
Incarnation of chaos and order

Sasiki Nickel looked at what he had awakened with a look of failure written across his face. Many had awakened elements and other powerful zenya but he had awakened an old scrapbook as his zenya... Little did he know that the old scrapbook he had awakened was his own path to greatness and power. Follow up on Sasiki's journey against an old prophecy coming to pass... would he be able to overcome it or it would have to come with a cost. "You're the bringer of balance"...

Dandave · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The beast emerges

"Nickel…" Erose called out as she wanted to move out.

"Leave the kid" Noir's voice stopped anyone that wanted to move out to help Nickel, the grace marking in his neck burst into particles the time had been exhausted.

Nickel's right arm gave off a faint glow as he intended to use order to heal himself, in a combat order's healing capabilities was reduced but since he wasn't in one, it was proving a bit more efficient, he wiped off the blood around his mouth and stood to his feet to see the Storm knight staring at him, his gaze sharp but he possessed a smile on his face.

'What is the prophecy' the Storm knight thought to himself deeply as he stared at Nickel, he knew for certain this boy was going to be someone great, for a basic knight no matter how much he was buffed there should have been no way he would have been able to perform such feats, there was one last test he had.

"Come with me" Noir said to Nickel as he turned around and began to walk in the opposite direction across the field, Linda had called her two daughters inside leaving only Noir and Nickel.

Nickel wondered what Storm was thinking but he followed him from behind, as they proceeded he caught up with Storm, they both walked side by side. Nickel had no idea how long they had been walking, he estimated they had walked about two miles, he was beginning to think it was just another kind of training when he spotted a structure of an open land surrounded by large red walls, the entrance had two large red pillars with a large gold metal door, as they approached Nickel could spot the structure easier now.

There were no buildings erected in the compound which made Nickel wonder why such a structure was built this far away from Storm's home, as Nickel observed the gates a dark purple hue began to sleep onto the gates, gold circular spots appearing around it, they seemed like eyes staring at someone.

Storm continued onward but as Nickel laid eyes on the strange mist that seeped into the gates he froze, he felt a powerful presence tower over him making him feel inferior, like a single glance from the figure caused his whole body to freeze.

Storm didn't even turn to look at Nickel after he stopped, if Nickel couldn't pass this himself he could begin to doubt his identity again, he continued forward before coming to a stop in front of the gold double gates, he seemed or be waiting for something before proceeding, he estimated if Nickel couldn't free himself from the effect of the purple-gold mist in the next ten minutes…

Nickel looked at Noir, even after he stopped moving he didn't even turn around, it was obvious to him Noir wasn't going to Interfere in whatever was going on, he wondered what was going on with his body, he couldn't even look away from the gold gate that was now covered by a purple mist, gold spots all around the purple mist, they seemed like eyes staring at someone, like it could stared into one's mind and soul.

Nickel attempted to summon the power of order, his eyes widened in surprise as he found himself unable to, it was like his body was on a lockdown, binded by chains and no longer in his control, he attempted multiple times but no matter how much he tried summoning it in high or low intensity no glow was let out.

Nickel suddenly felt his body itch, he looked down, purple mist appeared on his feet around his ankle with a few gold spots along with it, Nickel was immediately completely shocked, he felt himself lose connection with the part of his leg affected by the purple mist, as if he suddenly became paralysed in that part of his body and the effect was still spreading as the area covered by the mist spread.

Nickel thought desperately of a way to counter the purple mist's effect as the mist continued to spread, he looked at the gates staring directly into the gold spots, he could feel a presence from within them, his vision began to twist and turn and his mind was pulled into a space, the entire environment filled with the purple mist and gold spots, he felt an overbearing presence way down on him making him incapable of moving, the presence was consuming his will power making him feel weak and hopeless.

'No, not this same feeling of weakness' Nickel said internally, it was the same feeling he had felt for a long time in his life and now he had gained power, he couldn't give up that easily, he couldn't lose hope that easily.

In the mind space his right arm began to shine as he combatted the presence trying to consume his will, it was like any other battle but this time one that involved the mind, Nickel slowly overcame the presence as he felt the weight on him reduce my he looked at the the gold spots, soon he began to feel the presence leave as his mind was being returned back to his body.

"Is this kid going to make it" Storm muttered to himself, about fifteen minutes yad gone by but as it seemed Nickel was still engaged with the mist he chose not to Interfere, he never expected the young kid would have such willpower, an unrelenting heart, he never seemed to concede or give up, Nickel finally moved.

A bright gold light shone bright down Nickel's right arm as the purple mist on his body slowly diminished, Noir smiled, he had hope that Nickel would make it out.

A low quake sound is heard as the gold gates rumbled, the gates shook as they came open, a beast emerging from within, its appearance that of a leopard but its fur was purple with gold spots, it stood there its eyes staring at Nickel and then it slowly began to walk forward, it did go elegantly and gracefully.

"It …it came out" Noir's eyes widened in surprise.