
Kiss Under Moonlight

"WHAT!?!" I yelled.

Sitting across the table from me were two middle-aged-looking men, bowing their heads to me. Luminous sat in a chair adjacent to mine while my youngest daughter sat between the two men, red-faced and quiet. Alice sat beside me, a shocked look on her face.

"As we have said before... please give us permission to marry your daughter!" Louis said while his head remained bowed.

"Indeed, over the years, we have both grown to love Leona-chan and would like to ask your permission first." Roy declared, still with his head down.

"You two..." Leona said with tears in her eyes. She was shocked at the action the both of them had pulled. Her father visited them often, mostly to visit Luminous and spy on their little love triangle. The three of them had agreed to speak to Shiki about announcing their marriage publically, but couldn't find a good time to, so it surprised her when, at the end of the casual meet and greet that always happened when Shiki had shown up, the two had dismissed all the other servants before bowing their heads.

Leona was moved by their devotion. She knew getting her father's permission would be difficult. Not because he didn't want her to be happy, but because he was overprotective and didn't like the idea of two guys marrying his daughter. Leona shook her head before looking at the incredulous expression on Shiki's face.

"Please, father..." Leona said as she too bowed her head.

I looked at the display with a bit of an odd feeling. I knew this was coming eventually. We were all beings who were practically ageless, and Leona had been with the two in a 'secret' relationship for a decade now. I didn't think things would last to be honest.

Roy was quite the playboy when he was acting as the 'Demon Lord' all those years ago, being the reckless one among the two. I definitely thought that he would be the one she dropped, but he really leaned up his act when they started going out, so I never said anything and kept a close eye on him.

Louis, on the other hand, was hardworking and earnest if a bit blunt, and Alice once called him a 'tsundere' due to his behaviors. I still get chills thinking about it. He was the responsible one as well as the one who helped Leona during her holy magic training the most. He even kept those Seven Sages at bay while Leona was working her way up the ranks to what would eventually become Hinata's position as Chivalric Knight Commander.

'The bad-boy and the Sensei hu?' I thought as I leaned back into my chair and sighed. I sensed the tension in the room. The two in front of me were apprehensive, while Leona wholeheartedly believed I would reject it and only bowed to me as a show of support and solidarity to her prospective fiancés'. Alice was gitty, showing her rare cheerful side as she squirmed a bit in her seat happily. She was leaning against me heavily, taking one of my arms into her chest while looking at me, waiting for my response.

What surprised me the most was Luminous' reaction. She seemed to be in a state of internal turmoil, though I don't think it was because of the asking for permission. After all, she was the one who mentioned marriage between them the most and was the first to mention that polygamy was legal in her country going both ways. Sure, as the 'mother' of both of them, since she split the original vampire that was their original into two parts to create them, she had to be here too, but I doubt not giving her approval would be likely. I'm unsure of what was causing this distress in her, but I ignored it for now, as I had some more pressing matters to attend to than worrying over my fifth waifu.

I opened my eyes and looked at the two before I unleashed the full power of my [Phantasmal Aura]. While not as intimidating as [Demon Lord's Haki], it still worked to put intense pressure on the two of them. Alice and Luminous were shocked while Leona looked up at me in horror. I also let out all of my bloodlust which caused everyone in the room to jump a bit.

"You are asking me to give away my daughter to the two of you, correct?" I said in an uncaring and imposing tone. Luminous looked at me with wonder for a bit. I normally never took anything too seriously. Even when I teleported in the other day and told of my life-or-death battle against Milim, I was more excited than serious, so for her, it was the first time she had seen me like this.

The two raised their heads a bit with sweat drops coming from their faces. They knew I was WAY more powerful than them and was even stronger than Luminous was now, so I could kill them in an instant if they answered incorrectly.

To be honest, if I heard them saying anything other than what I wanted to hear, I would kill them.

'Well!?!" I asked again.

The two of them looked at each other before bowing again.

""YES!!!"" They said together.

I left my bloodlust and aura to continue leaking out for a second before I retracted it and sighed to myself. "Fine then, but if you make her sad I will come for you! Julius got off easy compared to what I will do to you." I said before I got up from my chair and walked out of my room into the hallway.

I wondered for a bit as I heard Leona cry happily in the room, probably giving her two spouses hugs and kisses. I also heard Alice going on about how those two needed to become stronger to protect their wife, as she tried to get them to start training again.

I wandered the Holy Grounds for a bit before plopping down underneath a small apple tree I had planted here after the Veldora incident. Normally, whenever I'm here, I'd come and pick an apple to enjoy, they were golden now, after mutating due to the high concentration of Spiritrons in the place and they tasted 'divine', becoming known as the 'Divine Apple Tree' in Luminism.

I looked up into the evening sky as the sun sank below the horizon. I sat there for a while before I heard graceful footsteps coming from behind me. I didn't turn my head, as I knew who it was. Leona and Alice were both a bit too tomboyish to walk so gracefully, and they sounded too light to be from a male, so I knew it was Luminous.

That, and her aura, even while suppressed, glowed with the light of a thousand suns to my [Universal Detect], but that's beside the point.

Luminous elegantly sat beside me after picking two 'Divine Apples' from the tree and handing me one. "I never thought the Phantasmal Lord who battled the Destroyer in the Kusha mountains so merrily would be pouting due to his daughter being engaged." She said as she bit into the apple.

I looked at her shimmering silver hair, blowing in the evening breeze. Her beautiful eyes were closed, enjoying the taste of the apple, which truly earned its title of 'divine'. After a moment, she stopped chewing and swallowed her bit, showing off her thin, yet elegant glossy red lips. She opened her eyes and looked at me again. The two gemstones of ruby and sapphire shimmered in the full moon's soft light, enhancing her already enchanting beauty that first made me fall in love with her all those years back.

I smirked before shaking my head and looking back towards the horizon. "I'm not really that upset. I always knew she would get married and I think I always knew it would be o those two, but I just didn't want to believe it, I guess. My daughters are my treasures." I said.

"I know, you treasure them so much you threatened to kill them in front of the girl you've been trying to whoo for two centuries." She said with a smirk.

"I didn't threaten them," I said, to which Luminous gawked a bit.

"Yes you did, Mr. 'Julius got off easy compared to what I will do to you.'" She said in a mocking tone, which I chuckled at.

"That's not what I meant," I said after a few seconds. "I was referring to when I let out my aura... it wasn't to threaten them."

"I know, it was to test their resolve right?" Luminous asked.

"Yeah. If they backed down at that point after bowing their heads, I would have killed them in an instant and destroyed their souls so not even you could revive them" I said darkly.

Luminous was a bit shocked by this. After all these years, she knew I had [Spirit Magic], which with my level of skill and training over the centuries, was at the same level of control over souls that her [Asmodeus] Ultimate Skill gave her. She knew there was a very good chance I could actually do what I said.

"I have many enemies. Most human nations, even though their populous' don't really care about me anymore, would still use everything in their power to hurt the ones I love. There is a good chance that once Guy decides to push the game into its final stages, He will send his subordinates after my children too, and the Eastern Empire is likely to invade again in the next century after they've licked their wounds and restored their strength from Veldora's rampage against them. If they wavered at MY level of bloodlust, then they wouldn't be enough to Leona safe." I said.

"I see... She would hate you forever you know."

"I know, but at least she would be safe." I said sadly.

"Hmmm?" Luminous said as she took another bite. I leaned back and closed my eyes to rest for a bit, thinking about all sorts of things.

There was a comfortable silence as we both sat there, enjoying the evening breeze. Luminous took a few more bites out of the apple before pausing again. I opened my eyes and turned towards Luminous who was smiling softly.

"Hey, Lum," I said, calling her by a newly created pet name of mine.

Luminous looked at me a bit confused for a moment.

"Let's get married," I said with a bit of a blush on my cheeks.

Luminous seemed to freeze in place for a moment as it seems her operating system had stopped working before a blush slowly climbed up her face until she was entirely red, matching her right eye's radiance.

She never expected an outright confession from me. I could tell. Not only that, but I skipped right to marriage first. It was not completely surprising for her, however, since the two of us clearly liked each other and we've had this 'will-they, won't-they' relationship thing going for 200 years at this point, but I know for a fact she wasn't prepared for the bluntness of my question so suddenly.

Luminous stayed like that for a few seconds before lowering her head, letting her hair fall forward over her shoulders and cover her eyes in shadow. I could still see, from her red ears, that she was acting a bit shy about it. The Great Demon Lord, the Lady of Nightmares, and Queen of Darkness herself, was acting like a bashful schoolgirl in front of her crush.


I smirked a bit when she nodded her head and said something under her breath about me being a coward for using a 'surprise attack' like that, but I wasn't having it. I put my finger and thumb under her chin and gently guided her face to look me in the eyes.

We stayed like that for a few moments before both our faces approached and I finally locked lips with Luminous for the first time in centuries.

She tasted like sweat apples. My new favorite food.

The fifth is FINALLY here!

For those who keep asking about Mio, don't worry, she is going to have a whole mini-arc with him coming up soon.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts
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