
Incomplete System in Marvel

A man wakes up in the body of Peter Parker with almost no memories of his previous life. How will he survive in a Marvel Universe that is much more different and dangerous than just the movie universe? A system, of course! But what’s up with this system being in version 0.1 and having almost no features? ------------ Turn off your brain and don't put too much thought into things. I certainly didn't.

Chaostic · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs


Thanks to the fight with Rhino, where I got caught unprepared and nearly beaten, I was more alert and ready for any possible attacks from Sabertooth, allowing me to roll out of the way despite his strikingly fast charge. Despite escaping from his attack, I was no more enthusiastic about this battle than before as spider-sense let me know I only dodged his claws by a hair's breadth.

Finishing my roll in a crouching position, I shoot and attach webs to his right leg and pull with all my strength hoping to make him lose his balance and fall, but I only manage to make his leg move a few centimeters before he resists and pulls his leg back nearly making me faceplant to the ground if not for me letting go of the web in time.

Before either of us even make another move, my spider-sense goes off, warning me of an impending attack from the back. Instinctively I spring up and jump into the air, backflipping over a fireball that passes through the position I was just crouched at.

"You had a backup?" I stare at Pyro, who has brought out a second lighter and is already forming another large flame in his hand.

He snorts, "What, you didn't think I would have a backup plan? Let me tell you. I am not as stupid as all the other idiots you have fought!"

"I think you're giving yourself a bit too much credit for buying two lighters at a store, but you do you…"

No more words are exchanged between us as Pyro draws flames from the lighter and forms a beam of fire that he fires at me. This time instead of dodging out of the way, I instead make a motion with my hand and use the sling ring to open up two portals, one in between me and pyro to intercept the attack and a second right behind Pyro.

As planned, the fire heads through the portal upon reaching it and comes out the other one, hitting Pyro in the back before engulfing him almost entirely. Being immune to fire under his direct control, he remains unharmed but is still shocked enough by the situation to halt his offensive.

Rather than letting him recover, I dismiss my portals and, in one swift motion, shoot webs from both my hands, sticking one to his upper torso and the other to his stomach. Swinging my whole body, I bring the lightweight Pyro off the ground and, in an arching motion, hurl him at Sabertooth's back, who apparently thought Pyro could deal with me and instead started heading toward Rogue once again.

With his superior senses, Sabertooth easily notices the boy flying at him, but rather than catching him or moving out of the way, he simply turns around and, with a casual swing of his hand, redirects the human projectile toward the school building. Pyro blasts directly through the wall, leaving a human-shaped hole behind. He is out of the fight for good this time.

"You're gonna be a problem, aren't you." He growls at me with a scowl on his face, and sharp claws still extended from his fingers.

Behind him, I notice Rogue putting her hand against the contained Avalanche and absorbing his powers. The process is short and ends with Avalanche going completely limp, presumably falling unconscious. Rogue herself doesn't look to be enjoying the undertaking either.

Sabertooth comes at me, swinging his claws wildly. He is fast but entrusting my body to spider-sense, I barely move out of the way of each strike. The issue is I keep having to move backwards each time I avoid an attack, and soon there will be nowhere for me to go.

Thankfully Rogue seems to have recovered from borrowing Avalanche's powers and has noticed my current plight. She closes her eyes in concentration, and a rift starts worming itself through the ground, growing in size the closer to us it approaches. This is Avalanche's mutant power, the ability to generate powerful vibrations through the air, water, and in this case, earth.

As the rift gets closer and almost reaches us, I duck under one last swipe before jumping forward straight into Sabertooth's chest, sending him flying on his back. The ground underneath him explodes with a force sending both of us, as well as dozens of sizable rocks flying high into the air.

Reorientating myself quickly, I kick Sabertooth away to create some distance between us and open up another portal in my current flight trajectory that sends me directly to the ground.

Wasting no time, I dexterously land on my feet when coming out of the portal and immediately shoot webs at Sabertooth, who is still in the air. I pull him back down with all my strength, making him faceplant into the ground with a loud thud that forms a vast dust cloud around the landing spot.

"Are you oka-?"

"Wait, stop!"

Rogue shouts out to me worriedly after Sabertooth is brought down to the ground and starts running towards me, but I stop her, suspecting that this wouldn't keep Sabertooth down for long.

And I was right.

Almost instantly, a large figure bursts through the dust cloud, this time moving faster and looking much angrier than before. His face is bleeding a little, but it is healing at a noticeably fast rate.

In a hurry, I create a portal meters in front of him with the destination of it being Nepal, hoping to just get rid of him by throwing him in the middle of a bunch of sorcerers if he steps through it but instead he just sidesteps the portal with no effort and continues rushing at me.

Seeing him ready the claws on both hands for an attack, I cast the Root Strike skill to create a blockade between us but, big surprise, he just slashes through it with minimal effort. The other claw lands on me, tearing up my costume and leaving behind long bleeding claw marks from my upper right shoulder all the way down to my lower body.

The attack simultaneously depletes my mana shield entirely as well as removes a whole 80% from my health bar. Sent flying back, I somehow manage to ignore most of the pain and land on my feet beside Rogue.

Sabertooth sneers, "Coming here was a mistake, now you will die."


Note: I'm like 80% done with the next chapter, maybe it will come out tomorrow, idk.