
Incubus in Danmachi

this guy reincarnates into Danmachi with the help of a R.O.B

bananaphone · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Summoning 18+

(A/N this is my first attempt at something 18+ so, please be a little lenient)

When I wake up, I feel a pain in my head because all of the information on how to use my abilities to being imprinted into me, I discover that i am quite tall in this life, given that the double bed could not fit me very well. I look around the room I'm in to to confirm if I am really in the world of Danmachi, and low and behold I see in the window the Tower of Babel, a staple in the City of Adventurers, Orario.

As soon as that is confirmed I try to think that I am in my pocket dimension, then I am immediatly brought to an field of grass with a nice claming breeze, I immediatly notice a screen in front of a magic circle with the words.

[Eligible random summon now or wait for 1679h 56m 21s to get a choice]

I first check if I already have a falna just in case, not surprisingly I do not. I start construction on a mansion for me and my women, when I'm done I decide to make the screen only visible by him and move it to inside the mansion, just infront of the door, I also make sure to hide the magic circle.

I pull down my loose pants to see how good the body of an Incubus really is, truns out its fantastic. A dick that is 8 inches completly soft and the width was similar to a forearm.

'I feel like testing my luck, especially after reincarnating' I thought

I go into the entrace to the mansion and close the door, then I press random summon.

A huge flash of light suffocates the whole dimension.

He sees a figure slowly walking out of the light.

She is curvy, Good!

As the figure aproachs the mansion more and mare they get less obscured until I can tell who she is.


Soon the light fades and I decide to make my move and open the door

"Hello, you're here for the maid job right, come in" I ushered her to come in. She seemed to be in a type of daze because she just stood there with her legs shaking for a little before eventually coming in.

"Jeez! I'm not here for-" Fubuki tried to say before i cut her off

"Water, Tea or Coffee?" I ask coldly

"Water, please" she said meekly

I point to the couch's facing one another, telling her to sit.

With an OK I go into the kitchen and pour some of my sweat into a drinking cup for her, I make my way back.

"Here you go" I say neutrally

"Thank you" She said with a heavy blush

Our hands "accidentally" touch when I give her the drink.

"AAahhnnn~♡" Fubuki moaned. I could tell that she came pretty hard because her green dress darkened all around her pussy.

'This might be easier than i thought'

I sit face-to-face with Fubuki and start to ask her some "interview" questions

"Whats your name?"


"Previous occupation?"

"Gang Leader, I guess"

"Cup size?"


After a couple questions her throat gets a little sore and she takes a sip and the "water", but because it tates so good she starts downing the whole thing. While waiting for it to take a effect I'll talk a bit.

"I'm your Master you will refer to me as such, but my real name is Nick Knight." I say with an assertive tone, Fubuki just keeps getting wetter and wetter

"You might be my maid if you can answer this one simple question, Do you wanna be my Onahole?" I say with an evil grin.

"AAahhnnn~♡ Yes I agree I am you onahole-AAahhnnn~♡ n-now" While she says this an unseen mark is imprinted on her crotch showing what she is.

"Strip. I am gonna use you right now." I say commandingly

She does not hesitate to take off her clothes. She also understands that now its time for her to pleasure her master. Fubuki puts herself in between my legs and takes of my pants to find my dragon, it flops down onto her face, she then starts licking the shaft up and down like an ice cream cone while playing with my balls and herself. Until it gets to its full mast of 15 inches

She suddenly puts my cock into her mouth and starts sucking *slurp**slurp**slurp*. She sucks like a vaccum while moving up and down my shaft, I decide its time for me totake charge and I grab two fistfuls of hair and ram all of my cock down her throat. Fubuki's eyes roll into her head while she starts play with herself with more vigor, she cums hard, so hard in fact she faints. I take her head off of my cock, stand up, and position her thighs to be surrounding my cock.

I lift Fubuki off of my dick only to position my tip at her pussy lips, with out the slightest hesitation I force Fubuki down onto my cock. This pleasure jolts Fubuki awake and she is instantly cums and starts moaning .

"AAahhnnn~♡ Master AAahhnnn~♡ USE ME! AAahhnnn~♡ I love it wh-AAahhnnn~♡-en you use me AAahhnnn~♡"

With each thrust the feeling of Fubuki's pussy gets better and better, tighter and tighter, and soon its time for me to cum. I don't bother announcing it, but with one final thrust into Fubuki I cum into her womb. After 10 seconds of ejaculation in Fubuki I lift her off of my dick and let her fall to the floor with a thud, Fubuki immediately tries to collect as much semen into her mouth as possible, naturally she fails a couple times, but it lead to a glorious sight, Fubuki sitting down on her knees with her mouth open, tougne out with cum all over her body.

After a minute of making a mess of the living room i stop ejaculation, much to Fubuki's dismay

"Clean up and prepare for my next visit, slut" I say cammandingly

"As you wish, Master" Fubuki says while failing to hold on to her last shred of consciousness.

With this I have confirmed the perks of the Incubus race, bring it on Danmachi.