
.....soulmates....... "LOVE is SACRIFICE"......

The love sory begins when the leading

characters were in school.....

the boy",Jonny was a bold , smart boy studying in primary school.. was started liking a girl in his class ,"Kiara was a shy, cute girl .....

they both never used to talk since their childhood..... their conversation started when their were forced by the teacher to work on a project together...

Kiara told the teacher,"miss I'm not interested to work on a project with Jonny as he is careless and all the work ,I have to do alone... teacher," Jonny , this time no excuse ,I want u to work on the project ...

Jonny,"yes mam , I will help Kiara to work on the project on the serious note I'll not skip my work. .... As Jonny was all excited to work with Kiara and to spend more time with her.....

slowly -slowly days past by and the two grew up but besides project their never had their conversation ever ....

Jonny to his friend stue,"hey, I like kiara since childhood and day by day I'm feeling more attached to her ...please help me out??

stue,"what??what are u saying??hahahaha!!!

I couldn't believe....is it so!!

Jonny ,"what's funny ?!!!

stue,"my dear you both never had conversations before and u started liking her ..she will never accept you!!!

Jonny",stue, I'm asking for help bro!!!

ok, fine I'll help u .....stue said!!!!...

time passed by ... the friendship between the two started when Jonny started asking books for completion from Kiara ....

Jonny"',Kiara ,if u don't mind shall I come to your house today as I need your help in studies??

Kiara,"ok ,you can....

Jonny just wanted to spent time with Kiara !!so this was an excuse to be with her!!

they started their conversation and their friendship grew!!!.. their both became good friends! many a times Jonny tried to express his feelings but all in vain.....

when he is with Kiara ...he just lost in her beautiful eyes,her pretty smile and her soft hairs, her soft pink lips and her gorgeous personality ....she was a perfect match for Jonny....and day by day he was madly fallen for her...

the next chapter will soon be published...

guys ,you all will come across the emotion of love, anger, jealousy,sadness.....