
Peaceful Years and My Legacy

A/N: Ok, after reading the comments from before, I've decided to keep Phantasmal Lords as a thing, however, a bunch of people didn't like the name and suggested other names like Divine Spirits. Going back and changing the name wouldn't be too difficult and would fit a bit better with how most of the future faction of Shiki is based on gods/goddesses. So here is another vote.

Should it be re-named to Divine Spirits?

If not, what other names do you suggest? Youkai Lords, Devas, Atavists, etc. Give your suggestions.

A/N2: As I said in the last chapter, this one is going to be VERY fast-paced and I am going to skip over like a century of activities here. To make up for it, the next chapter is going to be a slice-of-life type Omake though with the MC's children.


(For Context, here is a Map)

(It's just a simple edit to the canon map because I didn't really want to have to completely remake it in Wonderdraft for something no one was going to look at for more than a minute or so)

So an immortal being as powerful as me needs hobbies.

Of course, while sex with my wives and occasionally Elmesia was nice and all, I had a lot of work to do in regards to remaking my faction. So three decades after I recruited Shuten Doji and defeated Veldora, I began creating new races again.

This time, rather than just new varients of elves, I recruited a number of monsters from the Barren Lands in the West and had them re-settle in the western nations and Jura. I recruited Lizardmen and, after a few failed attempts, created a youkai variant parallel race to the dragonewts I called the Ryujin. Technically, Tomoe was already this race, but THIS variant was based on Spirit Particles rather than magicules, so while the name is the same, both were different. They settled into Zodiac for a while before gradually moving westward towards the Middle River and the Great Lake of the West.

At the same time, I took in many human refugees from the western nations who lost their homes in natural disasters, famines, wars, and other unfortunate events and brought them into the fold. Toranir was a little upset that I was bringing in tons of refugees, so I began to manipulate various western nations in the area by taking them over from the shadows and spreading out the refugees to them.

When I did this, I happened across a few more reincarnated people. One was a young girl who happened to be from Japan but was killed during some Edo-period conflict. She had the Unique Skill [Eye of Truth], which gave her a third eye on her forehead that gave her a few powers such as swapping target's locations, opening portals, analyzing targets, etc, so I renamed her to Kaguya and took her in as my next ward. her third eye may not actually be a Rinnegan, but a bit of [Metamorphesis Magic] and a slight boost to her physical abilities to transform her into a Youkai changed that.

Is it a total abuse of my powers? Definitely! Do I care? Yes, actually. Mostly because Yue and the others were giving me a hard time about taking in young girls, so I decided my next subordinate would be a male.

Thankfully, I found the perfect one. He was a reincarnated martial artist from China who had been reborn as a monkey youkai on the edge of the Jura Forest. I met him when escorting Shuten Doji on her visit back home to the Ogre village. He seemed to be rather powerful and challenged me to a fight, as I was the strongest person he had come across. I fought against him for a while and I had to say, I was impressed. In terms of pure technique, he was superior to me in hand-to-hand combat and the use of polearms, but of course, with my broken stats compared to him, he didn't stand a chance and I easily dominated him.

I eventually gave the young monkey the name of Jin Wukong and took him into my service. I created a power pole for him, like the one from Dragonball, and even gave him a flying nimbus because it amused me to see him despairing that I was turning him into Sun Wokong from Journey to the West.

I was actually trying to turn him into kid Goku but I forgot that it was still a few hundred years until that show came out in the other world.


I have children!

Of course, since I knew I had quite a lot of time before canon and was rich and immortal, there was really no need for me to use protection during all the sex I was having. Alice got pregnant first, then Yue and Tomoe.

Normally, getting three girls pregnant all around the same time wouldn't be good if I was living in my previous world, but here it was normal. I won't lie. I was very happy when I heard the news and partied for a week straight. Everyone came by. Toranir and his wife Alextraza, as well as the heir apparent to the throne Aethus and his wife, Princess Keira, came by to celebrate with me. Luminous even showed up at some point.

Ramiris and her got into an argument on who would be the godmother with Luminous arguing that she could be an ACTUAL Godmother while Ramiris argues that having a Fairy Godmother would be better.

I settled back into my mansion in Zodiac for a few months while waiting for them to give birth.

Alice was first. She gave birth to twin girls. The eldest had her mother's blue eyes and golden blonde hair. I named her Artoria because I sucked at naming things and people. Alice named our second daughter, the younger twin, Leona. I used the Dragon Essence I collected from Ramiris when purifying her to bless my lovely daughters. Of course, I made sure to purify it and quadruple-checked to make sure no lingering personality or anguish from Milim's time as a mindless battle machine corrupted the energy before infusing Artoria and Leona with it.

'No way was I risking even the smallest hair on my daughters' head for a power boost.' I thought nodding vehemently to myself, not realizing I was becoming a daughter-con.

Both were born as Human Sages, though after being infused with the Dragon Essence, they became something akin to Dragon-born. Hopefully, if they awaken as True Demon Lords or Phantasmal Lords, they will evolve into Dragonoids.

A month after Artoria and Leona were born, Yue went into labor and gave birth to my first son. I nearly spat blood when she wanted o name him Hajime, as I felt like I'd lose something important if I did, so I used Luminous' suggested name of Arch.

Little baby Arch had messy blonde hair, like a combination of my hairstyle with Yue's hair color. He had the same crimson eyes as his mother, though his face was remarkably handsome, so he would probably have my looks. I infused him with the saved Demonic Essence from Ramiris after I again quadruple-checked to ensure not even an ATOM of Guy's personality was corrupting it.

Don't want my son to become an arrogant prick after all.

Since Yue was technically a Dhampir, our child was also a Dhampir, though, with the infusion of the essence, he became a True Ancestor. Luminous even asked if she could take him when he is old enough and teach him about Vampire culture since Yue wouldn't have much experience being locked away all the time. She bowed to me when asking this which shocked me. I told her on his fifteenth birthday I would send him to her, though only if he wanted to go.

She was extremely adamant about this, probably due to the guilt of letting down her sister, and wanted to make up for her previous failure of protecting and raising Yue. Normally, Luminous was actually pretty lazy, letting others do most of the ruling in her stead, but I could tell she would put her all into his. Having a True Demon Lord as your mentor was probably the best I could ask for, so I accepted.

I may have also gotten points towards my 'grope Luminous meter' from this since she kissed my cheek as thanks with a blushed face.

Finally, Tomoe gave birth to a son a week later. We ended up naming him Ryu. Like his mother, he was a Ryuujin, though he was a fusion of youkai and monster due to Tomoe's Demon Lord Seed and my own Phantasmal Lord bloodlines. Because of this, I didn't have to give him any essence to power him up, as he was born with the highest amount of magicules of all my children, being Ranked A- at birth. Of course, I still loved my son dearly and wouldn't leave him alone without a gift. I used the severed arm of Veldora I had saved from earlier to create a new Dragon Egg.

This dragon, since it came from Veldora himself, or herself now I guess, wouldn't be a True Dragon like his father, nor would it be a mindless beast like his sibling Charybydris, instead, it would be a Dragon Lord of the highest caliber. I gave it the name of Acnologia after using [Time Magic] to see it would grow up to look like the fairytale version, before sealing the egg inside of Ryu almost like making him a Jinchuriki, though completely different.

This gave Ryu the Unique Skill [Acnologia] which is similar to the [Veldora] skill that allows Rimuru to store Veldora inside his being and summon him whenever he wants. Ancologia would be a fine eternal companion and trusted aide of my son in the future.

Tomoe and Yue immediately evolved into True Demon Lords after giving birth, as they had long met the conditions to fulfill the evolutionary requirement, they just really wanted children before becoming sterile after evolving, which caused them to evolve immediately after birth. This further increased my children's strength, as they gained gifts of power from the Harvest Festivals of my wives.

After that series of events, I decided to rest for a while. I'd spend the next few years in peace, raising my children, training them in the ways of the sword, and teaching them about everything they would need to know in order to live a good life. I wouldn't involve them in my schemes to face guy and Rudra, but I still wanted them to become strong enough to not have to worry about dying to random Majin.

I didn't know it at the time, but all of my children would go on to do great deeds and change the world in their own ways. Ryu becoming King of the Ryuujin. Artoria becoming known as the Dragon Queen of the West. The Hero Leona, who would slay many evil majin and even fell a Demon Lord. As well as Arch going on to become a Demon Lord himself.

Of course, that is a story for another time.

Another short chapter today, though this one is the most important one yet.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts
Next chapter