
Incest Literotica Stories

Mahmud1321 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Alone With Alison 03

Ted ran around to the other side of the bed. Instead of going around, I jumped onto the bed and ran across, taking care not to hit the ceiling fan. Ted baited me, holding out the red bra, then snatching it away. I grabbed his shoulder and as he tried to spin away I climbed onto his back. "This isn't funny! My underwear is private!" I said, but we were both laughing by then. Ted spun around with me on his back and fell forward onto the bed, tucking his hands underneath himself. I straddled Ted's back and fiendishly tickled him, just like I used to do when we were younger. He was wriggling all over the place, but I squeezed my thighs tight around him, thwarting his escape. Ted heaved to one side, but he couldn't throw me off. Instead, he just twisted face-up beneath me. 

"C'mon, gimme!" I shouted, laughing almost as hard as he was. Ted kept my bras tight in both hands, so I redoubled my efforts. Ted tried pushing up, but I just rode his thrusting hips, keeping him in place. "You might as well give up, I'm not going to let you up until I win!"

Ted was laughing so hard he was crying, but he refused to relent, so I just went right on tickling. It was the most juvenile thing I had done in a long time and I loved it! But while I was tickling my brother I slowly became aware of his cock pressing against me. It was a big lump in his running shorts and there was no mistaking his arousal. I had my brother pinned between my thighs tickling him and he was turned on. My stomach flip-flopped. For a moment I froze and Ted took immediate advantage. He twisted beneath me and threw me on my back. Now the shoe was on the other foot because I am just as ticklish as Ted. He threw my bras to the side and attacked. Because of the way we flipped, Ted was still wedged between my legs and while I laughed uncontrollably at his dancing fingers I could also feel his big cock grinding down into me and dammit, it was sending jolts of pleasure through me. Instinctively my hips pushed back at him.

"Mercy! Mercy!" I shouted through laughter and tears. My chest was heaving as a strained for breath. "Please!" I added and Ted let up, but he stayed where he was and now I was even more aware of his cock. It seemed to throb against me.

"You should be more careful, Alison," Ted said with mock seriousness. "I'm not the pipsqueak you could intimidate when we were little."

Looking up into the handsome face above me, the toned body, I could not see my runty little brother. With every shift of his body the lump of his cock pressed into me, sending shivers through me. I needed him off of me, now, but I couldn't tell him why. Was I paranoid, or was there something different in his face? In an effort to defuse the situation I shot my hands to his sides to tickle him and throw him off me, but Ted was far faster than me. He grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the bed. He was leaning forward, his face was so close to mine. Despite the chill of the central air it felt like it was a thousand degrees in my bedroom. The look I'd thought I'd seen a second ago crossed Ted's face and time seemed to slow to a crawl as he closed the gap between us and his lips met mine.

Ted's kiss was soft and timid at first, almost like he couldn't believe what he was doing. For my part I didn't react at all. But then Ted kept kissing me and I could still feel his cock pressed into me and I couldn't help but respond. He kept my wrists pinned to the bed and we kissed. I don't know how long we kissed, but Ted finally lifted his lips from me.

I blinked up at him, owlishly. In a rush of breath I whispered, "We shouldn't be doing this."

Ted didn't answer, but his eyes were ablaze and I knew he was going to kiss me again. I struggled against his hands and I turned my head when he leaned down, but he just nuzzled past my unruly mane of blonde hair and kissed the side of my neck. God, his lips were soft. While his kiss was gentle I could feel the passion behind it. My neck has always been my Achilles Heel. I wondered if my brother knew that from his years of eavesdropping my on sex life. When Ted sucked on the side of my neck it stoked the fire inside me and an involuntary moan slipped past my lips. He was grinding down into me again and it felt soooo good. Too good. 

"Please, Ted, you have to stop," I protested weakly, with much less conviction than the first time. His weight on top of me felt so masculine. Although everything in mean screamed that it was wrong my body was responding to my brother's. When he brought his lips to mine again I did not turn my head and when his tongue probed against my lips I opened them and raised my tongue to meet Ted's. 

As we kissed I hooked a leg behind Ted's and I was actively pushing back against him. I wondered if he could feel my wetness through my panties. I knew our forbidden act had me soaked. I was aching for him now. When Ted released my wrists my arms stayed above my head and he slid my sports bra up my body. His lips leisurely made there way from my mine, back down my delicate throat and then to my pale breasts. My nipples were already puckered and tingling, anticipating his touch, but Ted did not zero in on them right away. Instead he cupped my breasts and his arm breath over my nipples made me whimper and he kissed all around my nipples. His lips strayed close and his tongue circled them, but Ted did not touch my nipples. God, he was such a tease. It was like he knew my body as well as his own.

"No," I sobbed. I knew if he didn't stop now I wouldn't want him to. But my "no" turned to an "Ohhh," as he finally descended on my nipples, going from one to the other, sucking them deep between his lips and then flicking them with his tongue. His mouth felt unbelievable. I arched my back and he held me gently, slipping his hands in the small of my back while he feasted on my breasts. He softly tugged my nipples with his teeth and I squeezed my eyes shut while skyrockets went off in my head. I was moaning loudly, having given up any pretense of resistance. If Ted could make me feel that good he could do what he wanted to me. I no longer cared if he was my brother or not.

Ted slithered down my body, pulling my panties with him. He knelt on the floor at the side of the bed and grabbed my hips, pulling me to him. He pulled off his tank top and threw it on the floor. Ted lifted my legs and put him over his shoulders. His hands were under my ass and he lifted me to his mouth while spreading me open with his thumbs. His tongued touched and I let out a deep, throaty groan. I couldn't remember ever being as turned on as I was when my brother started licking my pussy. I clawed at the bed and took handfuls of the sheets while he lovingly kissed me between my legs. I was dripping wet and I heard Ted slurping while I felt his tongue probing inside me, tasting me. He sucked on me while his tongue zeroed in on my clit. I arched off the bed and was cramming my pussy at his eager mouth. Oh God, he was incredible. Where did my little brother learn how to satisfy a woman like this? I moved a hand to the back of his head, holding him to my pussy. I was getting close, so close. It was like a quivering starting with spasms in my pussy and spreading out through my body. My moans and cries grew in volume until I was shouting at the top of my lungs. "YES! YES! YES! GOD YES!" I cried, enthralled by Ted's licking of my pussy. It had been too long since I had had an orgasm by anyone but myself and all that frustration was leaking out now as I flooded my brother's mouth. Even as my quivering subsided, Ted still kept busy, passionately kissing my pussy.

When Ted moved back up there was no hesitation to return his kiss. I could taste myself on his mouth and judging by how I'd glazed his face I must have been even wetter than I thought. I put my arms around Ted, pulling him down on top of me. I felt his hot cock bobbing between my legs and I knew he'd pulled his shorts off. I experienced a sudden sweep of panic. Everything had been great, but surely we shouldn't go any further. I could satisfy Ted with him making love to me. That was a step we should not take. Even as those thought spiraled in my head I could feel the head of my brother's cock pressing against my labia. My lips parted for him and just from his head I could tell that Ted was my little brother in age only. Just nudging the head inside me he opened my pussy up wide, wider than my husband ever had.

Ted levered up on his arms slowly slid his cock inside me. "Alison, you feel amazing," he whispered, sheathing himself in my tight pussy. Long after Mike would have bottomed out Ted kept pushing into me and soon I was stuffed to the gills with cock. My pussy was tightly wrapped around him like a velvet sheath.

"Oh, Ted, you know we shouldn't be doing this," I moaned as he slipped his cock back out of me. I felt so empty with his cock in me and I wanted him back inside me, no matter what I was saying. "This is so wrong. You can't fuck your sister," I whimpered. "Ohhhhh," I moaned when he slid back inside me. "Teedddd…"

"You want me to stop," Ted breathed. He was penetrating me with slow, smooth strokes now.

I wasn't sure if it was a question or not. "Yesss," I started, but then he pushed back into me and I moaned, "Noooo. Oh no, Ted." His cock was so thick I could feel it grazing my clit every time he pushed it back into me. I didn't want him to stop. I didn't ever want him to stop. I didn't care what it meant, but I wanted my brother to make love to me.

Ted's hips pistoned up and down, driving his cock deep inside me, moving in faster and faster strokes. He was so big it should have hurt, at least a little, but I was so turned on I was soaked and completely open to him. I clawed at my brother's forearms and churned my hips in circles as I pushed back up to him. I thought the pleasure flowing through me would drive me crazy. I looked up into Ted's eyes and I saw nothing but love and desire. I could see in his face that Ted wanted me just as much as I wanted him and that he was feeling everything I was. Ted leaned forward on his hands, putting even more pressure on my clit as he thrust into me and I cried out, howling my pleasure.

"GOD! YES! TEEDDDDD!" I gasped. Now Ted could hear how loud I really could be without a wall to muffle the sound. I completely let go, giving over to my desire for my brother. It was like Ted could read my mind for as I got closer to my orgasm, he thrust faster and faster into me. "Yessss…Yessss…Yessss…" I gasped, my orgasm rushing toward me like an oncoming train. He moved faster, but did not rush, keeping a steady rhythm. "AHHHHH!" I cried as that train hit me, drove right threw me, taking all sense and restraint with it. My body was rigid and I clung to Ted. I know my pussy was squeezing Ted, pulling on his cock to keep it trapped inside me and I don't know how he kept from cumming. Every time my pussy would cling like that to my husband he always came in two seconds. Instead, Ted pulled out of my pussy and gently turned me over onto my stomach.

My knees were on the edge of the bed and Ted lined up behind me and picked up right where he left off. He felt so much deeper in this position. I hadn't gotten a good look at it, but my brother's cock felt absolutely huge. Ted didn't take it quite so easy this time. He leaned close over my back and hooked an arm beneath me, around my waist and drove his cock into me full force. My whole body lurched forward, but Ted kept me in place and I could feel his balls slapping the backs of my thighs. 

Again I was crying out his name. "TED! TED!" I shouted. I had barely come down from cumming the first time and another orgasm was on me almost immediately. I trembled, holding myself up on my arms and thrusting back at my brother, impaling myself on that glorious cock of his. My hair was wild, hanging down all around my face and I tossed it around as I looked back over my shoulder at Ted. His face was a mask of desire.

"Allli…you have…noooo idea…how long I thought about….this!" Ted grunted out. 

I felt my juices running down my thighs and I heard the loud, wet sounds of our joining. "Yes, Ted!" I urged. "God, don't stop! Don't stop! Ohhh Gooodddd!"

"Alll…Allll…Alliiii!" Ted wail cried. He drove his cock into my with a last thrust and I felt his cum jetting deep inside me.

Feeling my brother achieving his release inside me gave me my second orgasm and I came right along with him. My senses were reeling. I'd never cum like that before, so quickly, back to back. I was out of my mind as I shook and shrieked beneath my brother. He kept his cock in me until my pussy has drained every last drop from him and then he slipped out, falling onto his back beside me on the bed.

"Goddam!" Ted explained, catching his breath.

I lay on my stomach beside him, floating on a cloud of well being and happiness. Everything was tingling and my pussy was still throbbing. We just laid there, side-by-side and silent, while the air conditioning and the slowly spinning ceiling fan chilled us.

As my feeling of well being retreated, confusion and dread took my place. What had I done? Oh God, I fucked my brother! Oh my God, what was I thinking? How could I let that happen? I pushed off the bed and ran into the bathroom off the master bedroom and slammed the door, locking it. Wisely, Ted did not try to disturb me.

I turned the shower on as hot as I could stand it and I climbed in, pulling the glass door closed behind me. The bathroom quickly filled with steam, clouding the glass. I let the water sting my skin, turning pale white to pink. Through the steam I started crying and then uncontrollably sobbing. I sagged against the cold tile wall and slid down to sit on the shower floor while the water still beat down on me. I have no idea how long I stayed in there, but it was after the water had gone cold. I'd cried all my tears away, but I still dry sobbed and only the shock of the icy water finally flushed me from the shower. I just couldn't think about what I'd done.

It was dark out when I came out of the bathroom. My bed, the one I shared with my husband, was a mess. The sheets were all torn up and a large wet spot marked where I'd had sex with my brother in that bed. The laundry basket Ted had brought in was turned on its side and my bras and panties were spilled across the end of the bed and the floor. In a rush of emotion I ripped the sheets off my bed and threw them into the corner. Sitting on the bare bed I lowered my head and ran my fingers through my long, wet hair.

I pulled on shorts and a t-shirt and made my way through the dark house without turning a light on. If Ted was there he was absolutely silent and I did not seek him out. I knew I would have to face him eventually, but it couldn't be so soon. I took a bottle of wine from the fridge, grabbed a glass and returned to the bedroom, closing the door. I lay on the stripped bed and drank wine until I passed out.

Bright sunlight beating through the window and warming my skin awoke me the next morning. I was sore and stiff as I moved and bumped against the overturned wine glass in bed beside me and saw the dark stain where some wine had spilled from it when I passed out. A headache pounded in my brain, thumping to my heartbeat, and through the haze. When I realized the bed beneath me was stripped I remembered what had happened the afternoon before and my dread returned. I wondered if Ted was home and my stomach did a nervous flip-flop. I wanted to hide in my room, but I knew I couldn't. I couldn't hide from my brother. I put it off by taking another shower to try and clear my head.

I was lucky. When I came downstairs I didn't find Ted and he wasn't in his bedroom either. I tried to remember if he had to work, but couldn't. Great. That just left me alone in a big empty house with nothing to do but think about what had happened.

I was overcome with guilt for cheating on Mike. Even if things hadn't been great lately, that was no excuse. I hadn't so much as kissed another man since I'd met my husband and now not only had I slept with someone else, I'd done it with my own brother! I had no doubt that Mike had always been faithful. He was strong and honest and just wasn't the type to tomcat around. Even with all his business trips it never even entered my mind that he could be seeing someone else. 

Ted finally came home while I was picking at a frozen dinner and sipping a glass of wine. I'd actually been sipping wine all day and as quite buzzed. He walked into the kitchen and just looked at me.

"Alison," Ted finally said.

I didn't know what to say, so I just said, "Ted."

"I'm sorry," Ted said. He pulled out the chair across from me and sat down.

"You don't have to be sorry. You didn't do anything, we did it."

"But you asked me to stop and I didn't." I could see he was as upset as I was.

"You know I didn't mean it. You knew I wanted you then."

Ted looked down at the table, unable to meet my eyes. "I should be honest then. I'm not sorry for what happened. I'm sorry if you I hurt you, but I'm not sorry I made love to you, Alison."

I was stunned.

"God, what can I say to you? Is there anything I can say to make you understand? You must think I am a pervert."

I reached out across the table and took Ted's hand. "No, I could never think that. Really, you can't just blame yourself."

"I dunno. I think it was our talk last week, when we were talking about that sex stuff. I just got me thinking."

"Me too."

Ted looked up at me and then went on. "You have to understand. Back when I was a teenager and I heard you in your bedroom with your boyfriend I was always so turned on. I started touching myself while I listened and not long after that I started imagining what it might be like to be with you. I even sneaked some peeks at you when you changed in your room. I felt horrible about it at the time, but to me you were the most beautiful, sexy woman in the world. I couldn't even be around you without getting turned on.

"After you went away to college and I started getting involved with girls on my own I was able to push all that to the back of mind and just pretend it never happened. But I guess it was always in the back of my mind."

I was speechless. I let what Ted told me sink in and tried to frame a response. It was how I'd imagined it, Ted sitting in his room and masturbating while he listened to me having sex in my bedroom. How could I never have known he started seeing me that way? I guess I was just as self-involved as any other teenaged girl. In a way I was flattered and I felt the protectionist emotions I'd always felt toward Ted spring up. My little brother's first, formative impressions of sex and desire had been built up around me. Ted's look was pleading. He needed me to say something and I knew it had to be the right thing.

"Ted, listen, you cannot beat up on yourself. You felt what you felt. You couldn't control it and I'm sure some people would tell you it's perfectly natural. If I was in your position I don't know that I wouldn't have reacted the same way." I turned red as I admitted, "I have to tell you, when you told me about listening in the other night I was turned on by it. I liked the idea of you listening in."


"Yes, really. Now you have to stop feeling so guilty. When we were together last night it felt completely natural. We love each other and we made each other feel good." I didn't believe everything I was telling Ted. I knew that it wasn't okay, but I knew that was what he had to hear.

"What about Mike?" Ted asked and I wished he hadn't.