

Friedrich lived a life of what we call fulfilled, he was taken care by both if his parents, given a lot of things. With that he even gain the knowledge of everything he needs to know in this world. But will this knowledge be useful in a world where knowledge is nothing but an information meant to support the strength and will of the fighter. Will this dominate the world of primitive structure wherein people disgust the word of knowledge. Will he survive the harshness of the environment that might give him his resting place, or his greater self.

HughBum · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The terrifying unknown

It was terrifying, you, who lives in a world of information, yet still isolated from the entire world you needn't to know but suddenly appearing to nowhere.

My name is Friedrich, currently 18 years old with nothing to be proud of except of my general knowledge regarding this world. It was my only strength, yet it was easily crushed.

"Summoned Heroes! The people of Gaia send their gratitude for accepting us! The world is in danger, the demon lord has wreak havoc across the continent. It even destroyed some human kingdoms! If this outrageous event won't stop, the world which we know will end! Help us, heroes, and your wishes will be granted by my name!"

A man of old age, above average weight but with a look of masculinity. That was his appearance.

He stood dignified in front of us, 6 people who supposedly summon from our world.

As soon as he finish his cliche speech, a menu pop up from my eyes. It wasn't a status that I would think of as soon as it appears, instead there's only a few words written on it.

"Now, dear heroes! Will you please announce your acquired power that is granted by the goddess who will help us defeat the enemy! Now, let us see!"

The man is pursuasive, that is according to my observation, he acts as if we were his servants meant to be ordered around. Just in a few minutes after appearing here against my will, I'm already uncomfortable.

"Here says, Magic Swordsman."

A weird looking arrogant man said.

"Incredible! We already have a rare individual!"

"Mine's Sage!"

A lady wearing a glasses announce hers next.

And the announcement of power carries on until I was next.

"Uh...m..., mine's... I don't know, it says General knowledge."

General Knowledge, that's what I got. That's all.

"G-Good...! It's... It's okay, knowledge is still powerful you know! Well, in times of need, it comes in handy. Well, anyways since you're quite special you will be having a conversation with the servants of mine. That's all, now for the rest."

I don't like him. That's as simple as it can get. His aura, his manner, I think his entire being is what I don't like.

I sigh, not knowing what to do in this kind of situation, thankfully, the servants he mentioned came.

"A-Ano..., you can come with us now."

That saved me from the stares.


"Your power... You see, it was useful... It was since it had the ability to bring prosperity and advancement to any nation who wield it... However, the timing is wrong you see. So we decided you won't be participating at the front line. Though, you will be given a chance to choose-"

"I wanna go back."

My words stopped the already panicking lady in front of me as I said that, my desire to return have reach its peak and anytime now will only increase it.

This world, this place, its hideous. The decorations, it's too much.

The lady seems to be sweating too much, I noticed.

"Y-you see... Mi-mister..."


"Mister Fred... You... You can't..."

"I can't, what?"

"Y-You can't go home!"

I was startled by the sudden aggression of her voice. It was unbecoming and disrespectful, so I can only glare at her and told her,

"You don't need to shout."

She immediately bow her head which is... supposed to he a customary here?

"I apologize for my behavior! Please forgive me!"

"It's fine... Why don't you just explain it to me."

Once again, when I ask her, she made a panicking expression, she was unease and certainly restless. I can't help but feel slightly irritated by it but I let it pass since it might be a personal issue.

"O-okay... You see... Just like I said before, you will have to choose between the two, you either stay here or be given a chance to start a new life. What I mean by it, is... You have to start here. From scratch. You can't go back since the summoning is a one way access and can only be done by either side. It even took many lives just by summoning the six of you. No one knows how it happen which is why the Magic Institution is currently at uproar. "

I see.

I get it now. But I don't know why I get it. The knowledge seems to be the one working on it. Does that mean my power's passive?

Anyways, what I understood is something else, much tragic. I don't mean to be a neo shits or something but this world seems to be unfair unlike ours. According to my extracted knowledge, this world is compromised by many intelligence species, each has its own culture and ideology.

For example, the humans are the first ever species that implemented politics. They also have laws that forbit the residencies of other species which is quite distasteful.

However, not only that, the humans in this world and from my world have vast amount of gap when it comes to value.

This world's human life value is lower than that of the human in earth. To simplify, ten of this world's human is equal to 1 of ours.

Too tragic, that's why they call us hero because we possess otherwordly power even they had a hard time controlling or even acquiring.

Not only that-

Before I could finish my thought a man in his ironplate came in unwanted by opening the door forcefully.

"Lady Myka, And you, both of you are summoned by the royal family."

That's it, after that small announcement, he left us with a different kind of feelings.

Either way, the lady who's name is Myka immediately grab my hand and respectfully ask my permission to be pulled. In the end, I was again dragged unwillingly.
