
Incubus in Danmachi

this guy reincarnates into Danmachi with the help of a R.O.B

bananaphone · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Getting Strong

I arranged my stat points that I got before heading out.

[HP: 2400

MP: 2100

Strength: 25

Endurance: 24

Dexterity: 19

Agility: 19

Magic: 21]

Deciding on what I'm going to do next I make a b-line for the Dungeon. Nothing eventful happened on my way there, I only received tons of lustful gazes from women. When I walked into the guild I notice three guild employees with empty lines, naturally, I decided to go to the one I find the most pleasing to the eyes.

"Hello, I would like to apply to become an adventurer!" I say in front of the receptionist, who i know as Eina Tulle

"Please fill out this f-f-f-form" she slid me a form and looked in my direction at the same time causing her to become flustered. I don't have a problem understanding this world's written language so I fill out the form and give it back.

"Uhmmm excuse me but, you forgot to fill out the Familia section, sir." She says having recovered from her earlier embarrassment.

"Nope I didn't forget, I just don't have one" I say with a big smile on my face, which seems to be the only thing stopping her from hitting me

"I was hoping you would help me out with that, and also teach me about the dungeon" I ask of her. I hear her sigh but to my surprise, she accepts to become my advisor and she brings me into her office so we can talk freely.

"Ok, from what I hear you want to be in an Exploration Familia, but do you have any Familia specifically that you want to join?" she asks me

"I want to join the new Hestia Familia" I say without delay. Eina looks outside and then back at me.

"Your lucky, she is about to arrive at the guild for her recruitment" She says with a sigh

Eina leaves the room and tells me that she'll return with Hestia and to just wait for a bit, not long after I hear an excited voice approaching and when the door opens I stand up and look at the door and see the half-elf I had seen prior, but what joined her truly was worthy of the title goddess with gravity-defying assets and clothes along with her perfectly sculpted face and silky smooth hair, despite her very small stature she was still worthy of a goddess. While I was admiring her it was obvious that she was doing the same, she just looked absolutely stunned.

"Hestia, I would like to join your Familia" I ask formally while bowing.

"I would love it if you joined me, now let's make this official, follow me" Hestia said with a smile that could illuminate the night

I didn't protest her walking me to our home. The walk was pretty short, Hestia hummed the entire walk. We stopped in front of a run-down church.

"Welcome to your new home Nick!" Hestia said cheerfully

"Thank you Hestia!" I thank her

We both enter and I take off my light shirt that I was wearing.

"ababbabababababab w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what a-a-ar-a-r-ar-are y-y-y-y-you d-d-d-d-d-doing" Hestia was able to utter with much difficulty and with her face as red as a tomato.

"Well, you see I want my falna so I can make some money so I can treat you!" I say innocently

"O-o-ok" she mumbles and points to the couch. I lay down face down on the couch and close my eyes, and she gets ready to imprint me with her falna. Soon I feel a soft and squishy sensation on my lower back but decide to ignore it. It's time to get strong!

I hear couple of notifications from the system before I hear Hestia say

"Is this your first time joining a familia?" she asks

"No" I say

She drops the subject and the next thing I hear from her is that she's done and that I can check out my status now.

[Nick Knight]

Level 1

Strength: H 250

Endurance: H 240

Dexterity: I 190

Agility: I 190

Magic: H 210


Fire Magic

Developmental Abilities:




I look at the notification that the system gave me

[You have been injected with the blood of a god +20 stat points]

[Due to the god's affinity you have received Fire Magic]

[Due to the god's affinity Fire Affinity +1000]

"I'm sorry I have to leave so soon but I would like to start dungeon exploring." I say, Hestia looks sad for a bit but recollects herself and sends me off with a smile.

On my way to the dungeon, I decide to add the extra point I just received making my status look like this


Name: Nick Knight

Level: 3

Job: None

Title: None

Fatigue: 13

HP: 2900

MP: 2700


Endurance: 29

Dexterity: 23

Agility: 19

Magic: 27

Remaining Points: 0

Fire Affinity: 1000

Physical Damage Reduction: 0%

Magical Damage Reduction: 0%


(Combat Skills)

{Fire Magic lvl 1 - You have the ability to control and create fire}

I'm easily ready for the dungeon's first floors at this point.

I stand in front of the 1st-floor entrance point. Time to go on a rampage! When I'm alone in the dungeon I take out War Flower from my inventory and start running looking for a monster. Luckily, the world must've heard my call because I found a group of 4 kobolds, I decided that I'm going to kill all of them at once, and with a single swing of War Flower, the kobolds were all bisected. Instantly, my mind blew up all at once with notifications from the system.

"FUCK! That was loud, hey you never do that shit again!" I yell to the system not knowing if it was going to change I decide to look at what it notified me about, I was shocked at what I saw

[Skill Creation: Greatswordsmanship Lvl 1]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]


A total of 34 level-up messages appeared at once leaving him with the status of

HP: 6300

MP: 6100

Strength: 64

Endurance: 63

Dexterity: 57

Agility: 53

Magic: 61

I concluded that my first wish, of being able the get stronger through having sex wasn't affected by my ridiculous growth rate.

I decide to go straight to the 7th floor without fighting anything which wasn't really a problem after those level-ups these upper floors are no longer a match for me, I also noticed that I got 4 kobold claws each from the ones that I killed earlier. When I got greeted with adventurers running in the opposite direction as well as slight tremors.

"Monster Parade!! Run!!" I heard someone yell

Unlike everyone else, I decided to run toward the Monster Parade

'System please don't tell me about level-ups for now' i respectfully say hoping that it respects me as well

Soon enough I reach where the Monster Parade is, I see why everyone here was so scared, it was because the Monster Parade monster was one known as The Newbie killer, the Killer Ant and there were hundreds if not a thousand of them. Not fazed by the challenge in front of me I run into the hundreds of Killer Ants, with a slash of War Flower I kill some ants and luckily I hear nothing, so I continue swinging. I've swung my sword a bit and now I'm surrounded by Killer Ants. I focus and swinging and casting magic, my idea is to create a fire wall strong enough to kill the Ants. I transition War flower to my right hand and start imagining the magic I want. A strong, but loyal blue fire wall that moves according to my wish

crackle, crackle, crackle

I hear the fire crackling near my left-hand, I look over and see a beautiful blue wall of fire.

[Sub-Skill Creation: Blue Fire Wall]

[Skill Level up: Fire Magic 1-->8]

[Skill Level up: Greatswordsmanship 1-->10]

I change it to be bigger so it can get the Ants on my flanks and I move it through the corridor leaving burnt corpses in its wake I finish up the ants in front of me and decide that I should leave before I get recognized as the one that stopped the Monster Parade. I took my first step with some power, destroyed the dungeon and almost went to the surface, luckily I reacted quickly and stopped. I just walked back normally from then on.

'I need to learn to control my power now' I thought

'I wonder what level I am now' I ask myself following the chain of thought

I look at my inventory to see if the drops would tell me how many I killed. I saw 1732 Killer Ants mandibles, meaning I killed 866 Killer ants, without skipping another beat I checked my status


Name: Nick Knight

Level: 848

Job: None

Title: None

Fatigue: 0

HP: 87400

MP: 87200

Strength: 875

Endurance: 874

Dexterity: 868

Agility: 864

Magic: 872

Remaining Points: 0

'haha, what' I make my way back to Hestia after selling tens of the mandibles for some pocket money overall I got 50,000 valis which is really good for a start. I feel tired I'm probably going to clock out as soon as my falna gets updated.

As soon as I open the door Hestia rockets into my stomach, but I stop her before she can touch my shirt, she looks sad for a moment before looking at the state of it.

"Hestia I made some money, and can you update my falna? I overexerted myself, I'll treat you tomorrow" i say, she looked displeased when I said that I'll you her tomorrow instead of today

"Sure thing, just lay down on the couch" she says. I comply and take off my shirt drenched in blood and guts. I also take out 15,000 valis from my inventory and put it out on the table, Hestia is too preoccupied with getting her needles to notice. Seconds later I feel her voluptuous thighs against my lower back yet again.


"Monster Parade of Killer Ants" I said

"BUT HOW DID YOU GET TO LEVEL 6?!" Hestia shouted again in disbelief

"Growth Rate" I say dryly

Sensing that I'm not lying and that I don't want to continue this line of questioning she just does her job as goddess.

"Ok your status is ready" Hestia said neutrally

"Thanks!" I check it out

[Nick Knight]

Level 6

Strength: C 700

Endurance: D 690

Dexterity: D 630

Agility: D 590

Magic: D 670


Fire Magic

Developmental Abilities:

Abnormal Resistance I

Mage S

Luck S

Strong Body SSS

Hunter SS


War Lord - Increases basic abilities while facing more opponents.

"I'm sorry Hestia but I must rest"

I go to the only bedroom available and make a crude pillow replacement for myself as a precaution and then I slip into my dimension and enter my mansion through one of the windows because I don't want to deal with Fubuki right now. I land in a room and get nude because I don't want to dirty my bed I also slow down time in my dimension and get some well-needed rest

(A/N: don't expect this long of a chapter all the time but I figured that since the last one was so short, I'll balance it out

Also what is your guys' opinion on Bete, because me personally I feel like is hated too much, because he might have a bad mouth but I think that when push comes to shove he'll help out anyone in need)