
In TODAG World with Summoner's Rift System

Just typical reincarnation to tales of demons and gods world. This is fanfiction and the true stories belong to Mad Snail, the author of Tales of demons and gods.

PikachuUsedSwim · Fantasy
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128 Chs

Learning and earning points

While Nie Li have fun flirting with Ye Ziyun at Ancient Orchid City, Xiao Yan learned all the books inside Institute Library. After he get all the information, he went to the training ground to earn some point so he can upgrade his Cultivation Technique as fast as he can . Even though it cost so much to upgrade, it will be worth it. While killing all the demon beasts that come close to him , he also keep checking points that he get . <Killing Horned Sheep get 2 points> the notification keep ringing inside his mind , keep telling him to kill more demon beasts.

After he kills more than than 2500 demons beast he finally get to his target. "Friday show me my points please" <Showing Host points collected>.

Points: 5156

"How much is Upgrade Card (Sharingan) cost?" asked Xiao Yan. <Checking Multiverse Shop, Upgrade Card cost 5000 after the first buy and will keep increasing in the future.> " Urgg my hard work just for 1 upgrade skill. Do it Friday it will be worth it." Xiao Yan reply to Friday. <Buying Upgrade Card (Sharingan) Do Host want to use it now?> " I will keep it for now and use it when I go back to my dorm." said Xiao Yan.

"System is there something in multiverse shop that can help with cultivation?" asked Xiao Yan. <There is something but only Silver Rank can use. If Host used , Host will exploded because of excess energy>. Then Xiao Yan keep thinking how can he get Silver Rank as fast as he can. " I guess I need to rely on myself for this ". shaking his head while thinking about this thing.

"I guess now is the time to get my Alchemist Master title. Friday is there any pills recipe in Multiverse Shop that can be used in this world?"

<Checking Multiverse Shop there are countless pills recipe>

"Can I buy the cheapest recipe that price at 100 points?" said Xiao Yan helplessly because he is poor.

<Checking Pill Recipe , Five Rotation Pill Recipe, this pill can help in digesting soul force Host take from the air. This pills increase the digesting by 3 times the speed of normal digesting. This pills increase the time Host to Cultivate to get twice the result.>

"Friday buy me that pill recipe" said Xiao Yan . Then he study that pill recipe and how to make that pill recipe .Of course by using his sharingan .He study alchemy so hard so he can get Yang Xin attention after he go to take the alchemist exam. "Now is the time , I need to keep my clothes proper and clean. While he walk , there are some woman from noble family that keep looking at him. They keep try to flaunt their body and beauty to at his attract his attention. Xiao Yan always keep his cold face that he get call as Frozen Prince in the Academy. Who can blame him for his cold face, he don't want to get attracted by other and get curse of hatred activated.