
Inazuma Eleven: Football Prodigy

Eight-year-old Tanaka was once a talented football player, until a tragic accident left him disabled for life. Despite this setback, he never lost his love for the game. One day, an unknown entity healed his legs, and he was able to play again. With newfound determination and a renewed sense of purpose, Tanaka sets out to prove to the world that he's still got what it takes, and become the world's best player in honor of his deceased older brother.

Zaydenn · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Football Street Showdown (1)

After just an hour of training, Tanaka was panting heavily, his energy depleted. It had been years since he had last exercised, and his stamina wasn't what it used to be.

Suddenly, a familiar voice reached his ears.

As he was too tired to pay attention to his surroundings, he didn't notice a girl approaching him from behind. "Even five years later, you're still the same as ever. Is football the only thing you know in life?" the girl teased.

"Natsumi?" Tanaka turned to face her and saw a beautiful young girl with a slim, athletic build. Her wavy chestnut hair cascaded down her back in loose curls, framing her face in a soft and natural way. Her deep, expressive brown eyes shone with intelligence.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, surprised. She didn't live in his neighborhood, so he wondered why she was there.

"Yuu, I can't believe you forgot to tell your childhood friend about the recovery of your legs," Natsumi said, shaking her head.

Upon hearing this, he froze as if struck by lightning. He went over his memories and realized that he had indeed forgotten to tell her.

"This is just like you. I bet you were too engrossed in playing football and forgot about it." Natsumi continued with a helpless smile.

Tanaka couldn't refute her words. After all, what she said was 100% accurate.

Seeing his embarrassed face, Natsumi suggested, "Don't you think you have to make it up to me? We need to celebrate your recovery, so today you have to hang out with me."

After weighting the pros and cons between his choices, Tanaka finally gave in. "Just for today, alright?"

"That's what I wanted to hear." A smile appeared on her face as she pulled him towards her limousine.

"W-wait, I need to take a shower and tell my mom first."

"Your mom has already agreed, and you can take your shower at my place instead."

"Don't worry, you can go with Natsumi-chan. I have already given the permission." In the distance, his mother was standing at the entrance of the house waving at them with a smile on her face.

As they made their way to the limousine, Natsumi exchanged a wink with Emiko.

Everything was going according to plan. They both knew Tanaka well enough to know that if he were left alone by himself, he would have played football all day long.

However, just like the doctor said, it was best if he resumed playing little by little. They both didn't want anything to happen to him again.

The streets were decorated with colorful banners and ribbons. Stalls and tents lined the sidewalks, offering a variety of food, drinks, and crafts. The air was filled with the sound of music and laughter as performers and visitors alike danced and mingled in the lively atmosphere.

Natsumi leaned in close, her warm breath brushing against his cheek as she held out a piping hot takoyaki. "Here, try this," she said softly, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Tanaka opened his mouth obediently, savoring the delicious blend of savory octopus and tangy sauce as she fed him the treat.

A playful smile graced her lips as she asked, watching Tanaka's reaction to the takoyaki, "Is it as good as you remember?"

Chewing thoughtfully, Tanaka relished the rich flavors of the street food before responding, a content expression on his face. "Uhm, it's amazing. You have a real talent for finding the best foods."

With delight in her eyes, she leaned in a little closer to him and said, "I knew you'd love it. It's one of my favorite things about this festival."

As he was walking, a poster on the street caught his attention, causing him to stop in his tracks.

Seeing her childhood friend suddenly stopping midway, confusion crossed Natsumi's face. "Is everything alright? Why did you stop?" she asked. But as she followed his gaze, she let out a sigh and added, "I guess we'll just be watching from the sidelines, okay?"

When they approached the poster, the words on it became clear enough to read.

[Football Street Showdown: The Ultimate Battle for Glory

Bring your A-game to the streets and compete for the ultimate prize! Will you rise to the challenge?

Cash prize: 100,000 yen (∼1,000 USD)

Team registration only: Three players per team required.

Registration fees: 5,000 yen per team (~ 45 USD)]

The sound of footballs being kicked around echoed off the buildings, and the air was filled with the smell of street food being sold by vendors lining the streets. People of all ages were gathered around, eagerly waiting for the tournament to begin. The energy was electric, and they could feel the anticipation in the air as teams checked in and warmed up for the competition.

Standing beside them were two boys in football uniforms, their eyes scanning the area as if searching for someone. Anxious expressions were etched on their faces, hinting at their growing worry.

"Hey, where the hell is Akira?!"

"I have no clue, he's not picking up his damn phone!"

"This is ridiculous! How are we supposed to register for the tournament without him?"

"We only have five minutes left, man!"

"Ugh, that bastard is gonna pay for this!"