

A/N: As promised, here is the final chapter of the story. It is 'optionally canon', meaning if you don't want Alaster to take on another wife other than Velzard, then this chapter isn't canon. For those of you who DO want Alaster to get together with Eveyln, then here it is. This is going to be the last chapter of this story, though, regardless.


"No! I'm NOT giving up my human form for something so stupid." I said, stepping through the portal back into my mansion in Amrita.

"Come on~ I know you want to~" Velzard hummed teasingly into my ear as she hung off of me.

"No. YOU want me to." I paused. "Look, just because I can transform my body into any shape I want doesn't mean I'm going to turn into a 'tentacle monster' to 'Fuck you like one of my hentai girls', ok?" I quoting back at one of Velzard's recent quips to me.

Velzard pouted. "Party pooper~" She moaned.

I rolled my eyes. I knew she wasn't serious at all. Or at least... I HOPED she was...

This all started when we'd just gotten back to my previous home universe. Originally we were going there to beat up Fuze and force him to write Velzard as a better character who wasn't so one-dimensional as she was in the 'canon' he wrote, we first stopped by my house to check out the cause of my death. This was mostly out of my own curiosity. It had been my most burning question since my reincarnation, especially since I hadn't met any ROBs who explained the process to me and just kind of woke up in one of my favorite fantasy worlds.

Turns out, only a few minutes had passed since my death and reincarnation. I'd found out what killed me. A robber broke into my home when I was asleep on the couch and killed me. Shot me right in the head and was trying to unplug the TV and make off with it and my PS5. Thankfully, I'd fallen asleep in the living room and the robber hadn't checked the rest of my house. My grandma was upstairs, also asleep, and he'd have killed her too if he cared to check out the rest of the home. /1\

While I was busy torturing the man for potentially threatening my grandma, making sure to grind his soul into dust to ensure he wouldn't go to the afterlife or reincarnate, Velzard was looking around my old home. She eventually found her way to my room and my old computer. It didn't take much to unlock it, since my password was conveniently left on a sticky note attached to the screen.

I regretted how stupid I was when I saw that. What's the point of having a password in the first place when I left the password clear as day ON the monitor? Unfortunately, that regret was only the second worst regret I'd have that day.


My biggest regret was not using Incognito Mode during my previous fap session.

I'd repressed the memories of my previous hentai addiction extremely well over my past few thousand years to the point that even Velzard never knew the kind of degenerate stuff I would wank to in my previous life. I was a horny virgin who didn't know anything about relationships back then and thought sex would be like it was in porn.

I was right, but only because I became a reality-warping man-god and not because that's how normal people have sex.

I was too distracted contemplating my previous, sad existence to realize I needed to stop my wife then and there before it was too late. She was on a mission and it wasn't hard to get a laundry list of my 'sins' when I was distracted by self-cringe at my past.

Lots of elves and orcs. Elves and goblins. Lots of magical girls and tentacles. There were even a few goddesses dicked into corruption.

I'd never been so embarrassed at my past self until that moment. What's worse was that I knew Velzard was going to utilize this moment of weakness against me for the rest of my existence. I could tell by the smug smirk on her face. Even after I instantly destroyed the computer and all of the evidence by using Null Energy on it, I couldn't reverse time, and I was now exposed.

Well I COULD reverse time, but Velzard would be immune to it, so there was no point.

My only saving grace was that during that session I was rather 'tame' so she didn't uncover my breeding kink from back then. I then destroyed my memories of that thought before she could read my mind and discover it, though I had a sneaking suspicion I was too late on that front too.

Anyway, back to the awkward present.

"Hmm~" Velzard cooed seductively. "Maybe I could get Evelyn to come by, dress her in a knight's armor, and tie her up and get her to say 'K-kill me!' while you and your [Parallel Existances] act as orcs to... huff.. stuff her with... your meat... and... breed her..." Velzard stopped talking, her eyes glazing over with a deep blush on her face as she began panting.

I raised my eyebrow at her for a moment. "Are you getting turned on imagining it?" I asked her hesitantly. It was kinda obvious but I was surprised by the sudden flipping of her switch.

Velzard snapped back to reality and turned her head away quickly to not look at me. "I am not."

I gave Velzard a long stare. As hot as it was to see my waifu getting turned on, she wasn't usually like this. I was supposed to be the horny one in our relationship. It actually worried me quite a bit that something might be going on with her. Under normal circumstances, she disapproved of Evelyn and I even being in the same room alone together, and that was while we were still just friends, so her casual suggestion that I should gangbang her was alarming.

I couldn't deny that I loved Evelyn in my own way, but Velzard was my soulmate. I'd sooner never see Eveyln again than lose Velzard, even if I knew it'd probably leave a scar on my soul that would probably never heal. I was content with just being friends with Evelyn, and Velzard knew this.

To be honest, despite the two of us being two separate consciousnesses, the fusion of our souls was so tight at this point it'd be impossible for any non-omnipotent being to separate us, as we objectively were a single soul by now. Also, as an aside, good luck trying to do such a complicated division when two pseudo-omnipotent begins were fighting back against you.

We actually discovered the fact that two pseudo-omnipotent begins were more than a match for a single true Omnipotent being when traveling into the DC Universe. We were almost immediately assaulted by the Overmonitor trying to cast us out of his creation. The fact we could fight back at all was a surprise, but it was a welcome one. Although we still ended up losing that fight, it was mostly because he caught us off-guard the first time. We wouldn't lose again if we ever had a rematch as we'd already the One-Above-All knocked out cold when we visited Marvel.

Despite the original definition of the word, we discovered during our travels that there were things even Omnipotent Beings couldn't do. /2\

I shook my head back and forth. Now wasn't the time to have my mind wandering. I embraced Velzard, using my powers to see if she was under attack by one of the various ROBs we'd run into, but detected nothing. Finally, I calmed down and lowered my guard enough to ask Velzard about it.

"Hey, snowglobe what's wrong? You've been acting funny. If it's something I did then I'm sorry. I apologize. I was wrong." I said, hugging her deeply. I didn't think I did anything wrong but any married man will tell you, apologizing to your wife, even when you don't think or know that you screwed up, is always the safe move.

I wasn't looking at her face, but through my senses, I could tell Velzard was still bright red. "No that, um... I'm fine, really, it's just... no never mind." She said as she took some deep breaths and calmed herself down.

We stood there, enjoying each other's embrace for a while in silence.

(Velzard POV)

'FUUUUUUUCCCKKKKKK!!! I almost blew it! Damn you, ME!' I yelled in my own mind.

I took another long deep breath and finally calmed down. I was glad that Alaster prefers not to read my mind as often as I read his, because if he did, I'd really die of embarrassment here. I was trying to be smug after I found his digital porn stash but let slip one of my own fantasies.

I'm not exactly sure when it happened, but as a result of merging our souls together so tightly I've been feeling certain... urges.

I always knew Alaster held strong feelings for Evelyn. Even after she was effectively, although accidentally, the cause of the attack that killed his parents, Alaster never stopped caring for her. It's always erked me, to be honest.

I loved him and him alone more than I loved my own life. I'd kill any number of worlds and universes if he asked me to, consequences be damned. I found myself really identifying with yanderes in the anime we watched together in his memories, however, something has been happening in recent years.

The closer I merge our two souls, the more I feel my own heart being drawn toward that stupid elf bitch. With her stupid, long, shimmering, silvery snow white hair and her beautiful... ruby red eyes... and... perfect... curves...


It's happening again!

I took another deep breath. I knew why this was happening.

Alaster loved Evelyn. I knew that for the longest time. It wasn't surprising to me at the least. What WAS surprising what that 'I' would catch feelings for her too the closer I merged with him.

Alaster was a nearly omnipotent being. He could live and experience the world as just a soul and said soul was all but indestructible. At first, the fact that his care for her was ingrained so deeply infuriated me, but the fact he was willing to suppress his desire for her out of concern for me made my heart soar.

I won't lie. I am not a 'good person'. In fact, I'm controlling, possessive, and vindictive. I really don't care about people other than Alaster and my family, and even then, if my children died, so long as their souls weren't destroyed and they reincarnated safely I probably wouldn't care too much. I'd just be more annoyed than anything. That wasn't the case with Alaster. If he were to die, then I'd have to kill myself over and over again until I lost my memories of him, as the anguish of not having him remember me after reincarnation would be too much to bare.

To be honest, if it weren't for my power and beauty no one would want anything to do with a self-centered bitch like me. /3\

But Alaster loves me anyway. I NEEDED to be closer to him. To make sure he'd never be able to run away or leave me behind. I've read the Tensura books. I also know Guy Crimson personally. If I had met Guy before Alaster, and Guy had shown me even the smallest amount of affection, he could probably string me along for the millennium as he did in the 'canon' of the story. Even without actually holding any affection for me.

The reason I hated Fuse so much was because I knew his depiction of me was accurate but I didn't want to face the truth that I was such an ugly, easy woman. The thought alone made me shutter. I was so starved for affection I very nearly ended up as just another 'thing' in Guy's collection, especially if he would have treated me like in those damn books Fuse wrote.

I hugged Alaster more tightly. Because of my insecurities, I'd basically parasitized him by merging our souls together so closely, but a consequence of that was that we both inherited personality traits from one another. He's become much more cold-hearted to his enemies. The man that went easy on a group of probable slavers like the Liberators or who almost broke down in tears when the 'friend' he'd only known for a few years betrayed him and was responsible for most of the tragedies in his life died, had just brutally tortured and gave a true death to a mere burglar for threatening his Grandmother, whom he could have protected with his magic or barriers or literally any one of his myriad of powers.

I acquired much more of his mischievous nature and apparently his otherworldly sex drive.

That was fine. Big Brother (Veldanava) told me the risks when he first asked if I wanted to link my soul to his through [Solomon] all those years ago, but what I wasn't expecting was to start to hate Evelyn less and less as time went on. I could tell Alaster was happy that we'd become friends recently, but I didn't expect my neutral stance to turn into this weird crush I now have on her...


Why am I like this? Alaster has a saying about this. 'Look before you leap!' he once told me. 'It's fine, I'll just fly over any dangers' was what I responded with back then. Now I know what he meant when saying it was a metaphor.

How do you fall out of love with someone you yearn for? Especially when you love the way 'I' love someone?

This is torture.

"You ready to talk about it?" Alaster asked me, throwing off my mental monologue.

'I never used to do that either... another thing I must have picked up from Alaster' I pondered briefly.

I took a small sigh. It was time to come clean. "I... I think we should take Evelyn as our second spouse." I admitted

Alaster just stared at me with a shocked expression. I know what I said would shock him, but I was feeling nervous under his gaze. My nervousness grew even worse when I tried reading his mind all I got was static. I couldn't help myself. For the first time in nearly 2 millennia, I began to panic.

"Um, well. It's just, as a result of our souls merging together, I kinda just... inherited your love for Evelyn and so..." I tried to explain my line of reasoning but Alaster continued to stare at me in utter disbelief.

"It's not like that, ok! I was just having fantasies lately and seeing that sexy elf in your porn earlier reminded me of Evelyn and~" I was now talking at a million miles a minute, exposing myself more and more and digging myself a deeper and deeper hole.

Alaster's blank face suddenly blushed. I felt stupid. I was behaving like a teenager whose deep dark secret was just found out and who had to defend themselves on the spot. If it was just something about my feelings towards Alaster, I could live with it. He even liked it when I got nervous or baffled, thinking it was cute, but considering it was about a woman who wasn't even in the room...

I felt so, so stupid.

(Alaster POV)

It took a few moments to process what my wife was saying to me, and her barely coherent rambling after her initial confession didn't help much. By the time I finished processing what she was saying she had already been staring at me for a few moments in awkward silence, waiting for me to respond.

I took a deep breath to steady myself. There were so many things I wanted to say and ask. I knew fusing our souls together would probably affect each other with our personality traits shifting slightly, but I never imagined Velzard would pick up my "unrequited" secret love for Evelyn. I always thought she was just teasing our close friendship. I also knew I'd inherited some of her more intense traits which manifested in my overprotective daughter-con personality. /4\

As I struggled to order my mind to form a coherent response to Velzard's earnest confession, I suddenly spoke aloud a subconscious worry which popped up into my mind.

"You're not going to leave me for Evelyn are you?" I asked in an almost pleading tone.


Yikes! That instant response was ice cold and the dead eyes that bore into my soul instantly forced me to straighten my back in primordial fear. It was rather obvious that her response was a 'no' from her reaction, so despite my momentary terror, I felt a wave of relief wash over me in an instant.

Velzard, seeing this, lightened up instantly and smiled softly at me after a moment. She even chuckled at how I'd jumped.

"No its just..." She paused. "I don't know. I could probably get rid of this feeling with our powers but losing her... forcing YOU to lose her... even as possessive as I am, I could never do that to you." There was a pause. "Plus having an elven princess at your mercy... watching her squirm in pleasure under your touch... huff... huff."

"Are you turned?"

"I am not," Velzard responded turning her head to look away from me.


(3rd POV)

There was a knock on the door to the fancy office room. It was brief but its firmness showed its clear intent that it was important. Evelyn looked up from her desk where paperwork was sprawled out everywhere.

Evelyn's face instantly brightened. She knew only one man would have the audacity to knock so roughly on her door.

It was Alaster!

Her heart fluttered for a moment as her ears bounced up and down in happiness before she calmed herself. He was probably just here to have tea and talk some more. It had been a little over a week since they had last seen each other and this was about when he would stop by.

Alaster's wife Velzard didn't like the two of them spending too much time together when it wasn't talking about business. Thankfully in the last few years, she had softened her staunch stance and the two had even become very close friends. Other than maybe her old magic teacher and pervert Nolla, Velzard had become her closest friend, the two were almost like sisters.

She'd even gotten a blush out of the ice dragon when the two had changed together before taking a hot-spring trip last month. Eveyln would be lying if she said she didn't blush back in embarrassment at that time. The ice dragon was absolutely adorable when she let her guard down and it made sense why Alaster was so attached to her.

Despite being in the top 5 strongest beings in the universe, she made you want to protect and spoil her in those moments.

"Come in." Evelyn promptly stated, sliding her paperwork off the table. If not for the small subspace she'd opened up beside the desk, the papers would have spilled all over the floor.

This was a trick she'd taught herself to maximize her time with Alaster, as he would always leave sooner if she seemed busy with the stacks of paperwork on her desk. She would always deny that she was busy, but apparently, Alaster had been traumatized by the amount of paperwork he had to do when he first formed the adventurer's guild.

He even admitted to her that the reason why he never started his own country in the past was because he feared having to do paperwork all day long. Even with the use of Magic or Skills, paperwork truly was the bane of any being, no matter how powerful.

The door opened and Alaster was revealed in all his glory. Slightly behind him was his wife Velzard. Evelyn's eyes opened slightly wider for a moment, though one would need expert analysis skills to read the subtle change in her microexpressions at seeing this news. Velzard and Alaster almost never came to her together. Sure, she knew Velzard was probably always spying on their private meetings, as Evelyn could sense a malevolent presence whenever Alaster and herself had gotten too close or the mood seemed a bit too good in the past.

Alaster would also sometimes react to seemingly no stimuli as though he was magically communicating with another entity, though whatever method he used, Evelyn was never able to figure it out.

After the two of them entered, Alaster waved at the attendant who'd escorted them into Evelyn's presence, dismissing him. The elf knight glanced at Evelyn for a brief moment, but when he saw she didn't contest the dismissal, he took it as a subtle agreement and left the room, closing the door on his way out.

"Is there something wrong?" Evelyn asked.

Alaster scanned the room for a moment, confusing Evelyn before he snapped his fingers. The room was instantly isolated from the outside world by a multi-dimensional barrier. Evelyn was slightly shocked by this, but the only thing that showed on her face was a slightly raised eyebrow. She didn't hold any doubts in her heart towards her two close friends. Velzard aside, Alaster could never harm her, and if he wanted to, he didn't have to go through such an elaborate scheme to do so. With his reputation, he could kill her on her throne in front of the whole kingdom and people would wonder what Evelyn had done to deserve to be subjugated by Alaster and thanking him for defeating the threat before it could materialize.

Alaster gave another scan of the room before smiling at his work. "Good. Now no one can interfere." He said.

"It's not like something was going to happen anyway you know?" Velzard stated.

"Somewhere in the recesses of my mind and soul, I've been hoping for this day to come for 2,000 years. I ain't taking any chances." He responded, crossing his arms to which Velzard sighed.

"Mind letting me in on this? I feel like I'm missing some context here." Evelyn said, a bit confused.

Evelyn was expecting many things from this meeting. An assassin coming after her life with some kind of Skill that could even hide from Alaster's [Clairvoyance]? Possible. Some kind of world-ending threat like the final Tenma War. A bit son but not unheard of. The threat of an internal coup or invasion from an enemy nation with spies listening in on their conversation remotely. More than likely the real reason.

Evelyn had steeled herself, expecting anything and everything from this meeting... "I love you. Marry us." Except for what Velzard had just blurted out.

"I'm sorry. I think I mishear-" Evelyn started, massaging her temple.

"You didn't. Become my bride." Alaster interrupted leaving no room for uncertainty.

Despite the stern look on his dead serious face, the small redness on his ears was not hidden from Evelyn's eyes. She had heard true.

Evelyn was in shock. She had waited for so long to hear those words. At some point, she even believed she'd never hear them and that she was mad to even entertain the thought of romance with Alaster. She'd tried giving up so many times, but she just never could. She loved Alaster and nothing was ever going to change that fact for her. As a matter of fact, she'd even come up with a plot to make herself into Alaster's mistress over a century ago, but even that plan ended in failure.

Evelyn stood up from her chair and shakily walked around the table. Alaster quickly but gracefully made his way to her side, sincerely hoping to help keep her from tumbling due to how shaky her legs were, though when he approached, she couldn't control herself anymore.

She leaped forward and brought her lips to his in an instant. She threw her arms and legs around him in a tight embrace as though if she let up even for a moment that this opportunity would vanish from in front of her like an illusion in the wind. The two of them battled with each other's tongues for what felt like hours but was probably just a few moments.

Despite both of them being Spiritual Lifeforms that did not have the biological need to breathe, the two parted to get some air and calm themselves.

"Yes! Damn it! YES!!!" Evelyn yelled, tears in her eyes. She'd never known true euphoria until that moment as she was held in her beloved Alaster's arms. Even if it was an illusion or a trick to fool her or a cruel prank by her weary mind, she didn't give a damn.

She had finally had him. For the first time since he walked out that door when they were teens, she finally had him and she would never let him go.


"Leafa is a terrible name!" Velzard hissed.

"It's a traditional elvish name!" Evelyn responded.

"It sounds like it was made up by a fanfiction writer for 'generic elf name!'" Velzard shot back.

"Well, in fairness that girl from the SAO universe named her character Leafa and she was kind of an elf." Alaster chimed in.

Velzard's glare shut him up quickly. "I don't care, if we're going to have another child then its name should be something more... special." Velzard retorted.

"It's my first child, I think I should be the one to name it!" Evelyn said, insistently.

Velzard looked like she had taken a hit to her ego from that response. She had used that same excuse to give Yumina her name when Alaster argued for Lumine to be her name in the past. Evelyn, seeing the momentary weakness in Velzard's defenses, decided to go in for the kill.

"Alaster! Velzard is being mean to me!" Evelyn cried as she got up and dove into Alaster's arms.

"Whoah!" Alaster caught Evelyn as softly as he could as to not hurt her or the baby in her swollen belly. Despite this seeming to be a rather dangerous act for a pregnant woman, Evelyn and her baby were completely safe. Alaster had created a special pocket-dimension made of the softest materials in the Omniverse to protect Evelyn during her pregnancy. Even if Evelyn were to fall off a cliff onto her belly, all that would happen would be she'd get sucked into the pillowy soil below them with no possibility of injury to herself or the baby. And that was BEFORE all of the extra defenses and barriers Alaster had wrapped around her. She didn't know it yet, but she could survive a multiverse collapsing in on her and take no damage, and that was just the outer layer of defenses she'd received from her beloved husband.

Alaster smiled softly and began stroking her head gently. "There there. That mean old ice-cube is all bark and no bite." Alaster said teasingly while glancing at Velzard who pretended to take offense.

"Ice-cube!?! To think my own husband would scorn me so~" She wailed melodramatically as she allowed herself to fall over onto the soft dirt, pouting cutely.

Alaster chuckled for a moment before freezing. The way Velzard had fallen had parted her dress perfectly to expose her long legs and juicy thicc but also perfectly toned thighs. Alaster opened his mouth, not noticing that his vixen of a wife was now smirking mirthfully as her plan had been a success.

Alaster gently laid down Evelyn nearby after giving her a loving kiss on the forehead before turning around and dropping all pretense and exposing himself as the lustful beast that he was. He moved in a blur, diving onto Velzard, giving her loving kisses all over her face and neck while his hands explored her body.

Velzard let out a few giggles before moaning seductively in Alaster's ears as if non-verbally consenting to have him take her that very instant. And they very well might have if not for the protest of another wife.

"Hey~" Eveyln complained. "No fair!"

"Perks of not being pregnant," Velzard responded seductively.

Evelyn puffed up her cheeks to pout, something she hadn't done seriously since she was a child but found herself doing more and more as the years with Alaster went by. She only pouted for a second before she felt herself being pulled towards Alaster as he outstretched his arm to her. When she arrived he pulled her into a gentle hug with his right arm while Velzard snuggled up into his left.

"FUCK! I LOVE MY WIVES!!!! I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!!" Alaster shouted as the two women looked at their goofball of a husband before rolling their eyes simultaneously.

They couldn't agree more. Life was good and would continue to be good, forever after.

The End



I didn't mention it in this chapter due to it not being the main focus, but Alaster pulled a Rimuru and healed his dead body before possessing it and living a normal life in his world but with the memories of the other world, though Velzard also created an instance of herself in that world to be his girlfriend and later wife.

They didn't do anything drastic like take over the world or change the world by introducing magic or anything like that, they just lived like normal humans until they died 'natural deaths'. they also never had children in that world but they did end up running an orphanage.


Alaster is referring to the Omnipotence Paradox. An example is, could an Omnipotent being (God in this context) create an object too heavy for him to lift? If yes then God isn't all-powerful since he couldn't lift something he created and thus had a limit to his power. If he could lift it, then he isn't Omnipotent either, since he can't create the object.


Velzard still has some amount of self-esteem issues, even as powerful as she is, though they are mostly healed due to learning to grow and become a better person after being with Alaster for so long.


Lots of things to unpack in this paragraph. First of all, nothing about his love for Evelyn is a 'secret'. He even added the self-quotation the 'unrequited' part because he knew Evelyn loved him back.

Second, Alaster doesn't even realize the reason he's become more ruthless to his enemies is due to Velzard.

Another thing is that Velzard didn't influence his daughter-con trait at all, he was always going to be a massive daughter-con who was overprotective of his little girls.

Thank you all for your support!

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts