
Incomplete until I found you

Zoe is a "girly girl" if you will, the stereotypical hot girl that gets all the guys, but she's honestly not. She pretends to be some one she's not, she feels incomplete and doesn't know why... That is, until she found her.

Bookboi205 · LGBT+
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2 Chs


I've always been that girly girl. Ya know the one that's so pretty and can get whatever guy they want. But deep down I know it's not true, I don't think I'm that pretty, I don't want all the guys. But I have to pretend to be, trust me being someone your not is really exhausting.

I grew up in a Christian family, that might be why I'm like this. I've been told my whole life that "gays are the devil" and everyone at school seems to agree, but I don't understand. Why can't you just love whoever you want? Fuck labels, Fuck gender if you're attracted to someone go for it.

I don't know, it seems like there's a part of me missing, and I've been searching for it for years. But I'm not sure if I'll ever find it

Maybe I'll just always be...
