
Incest Literotica Stories

Mahmud1321 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Wife's Niece Kalie Pt. 05(FINAL)

Finally Friday night was here, after a long week of so many conference calls, I was looking forward to just Kalie & I having uninterrupted time. I decided to make dinner making I learned to be her favorite, hamburgers with bacon, onions & mushrooms. I fired up the grill, made two big hand formed burgers, cut up some mushrooms and onions and grabbed a small cast iron pan. The mushrooms & onions all done I put the burgers on and hollered upstairs telling Kalie to come down for dinner.

When I came in with the burgers Kalie was sitting at the table checking texts from Emily I saw. Kalie was dressed in really tight & very short bike shorts, it appeared she had no underwear on as I could see the material being sucked inside her pussy lips. She may as well have not even worn a shirt as the one she was wearing was so short even her little boobs were bulging out the bottom her, hard nipple pushing thru the thin material.

Kalie must have seen me looking and asked, "you like my outfit?"

"Your breasts look so good, maybe I'll eat them instead of my burger." I said laughing.

Putting down our plates I said, "let's eat." Then asked, "what do you want to do this weekend?"

"Well I was just texting Emily, do you think maybe she could come over tomorrow and maybe stay overnight?" she asked.

"I don't know Kalie you know this Corona crap and all." I said. 

"Please uncle Billy she has been by herself and taking all the precautions, she isn't even going shopping she has been getting everything delivered. Please can she come over?" she said.

"Well I guess if she has been doing that maybe it's ok, but when your aunt calls don't let her know she is here, you know she won't like it." I said.

We ate our dinner and went to the living room to watch tv, while watching Annie called. While we video chatted, she talked about how work was so hard mentally with everything going on at the hospital. She told us about watching so many people going on ventilators and watching many of them slipping further and further until finally passing. Tears in her eyes she told us she wished she could be home with us. Kalie & I told her we wished she was here too, I really wanted to tell her I wouldn't mind if this virus lasted for much longer but knew it would be wrong to say. Finally Annie told us she needed to get some sleep since they asked her to work all weekend and we hung up.

Kalie & I settled on a movie to watch, I lost she wanted to watch Titanic. About 20 minutes in Kalie kissed me, a quick little kiss on the lips, then lay her head on my shoulder. Kalie texted Emily about coming over, I could see over my shoulder the last part she said to her was, "now you can see how great he is and maybe who knows....."

I thought to myself, "wow I wonder what that means, letting my mind wander remembering how hot Emily looked the other day when Kalie video chatted with her."

My mind was thinking of Emily's hot black pussy my cock getting so hard, when suddenly I felt Kalie's hand rubbing my crotch.

"Wow it didn't take much for me to get you hard." Kalie said.

"Yeah your hand feels so good." I told her not wanting to tell her I was hard because I was thinking of her friend.

Emily pushed the waistband of gym shorts down exposing my hard cock, taking it in her hands she slowly started stroking it very slowly saying, "thank you for letting Emily come over tomorrow, I can't wait to introduce you two in person." Then smiling she opened her mouth and took my cock inside.

"Oh baby girl that is so good, I'd do anything for you," I said as I lay my head back against the couch.

A few minutes later I came in her mouth and she swallowed, then raising up she kissed me as our tongues met I could taste the saltiness of my cum, it seems she saved a little for me to taste.

Parting from our kiss she asked, "do you like the taste of your cum?"

"Well I guess it's ok but I like your pussy juices better," I said.

Laying down Kalie pulled off her shorts & top spreading her legs to expose her pussy and said, "you made dinner, I made desert."

Taking her cue I put my face to her bald pussy tonguing her lips ever so slowly, as I started pushing my tongue in her phone rang. Kalie answered, it was a video call from Emily. I continued eating my beautiful niece while they talked listening to each word while trying to get her to cum.

"Wow I am so glad your uncle is letting me come over I'm so bored here by myself," Emily said.

"Yeah I can't wait till you meet him, he's the best," Kalie said slightly breathless as I tongued her pussy.

"Girl are you ok, you sound like you just ran a marathon?" Emily asked.

"Well um you just caught me, my uncle is eating me." Kalie whispered.

"Shit girl let me see, I wanna watch," Emily hollered.

Kalie put her phone to her chest and looked down at me a look as if to ask for my permission then asked very softly, "uncle Billy can I?"

I thought for a second sighed and the nodded ok.

Turning the phone so Emily could see she put the camera close as I ate her pussy, I could hear Emily let out a moan as she saw my tongue lashing at my nieces pussy.

"God uncle Billy that looks good," Emily said.

I noticed Emily had her camera aimed so I could see her pussy, her fingers were rubbing herself as she watched, my cock was growing harder by the second. My eye fixated on Emily while my tongue pleased my niece.

I saw Emily's hips start to buck against her bed knowing she was ready to cum, I used my fingers to feverishly rub my nieces clit hoping I could time their orgasms so the would cum at the same time.

Emily started saying, "I'm going to cum."

Before she finished saying that Kalie yelled, "I'm, yes I'm cummming."

I lapped up Kalie's juices as they both came at the same time, then collapsed against my niece's pussy.

"Hey Kalie, I think you owe him something for that." Emily said.

Sliding out from my head on her pussy Kalie spread her pussy lips putting the camera close so it could be seen and said, "see how wet he makes me, he gives me the best orgasms."

"Wow girl that thing is soaked." Emily said laughing.

"Hey uncle Billy, don't you think she owes you a blowjob?" Emily asked.

"Here you want to watch a blowjob." Kalie said as she spun grabbing my cock and showing it to Emily.

"See I told you he had a great cock," Kalie said with a smirk on her face.

"Nice uncle Billy, bet you want that thing in her mouth?" Emily growled.

Grabbing Kalie's head I pushed it down until her lips were touching my throbbing head. Kalie opened her mouth, her eyes looking at her phone as if to tease Emily, taking my cock slowly inside.

"Oh yea Kalie you little slut, suck your uncle!" Emily yelled.

Kalie started bobbing her head slowly up & down my shaft while Emily watched. Emily was rubbing her pussy spreading her lips showing me her wet pink pussy.

"Hey uncle Billy, bet you wish you had your tongue in my pussy while she is sucking you?" Emily said very sultry.

"You do have a nice pussy." I said.

Taking her mouth off my cock Kalie hollered, "hey I told you he's mine."

"Ok girl I'm just playing don't have an orgasm over it, no wait please have an orgasm." Emily said laughing.

Kalie then went back to sucking my cock bobbing her head up & down so fast as if she wanted me to cum in her mouth showing Emily I was hers. I couldn't take it anymore watching Emily finger herself and Kalie sucking my cock. I suddenly exploded inside her mouth so much cum pushing my niece's face against my pubes her nose pushed so tightly against it. 

Kalie swallowed and swallowed each shot, then releasing my cock stuck out her tongue a bit of my cum still on the tip. She then took it off with her finger and holding it to the camera said, "Mmm he tastes so good." as she put it back in her mouth and sucked it down.

Emily her hips bucking on her bed yelled back as she her juices started flowing, "God girl you still got it, you sure we can't share him?"

I whispered in Kalie's ear, "I have to pee, be right back," and got up.

As I walked away I could hear them laughing and heard Kalie say, "you never know, but maybe just maybe if you're good."

"Oh you know I'm good I'll show you tomorrow, I want to eat that pussy of yours" Emily said.

I stood at the bathroom door needing to pee so bad but wanting to listen to more, my cock growing making me need to pee even more but I couldn't move.

"I want your black pussy too, wow I haven't done that in so long," Kalie said.

"Here have a look, let me spread it so you can really see," Emily said.

I could imagine her fingers opening up her slit so my wonderful niece could see her pink clit, my cock growing so hard causing my stomach to cramp as I needed to pee so badly.

"Just as I remember it, here's mine do you still like it?" Kalie asked.

Imagining my niece spreading her lips to give her a good look I couldn't take it anymore. I walked to the toilet leaving the door open hoping to hear more. My cock started spasming at first I shot a small load of cum and then pee shot out a strong stream, then like a clot more cum shot out then a huge stream of pee until my bladder emptied.

Putting my head out the door without flushing the toilet I listened to them again.

"You think maybe he might want to watch us together?" Emily asked.

"Are you kidding, what guy do you know that wouldn't?" Kalie asked back.

"What if he wants to join in, what do you think?" Emily asked.

"Well if he wants to fuck me while I eat you that would be ok." Kalie said.

I was now imagining her eating Emily while from behind I was fucking my niece, my soft cock now slowly getting semi-hard.

"What if he wants me to eat you while he wants to fuck my black beautiful pussy? You know what they say once you go black." Emily said.

"I don't know if I would like that, I told you he's mine!" Kalie said.

"He'd still be yours, he would just be fucking my perfect pussy." Emily said laughing loudly.

"I guess I'd have to think about it," Kalie said.

My mind thought god please agree.

"Gee I wonder if your hot uncle ever had a black girl before? If he did I bet she wasn't as pretty as me." Emily said.

"I imagine as good looking as he is, he probably has." Kalie said.

"I'll make a bet with you, if he hasn't been with a black girl you let me fuck him, if he has then I won't touch him. Is it a bet?" Emily said.

"Well I don't know," said Kalie.

"Come on don't be a chicken, bet me," Emily said.

"Ok your on, I hope he has, but your on," Kalie said.

Reaching over I flushed the toilet and I walked to the living room, I thought as I walked I was finally gonna get some black pussy.

"Ok well I got to go, what time you coming over tomorrow?" Kalie asked as she watched me walk over with my semi-hard cock starting to grow harder.

"If you guys want I'll order breakfast, bring it over and be there by like 9 is that too early?" Emily asked.

Looking up I said, "Where do you want to stop? Yes 9 is fine Kalie & I will just need to get to sleep now so we can be ready for you." I said.

"I have an IHop by me if that's ok," she said.

"That's fine for me, Kalie is that good?" I asked

"I love IHop she knows that, I'll have the usual blueberry pancakes with scrambled eggs," Kalie said.

"Wow I didn't know you like blueberry pancakes they are my favorite, I'll have the same," I said.

"Ok I'll see you two in the morning, can't wait to see you in person Uncle Billy," Emily said as she hung up the phone.

Shall we go to bed?" I said taking Kalie's hand in mine as we started up the stairs to the master bedroom.

Once up there we fucked again with Kalie taking the top, after I finished Kalie kissed me saying, "I love you so much uncle Billy."

"I love you too baby girl, I love you so much you make me feel like a teenager again," I said.

Kalie collapsing on top of me, my cock softening slowly pulling away from her pussy until only the tip was inside her, her arms clinging to me.

As we drifted off to sleep as she lay on me, she whispered, "I want to marry you someday."

My mind thinking I wanted her too but what can I do, I'm married to her aunt as I finally drifted off to sleep.