
In This Life, No Regrets

"In my past life, I was shackled by my past, but this time I'll dominate the showbiz industry!"

Mistake · Urban
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Chapter 1


A ding sound effect woke the boy up from his dazed state, and as he blinked groggily, his eyes focused on the source of the sound: a holographic screen materializing in front of him.




* *

* Name: Choi Jung-hyun *

* Age: 19 *

* Lifespan: 30 days *

* *




* *

* Instruments: S+  *

* Singing: B+  *

* Dancing: D  *

* Charm: EX *

* *


Choi Jung-hyun's eyes widened as he stared at the holographic display, his expression a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

"What... what is this?" he muttered, reaching out tentatively as if to touch the flickering words.

The holographic screen responded to his touch, the display shimmering slightly under his fingertips. With a sense of both wonder and trepidation, he began to navigate through the information presented before him.

"Choi Jung-hyun," he murmured, reading his name aloud as if to confirm its reality. "Age 19... Lifespan: 30 days?"

His heart skipped a beat as the implications sank in. Thirty days? Was that all the time he had left?

As he scrolled down, his eyes widened further as he saw the breakdown of his skills. In Choi Jung-hyun's room, there was a cabinet filled with trophies and medals, some in the shape of a violin, guitar, and piano.


Though his immersion was cut short as a notification from his phone buzzed. Jung-hyun grabbed his phone from his pocket and checked the notification. It was a phone call from an unfamiliar number, yet somehow familiar. With enough deliberation, he answered the call.

"Jung-hyun!! Where are you! We're supposed to meet up, we have our showcase in a couple of weeks."


"Yeah, it's me! What the hell are you doing? Meet me at XXXX-XXXXX."

"Alright, I'll be there in a bit." Jung-hyun then ended the call.

Ending the call, Jung-hyun felt a surge of adrenaline. It was as if the reality of his situation hadn't quite sunk in yet. He needed to talk to Seo-jun, to figure out what was going on. His mind was overwhelmed with a lot of things, but the most noticeable for him was his lifespan of 30 days.

He didn't know what was happening or why he had regressed to 20 years ago, but he had an inkling that meeting Seo-jun would answer some of his problems. With a heavy look on his face, he got ready and changed clothes.


**Gangnam, Seoul**

As he left his apartment and stepped into the bustling streets of Gangnam, Jung-hyun had time to think about what was happening.

Twenty years had passed since Choi Jung-hyun's days as an idol for a rising K-pop group. However, the dream was shattered when the group disbanded amidst a storm of issues, both within the members and the company.

One of them, Seo-jun, had been part of the group but left after a fistfight with another member who was allegedly bullying one of the younger members. In his past life, Jung-hyun had chosen to remain, enduring multiple controversies and allowing his talents to be overshadowed. His potential as a virtuoso was never fully realized due to limited control over their songs. Jung-hyun's reputation in the K-pop circle became "all looks, no substance," a label that stung with the truth of his cowardice.

After the disbandment, Jung-hyun's attempts to transition into acting were thwarted by his tarnished reputation. The industry saw him as tainted by the offenses of his former idol mates. No one wanted to associate with an idol with such a checkered past.

Despite his desire to move forward, Jung-hyun found himself trapped by the weight of his past. His last resort, his ability to play instruments, was also cut short as he was diagnosed with cancer. One of the symptoms was focal dystonia, which made it impossible for him to move his muscles properly, hindering his ability to even play a single note on a guitar or any other instrument. With the last moments of his life coming to an end, Jung-hyun chose to indulge, he went into a lifestyle rich with alcohol, cigarettes, and all other vices to distract himself from the harsh reality of life.

As Jung-hyun's thoughts raced, he was jolted back to reality when he accidentally collided with a woman around his age. Instinctively, he extended his hand in apology.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Where were you looki-"

The woman's words trailed off as she glanced up at Jung-hyun's face. Instantly, her cheeks flushed, and she fell silent, reaching out to grasp Jung-hyun's hand.

After a brief moment, the woman walked away, her mind buzzing with the thought, "Was that a celebrity?"

As Jung-hyun looked on, he noticed that he arrived at the location. 

In the heart of downtown Seoul, a quaint cafe exuded warmth and charm. Its exterior boasted large windows framed by cascading vines, while a chalkboard sign announced the day's specials.

Inside, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods enveloped patrons in a comforting embrace. Soft jazz music played in the background, enhancing the relaxed ambiance.

Cozy yet spacious, the interior featured wooden tables and plush armchairs, bathed in soft, ambient lighting. A long counter showcased baristas crafting intricate latte art and frothing milk for cappuccinos.

Shelves displayed jars of colorful macarons and freshly baked pastries, tempting patrons with sweet offerings. At the back, a small stage awaited live performances by local musicians.

Among the chatter of patrons and clinking of cups, one table stood out, a cozy corner spot bathed in sunlight. A simple vase of fresh flowers adorned the decent-sized table, where two steaming mugs of coffee awaited.

And there, sitting at the table, was Seo-jun, waving enthusiastically at Jung-hyun with a bright smile. As Jung-hyun made his way towards Seo-jun, his thoughts were swirling with uncertainty and a sense of urgency. 

Seo-jun's cheerful greeting snapped Jung-hyun back to the present, and he accepted the cup of coffee with a grateful nod. Taking a seat across from his friend, he felt a knot of tension forming in his stomach as he prepared to broach the subject that had been weighing heavily on his mind.

"Seo-jun-hyung, let me get straight to the point," Jung-hyun began. "I think I'll quit our idol group."

Seo-jun, who had just taken a sip of his coffee, sputtered in surprise, nearly spilling the beverage on the table in front of him.

Jun-hyun looked at the panel right behind Seo-jun as it displayed:


Mission: Quit Idol Group

Reward: +10 days to lifespan

