
Inadequate Sentience

Ancient kings built grand dungeons and towers designed to house their wealth and power. Once every decade they come into a realm and are invaded by the inhabitants who kill and loot indiscriminately. Follow as Dimi defends his dungeon to the last.

Quigmodacon · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Lost To Darkness

The difference could be felt from the moment the tower passed through the realm barrier. The energy here felt not only stronger but also darker. This realm was not like the others. Somewhere in this realm was a being that held immense power, much more than they should. The pressure made the entire realm feel like it was bursting. Looking out Dimi saw only dirt and rock. The pressure created by the sheer power in this realm killed off every lower life form. The grass and trees, the animals, not one was left alive. Dead villages could be seen, ghost towns without a soul to be seen moving inside them, mere husks of a glory that was once here. The idea of facing the monstrous power was enough to put Dimi on unsteady feet. He had lost many times in the past, but this would not just be a loss... It would be a massacre. He held no hope of defeating whatever was left here. He could survive only because the tower protected him. This was something he did not look forward to.

Dimi could see, on top of four mountains, a portal. Each possessed a distinct color that told a different story. One, a sickly green, a mere glance made Dimi want to puke. The second a deep red, gazing at it filled him with hate and rage, though to what he did not know. Another was white, a release from suffering, looking at it weakened his body and made him feel happy as though he had completed everything he needed to and was ready to move on. The last was black, out of it came a feeling of subjugation, it pushed down those who felt it's presence making them subservient. For once The Master spoke to him, something that the master had not done in a thousand years.

"These are the gates of hell, the realms of demons. Biliriheim, the realm of disease and poison, a sickening green. Hidgeheim, the realm of war, they fight for the sheer pleasure of it, slaughtering everything and everyone, from it the deep red of blood. Declheim, the realm of death, a sweet embrace for those who are ready for it, the demons there take life of all who they find, they wish only to free everyone from the jaws of life, from it a pure white. Coreliheim, the realm of conquest, where there are only kings and slaves, seeking to subjugate all, from it an endless black. This world is fallen and only one remains who faced the demons. He will come and that will be the end of our journey."

Dimi listened to every word. The demon realms are what caused the downfall of his master's home their power seeping through poisoning the population even through master's power. This world is what theirs will look like someday soon. However, a single person surviving that is not possible. A demon incursion is either wholly defeated and never enters or a massacre. A sole survivor is unheard of.

Still he had time to prepare so that is what he would do. Not that there was much he could do, a being strong enough to pressure an entire realm would annihilate them instantly.


The pressure increased slowly as Dimi watched the man advance. The origin of all this weight just walked. He did not fly, nor did he run, he did not seem to care whether or not he ever arrived.

It took two days for the man to arrive. As he entered the tower Dimi and his men stood with weapons drawn, no one moving. Then the man moved. In an instant all of Dimi's men were dead and... the man was impaled, as though he had chosen death he was impaled through the heart on the blade Dimi had held. The pressure lightened as the man looked deep into Dimi. He lifted his hand and touched the blood on the blade, then reached over and touched Dimi's forehead.

"Finally... I am... Free..." The man smiled as the light in his eyes slowly faded. Dimi set him down his eyes wide with shock and a tear forming under his eye. A tear? Dimi reached up and touched his cheek. He had not even felt anything for his master, but why this? The man lay on the ground smiling, the sword still embedded in his heart. This man had been an Infernal, there was no mistaking that. The pressure is created by condensed magic and the speed he moved was only possible through training. How had he hit his blade? As Dimi looked at his men he cried, his first tears he had ever shed for his men. This is not what he should be doing. He had no feelings, Automatons can not feel. It is not right, it breaks the natural order!

As Dimi stood unsure of himself he felt his consciousness fade and he collapsed to the ground. From the inner hallway a man walked calmly to Dimi and stood over him.

"You have proven yourself and will now posses my power. I had never expected one of my automatons to gain life but it is fitting. A demon prince born of this realm and freed here shall become my descendent." He chuckled a little. "You shall be reborn with power unimaginable, you shall fight to gain strength, and one day you shall find He Who Eclipses All Else, and he will guide you further. As for me, my time is up, the last of my power goes to you, and to grant you the realm splitter to find your way."

The man placed his hand on Dimi's head and a glowing circle grew under him. After a moment the man faded away. There was nothing left here and the tower slowly shut down, it had no master. Without the demon prince pressuring the world the tower was no longer needed to save Dimi. This world could finally regrow. In the distance the portals vanished one by one until the whole world was quiet. A peace that a dying world deserved.

March forward Dimi! I believe in you! Find your God and rescue the realms from demonkind!

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