masochistic tendencies in women}

I hear loud crying from outside the church, I steel myself before walking into the church, no matter how strong you are, you do not want to see a girl crying from sadness. I slowly open the door.

"Hestia?" I ask peering my head in the church slowly

I hear the crying stop before hearing some loud, hurried footsteps in my direction. Coming face-to-face with me I can see the sorrow and comfort on her face.

"Nick? W-w-what happened? Why c-can't I feel your falna?" Hestia asks while her puffy red cheeks still produce more tears.

Wordlessly I walked over to her and started patting her head, she looked better afterward, but i still had to answer her question.

"This might sound crazy, but I cleared the dungeon. As a reward, it made me into a god." I said looking deeply into the oceanic eyes of the short goddess, whose head was now level with my stomach in height after the gaining of my title.

Hestia was stunned into silence for a second before she gained her composure and looked even more shocked upon realizing the undeniable divine aura terminating from her now ex-familia member.

"Huh, if it's you I'll believe it, Mr. lvl 6 in one trip to the dungeon is no big deal" Hestia sighed. Hestia was really glad that Nick was still alive. Noticing that she still was getting her head pat tho her face got red like a tomato and went back to the couch.

[Quest Availible]

[Quest: Corrupting the Virgin Goddesses 0/3

Steal the virginity of the 3 Virgin Goddesses and imprint them with the 3 different seals in your possession


Hestia 0/1

Athena 0/1

Artemis 0/1

Rewards: 3x random perverted skills]

'I figured something like this could happen. Well, when the system asks it shall receive' I thought. Hestia being a goddess of family and home is the prime wife seal material, on the other hand, Athena is the Goddess of Wisdom and having her as a slave might be helpful. That leaves Artemis to be the Onahole. I enable some of the skills that have been laying dormant since I arrived in this world.

[Absolute Charm Has Been Enabled]

[Aphrodisiac Body Fluids Has Been Enabled]

[Infinite Libido Has Been Enabled]

I walked into the living room to be greeted by a sulking Hestia, but when she looked up out of instinct to see who entered the room all I saw were hearts glowing in her eyes. I walked to the couch and picked her up, sat down and plopped her on my lap. I started to tease her a bit, I placed my hands on top of her stomach and started playing around with her belly button. I slowly moved farther up, and while doing this I notice Hestia unconsciously moving her thighs up and down.

I accelerate one of my hands faster than the other and speed past my initial target and reach Hestia's mouth I then stick my index finger into her mouth, and Hestia starts instinctually licking it. I use Body Fluid Control to make some sweat. I then moved my other hand to its original destination of Hestia's breasts and start fondling, despite the massive size difference her boobs still could not fit inside of his hand.

"AAahhnnn~♡ Nick help me~~" Hestia moaned, she stopped licking my finger to speak properly.

"Help you with what?" I said smugly while still fondling her breast

"Aahn~♡ My lower regions are so itchy~" Hestia continued barely able to string sentences together.

"I'll agree if you become my wife," I tell her

"I'll become your wife~, you are the person I love the most~, the person who joined my familiar first~, I love you sho~ much~" she started licking my finger by the end of her phrase. I could feel the seal imprint itself onto her.

I get off of the couch with Hestia and set her down on the floor on her feet, she had trouble with her balance, but managed. I pulled down my pants to reveal the new and improved Bicthbreaker 3000 it landed right between her massive titties and naked along her body until it reached her mouth.

"So basically the technique is..." I explained the technique I had in mind which has a standing boobjob mixed with a blowjob. Hestia started her amateur attempt before I finished explaining it, but she quickly got the hang of it.


"Stop, I'll help you now" I say while I sit down, my now 18-inch cock at full mast pointing straight up into the ceiling.

Hestia looked a little nervous but I urged her to stand up on the couch and slowly descent onto my dick. When she made contact with my cock, she paused and steel her determination and stuck my dick in her pussy. After breaking her hymen Hestia thought that she would feel pain but instead what she felt was an indescribable pleasure.

"AAahhnnn~♡" Hestia moaned out

[Quest updated: Corrupting the Virgin Goddesses 1/3]

'Might as well give our voyeurist a good show now that that's done' I think as I slam my full dicks length into Hestia virgin pussy