
Find A Way

My Name Is James I Am 25 Years Old But when I was 20 I Fall In Love With A Girl Online Her Name Was Echo .I Think It was Coincidence That I Meet Her Became I Am An Introvert Person And Because Of That In My Life I Shy To Talk To People And To Talk To A Girl It Is Way More Difficult For Me, But Finding Her Online By Coincidence Or Maybe Any Reason But It Is My Best Time When I Talk To Her And I Also Got To Know About Her And The Problems She Is Being Facing In Her Life.

(October 18) It Was Started When I Was 20 And I Don't Have Job So I See Many People Doing Online Business So I Also Started Searching Way To Find A Business And Make Money But I Found Her . So I Join Interport Its An Online App People Use For Uploading Pictures Of Them and If We have More Followers We Get More Money ,So I Started To Contact People And Ask Them To Follow Me And In That People I Meet Her ,She Follow Me So I Thanks Her And She Reply Do You Like Anime Because I Had Profile Picture Of Anime Girl And I Replay yes And I Don't Know when Did We Became So Close And We Started Talking With Each Other More And More From Moring To Evening An while Eating Also I Had My Phone In My Hands . I Was So Happy In That Time Because I Never Talk With A Girl Like These And Above That She Make Me First Priority To Me She share Her Daily Life And Everything But There Was More In Her Life I Thought She Is Just And Ordinary Girl who Go To High school Do Her Homework Live A Simple Life But When Time Passes I Get To Know Her More And More . I Forgot I Was Her To Find A Way To Make Money But I Totally Focus On Her Now. She Had Two Turtles With Her She Uploaded In Her Profile I Said I Love Your Turtles and Send Laughing Emojis And Said We Are In Different Countries And Yes I Was In Different Country And She Lives In Different Country She Is From China So I Started Calling Her Senpai Like I Give Her Nickname And That Time She Was Using Her Brothers Interport Account That's Why I Got To Know She Had A Sibling And I Said Senpai Its Ok You Can Use Your Brothers Account And Talk To Me.

She Always Type And Chat with Me One Day I Ask Her Senpai Why You Always Chat And Not Speak She Said I Love Typing words But Hate speaking And My Classmate Not Heard My Voice Any I was Surprise Then I Got To Know That She Cant Speak Then I Got Said Because I Laugh When She Said She Never Speak And I Said Sorry To Her But She was So Positive Girl She Said Don't Say Sorry Because Your Special You Always Listen To My Problems Ans Never Complain . I Was So happy That Found Someone That Think I Am Special To Her .

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