
Incarnation of the Demon Tree

Humanity will do 'ABSOLUTELY' anything and everything for wealth and power. It matters how not how perilous the danger in their path or how much blood has to be spilled for them to reach their aims. Any reason is justifiable as long as the goal is achieved. There is a question commonly asked by people since the dawn of this era, just what is the difference between men and beasts?

Temperance_Seeker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

A fairy

Looking at the last ray of light disappearing a group of men waited.

"Are we going now. He should be long gone by now don't you think?" A man asked.

"Are you an idiot? That road is filled with perils. If you want to die follow One-Eye and maybe upon seeing you his killing switch will flick on."

Speaking only until he was sure One-Eyed Snake and the others had left Wolfgang turned to his men.

"We'll be travelling along the dragon road used by the Chapel of Quest way back when. This means a long detour east and I don't hope to see that one-eyed bastard anytime soon. We'll wait until morning before setting off so make yourself comfortable in the here and now."

Wolfgang's eyes scoured the area. His nose twitched, looking down he glared at his crotch which was currently still damp and the source of his discomfort.

His followers silently looked at each other, then at him.

"What are you looking at?" He asked in a grim, foreboding tone.

"Nothing boss, trees, just the trees…"

The men hurriedly ripped away their eyes and pretended to look off into the distance.

"I hate birds… I really hate them"- Wolfgang muttered as he nibbled his lips, "Now where can I find a spring to wash in?"


Night had finally descended, shrouding the large forested region into a large hall of towering shadows. Nocturnal beasts awoke from their daytime hibernation; frogs croaked while sitting on lily pads. Birds chirped beautiful melodies from thick tree branches of towering trees and the sound of insects celebrating the arrival nightlife suffused the air, flooding the forest in its entirety. One-Eyed Snake and only three of his original crew ran madly as if chased by devils for what felt like an eternity until they arrived at a remote, lopsided trail sloping sharply towards the west. The ground in this area was moist with numerous jutted stone slabs and tree roots from the large trees lining both sides of the path.

What made them shed tears of joy was that there weren't any beasts here. One must know that it was normal for beasts to hunt at night and the men were unlucky enough to meet with them. Why were there only four following One-Eyed Snake was obvious? The rest had become some beasts' or man-eating trees dish. After making sure that this area was absolutely safe the four allowed their bodies to collapse, not caring if their heads hit a stone or something and proceeded to rest in silence.

"Boss, how long do you think it'll until we reach the border again? I really feel like just going home to drink for a week and then have a long rest."

A big man with sharp eyes and had an aquiline nose wearily asked. His dark hair was parted down the middle and dropped to his back. He gave off a sharp feeling and looking at his eyes too long could cause irritation.

"Three days Blade. And that's If we continue onwards for three days without any rest breaks."

"Three more days of this huh." Blade muttered then closed his eyes to continue resting.

"A fairy!"

Suddenly someone whisper shouted under his breath while looking at a particular tree in the near distance.

"Where, where?" Suddenly Blade shot up from his lying position and bolted to the person making the loud outburst.

One-Eyed Snake shook his head and closed his eyes.


"Ah, it truly is a fairy in the mortal world!"

"Nonsense, how can a fairy appear in such a dangerous place? Shouldn't fairies be in the world's center. How would one suddenly appear all the way in this dump? Bogus, I don't believe it."

The last man who was resting further against a tree stood up and joined in. The man was smaller than Blade in build. This large eyed man had a very scary looking face with numerous scars on his tanned skin. He had short hair and wore a tight-fitting vest and three had knife pouches on his girdle.

"Idiot. Just take a good look right over there!"

"That's right, you should use your eyes more Scar Face."

Blade and the other man looked at the large eyed man in disdain.

"Who are you calling idiots, you idiots?!"

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Give you a face like mine."

The man they called Scar Face spoke darkly with a very gloomy look on his frighteningly scary face that was contorted grimly under the shadows of the night making it seem several folds fiercer than in daytime. And out of habit he caressed his treasured knife that worked better than the best artists brush strokes on the many who offended him. From cheeky children to old codgers who didn't know any better despite their years. All of which suffered miserably under his hands becoming permanently disfigured and would scare the wandering ghosts into wailing.


The three panicked and shouted with fearful expressions. If you were to compare their faces to the one, they called Scar Face they'd seem like immature brats who have yet to grow their hairs.

That's how horrifyingly scary the man called Scar Face looked to the mortal eyes, incomparably savage and the very definition of a demon.

"Good little boys, you sure make dad proud. Scar Face nodded heavily in approval.

"There really is a fairy out there, know," Blade hesitantly spoke as he eyed Scar Face nervously.

"Relax Blade, I won't carve up your face… well at least today."

Blade relaxed at the first half but then broke in a cold sweat.

"Hawkins, is there really a fairy out there because is there isn't not even the chapel can save you two."

The two swallowed his words and then beckoned him, telling him where to look.

"I don't believe it but let me take a look. Wait, what a beautiful creature."

"Told you!"

Soon the group of three startling One-Eyed Snake into looking over with a puzzled expression.

"What's with the ruckus you little brats."

"A fairy!"

One-Eyed Snake was very bewildered three fierce, brutal looking men all exclaiming with heart shapes in their eyes like a well-practiced choir. His glare was piercing as his body trembled in anger.

"What fairy? How about I kill you lot and send you into the afterlife so you can meet one!?"

One-Eyed Snake roared at the stupid looking at the scraps which used to be his fearsome entourage.


"We've got a good reason for this!"

"Please at least hear what we got to say!"

Scar Face, Blade and Hawkins yelled, stopping their boss before he had completely drawn his sword.

"Fine, but its better be a good one. Speak."

Saying so, One-Eyed Snake kept his sword and folded his arms across his chest and motioned for them to explain speak. The trio meekly stood a meter away from him with their shoulders slumped and when they received his go ahead, the two simultaneously turned to face Scar Face.

"Tch, such useless little boys."

Grinding his teeth, he glared at Blade and Hawkins, Scar face could only reluctantly take up the mantle to be their representative. Gulping and clearing his throat with a light cough, Scar Face started to explain the situation.

"Boss, this subordinate doesn't dare to lie to you. In fact, if you are willing to believe me, we can also show you. She should still be there, I think."

Scar face spoke slowly under One-Eyed Snake's watchful gaze.

"I see, show me then."

One-Eyed Snake replied after ascertaining his subordinate's earnest expression that didn't seem to be lying.

"Got it boss." Scar Face sighed in relief and patted his chest softly.

He walked towards One-Eyed Snake shoulder and pointed to the specified direction that was on the tallest tree furthest to the west.

Following his directions One-Eyed Snake's eye sight landed upon the vague figure sitting on the crown of a tree with the moon light illuminating her frame. One-Eyed Snake felt his soul fly away momentarily and stood blankly for a time with the trio meekly standing close to him with looks of nervousness.

"It is a fairy like maiden!"

One-Eyed Snake suddenly exclaimed clenching his fists and abruptly jumping off the ground.



"Did he contract some weird illness?"

The three nervously looked at One-Eyed Snake bouncing about the ground in puzzlement.

"Idiots let's go say hello."

One-Eyed Snake turned to face the clearly lost group.


Scar Face and the rest of the men exclaimed with looks of surprise when they saw their usually scary boss with a stupid love-struck gaze urging them.

"I said let's go have a look. Don't you want to have a closer look?"

One-Eyed Snake ran off spiritedly not waiting for them to wake up from their pleasant surprise.

"So, boss can make those sorts of expressions huh," Scar Face blurted out with widened eyes.

"Let's go to see the fairy men!"

With a loud roar Scar Face led Hawkins and Blade to the foot of the tree that the fairy like existence sat.