
Chapter 4: New Principal

Alexandria wake up to the feel of someone breathing on her neck. Her eyes pop open slowly and she lightly gasp seeing Vincenzo's tattooed arms around her tiny little body. She look up at his peaceful face and nearly giggle when she realize he looked a lot different last night.

Vincenzo: "I can feel you staring at me"

Alexandria: "I'm so sorry"

He chuckle and she smile at the husky sound that warm her entire being up.

Vincenzo: "No need to apologize princesa"

Alexandria: "Today is Saturday....any plans? (she ask rolling over)

He groan and try to reach for her but she throw herself on the floor before he could grab her body.

Alexandria: "Ow"

Vincenzo peep over the side of the bed and laugh at her as she grumble under her breath. He then look down at her with such an intense gaze that it had her gulping.

Mandy: "Coming in!" (she screams)

Alexandria pull down most of the sheet to cover her naked body and inwardly groan as she realize the situation she's in.

Sleeping with one of my student's teacher

Alexandria get up and sneak in the bathroom when Mandy jump on Vincenzo on the bed....distracting him.

She lean against the door and sigh.

It's not that I regret it....no (she thinks) It's the fact that it's very unprofessional and unsteady.

Alexandria then shower with a sweet smelling soap and brush her teeth with a new looking toothbrush. After that - she step out of the bath tub and wrap a towel around her body and one around her hair.

Something is different about her and she couldn't tell what it was. Her green eyes are brighter and lighter than before and the dark bags under her eyes are gone.

Someone knock on the door and she jump a little.

Vincenzo: "Alexandria?"

Alexandria: "Just a few more minutes and I'll be down"

Vincenzo: "Don't take too long" (he sings)

Alexandria let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and walk out of the room. Her eyes find Vincenzo's shirt and shorts on the bed and a tiny smile grace her lips.

She put on the clothes and let out a content smile at the texture of his clothes. She then rub a little lotion on her skin and breathe in the wonderful smell.

Alexandria couldn't find a hairbrush so she just walk down the stairs into the kitchen while running a hand through her hair.

Mandy: "Morning Miss" (she squeals loudly)

Alexandria: (wince but smile) "Hey munchkin..you look refreshed today"

Mandy: "Refreshed enough for school in..."

Vincenzo: "In an hour..sit Alexandria" (he says seeing the panicked expression on her face)

Alexandria relax a little but when she sit on the chair...she immediately tense.

How could I forget that I have school today? (she thinks)

Some minutes later and she's at her house dressing up for school...If it was up to only Vincenzo - she'd be wearing his shirt and shorts to school to teach. She had to do a lot of convincing before he could bring her back home.

Alexandria look over herself and smile. She's in a white button down shirt and a black skirt matched with her black ankle boots. Her hair is pulled in a neat ponytail and she has on just a little makeup.

She walk out of the bathroom to see Vincenzo sitting on her bed and looking at her picture of she and her ex - fiance.

Alexandria: "Hey...(she says softly) You ready?"

He look up at her and she freeze as his eyes seems so intense on her body.

Vincenzo: "Let's go"

He then just walk out leaving her in the middle of the bedroom with furrowed eyebrows.


Alexandria walk into her class and smile at the little children but then stop seeing a man that looks one or two inches shorter than vincenzo standing in her classroom.

He has short brunette hair and beautiful brown eyes. He's a little muscular but not like Vincenzo and when he look at her entering the classroom...his gaze didn't make her feel the way Vincenzo's gaze make her feel.

She shake her head when she realize she's comparing them.

Alexandria: "Oh..hi" (she says slowly)

Unfamiliar man: "Hi - I'm Maleek Malburrow"

He put his hand forward for her to shake and she do so a little slowly and cautiously.

Alexandria: "I'm Alexandria Clarke...how may I assist you? Are you a parent?"

Maleek: (chuckle) "No Ms.Clarke - I'm the new principal"

Alexandria eyes widen as she stare at the man infront of her.

Shit - (she thinks)