

Friedrich lived a life of what we call fulfilled, he was taken care by both if his parents, given a lot of things. With that he even gain the knowledge of everything he needs to know in this world. But will this knowledge be useful in a world where knowledge is nothing but an information meant to support the strength and will of the fighter. Will this dominate the world of primitive structure wherein people disgust the word of knowledge. Will he survive the harshness of the environment that might give him his resting place, or his greater self.

HughBum · Fantasy
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22 Chs


With the annexation of Carion territory, I can now officially declare the existence of the newly established nation, Ashea. It is a constitutional monarchy but with the monarch's still having absolute power.

I will also declare Carion's new name as Yrea, named after my beloved partner. And obviously, it will become Ashea's capital. It may still look like a town, but it will soon be as big as the modern cities in my world.

I won't also include the walls for the rebuild, the cost will only skyrocket if I did so. Instead, I will install future batteries that can defend the city well against invaders.

Things happen so fast, that even my pocket can't take it, so I will be rebuilding the destroyed facilities with the use of the lord's money. I will also include the reformation of the military that I will soon use against the army of Uldobra, that might have already send their army.

I can't confirm but there's also the possibility where other nations that use the trade route will interfere. I can't let that happen since I'm already low on resources and money. Either way, future plans require preparation but only future tells what might truly happen, for now I should worry about the reconstruction of other facilities that doesn't exist in this world.

That includes the electronic facility since they don't have the knowledge regarding the use of unknown energy.


In the throne hall there kneels a man wearing an armor in front of us. He sweat profusely as he gave a shocking message that angers my father.

Carion was attacked by barbarians and now occupied by them.

Just imagining those words terrify me. Barbarians are known for their names; they attack and pillage those they defeat, women are raped, men are killed. Some are even more terrifying where they make an entire occupied people into slaves.

"Mobilize the army, prepare to depart immediately after. We will retake the land whatever it takes!"

Despite all the discouraging words, my father still stand with dignity. That's why I admire him, a role model of our kingdom. The man who truly honor his words.

"Father, will it be fine if I join?"

He smile wickedly, by my age, I would've married someone and left the palace. But because of my father's selfishness I remain here still pure and away from unwanted proposals.

"Of course."


"Mana crystals are mostly located to magic dense places. Places that are either high in altitude or with many magic beast's activity."

I am now sitting at the office of the former lord of Carion. Here, four of my staff stand in front of my table giving reports about their works.

"Mana crystals are important, but it was only used by adventurers who are in need of awakening. Why do we even need it, your majesty?"

I don't know why, but the sound of my new title is fulfilling. Am I starting to imprison myself to my desires? That doesn't sound good. Anyways, I am now looking for areas rich in mana crystals. Fortunately, they are found mostly anywhere. It just need to be dense enough for it to form. Not only that, it is not widely used.

Such rich materials left ignored. What nonsense.

"I will soon give you the detailed information, for now, you just need to know that it is important."

After that they left. I reach for the report documents and get excited when I see that this place is also reach in land resources such as food and minerals. I also found something I am quite familiar with.

Impure water. A water that causes sickness to a drinker's body.

It seems I just discovered petrol by accident. Though I'm not gonna use it that much since there's already a safer and more eco-friendly way alternative.

However, it might come in handy in the future so I will keep the document. The other reports are all mostly the same so I decided to take a rest for a bit. With the mana crystal being mine and military equipments being manufactured, I can confidently say that we are prepared for war.


"It seems his majesty won't trust me, yet. But I do understand since I am his former enemy."

The name is Banner, I have yet to gain a surname since I just lost my former one after losing a battle. I am the former lord of this territory and Minister of Natural Resources. I was given a job in exchange for my life being spared.


The man who replies is Wright, a former servant of mine and main butler of my household. He took care of me since birth and also know most knowledge regarding land resources just like me.

He was the one who taught me after all.

Currently, he's acting as my assistant temporarily. However, because of his great talent, he will be given a higher position that has yet to be made.

It's envious, but I have to admit he's far better than me and deserve the position more than I am. I am but a person who can barely rule my own territory after all.

The sight of the reconstruction made me gasp as I walk outside the castle. The construction is far different from what I imagine.

The industrial district has many facility being made solely for military purpose, the residential being made for industrial, and beside the outer wall is the residential district.

This was a town, but in months of reconstruction, this will turn into city for sure. A city far bigger than I had seen.