
Beginning of the Void Centuries

A/N: Sorry for the long leave. Thank you for being patient with me. This chapter and the next one will be very fast-paced, as I sky decades of time at once as we get closer and closer to canon.


After the dust settled, Alice, Chronoa, and Luminous walked over to me as I bend down in front of Veldora. I was currently sealing all of his skills using my [Spirit Magic]. Due to him being a True Dragon, a spiritual being of the highest order, as well as the fact that Skills were things carved directly into the soul of the user, I could use [Spirit Magic] in this way to seal them. Afterward, Chronoa sealed his body again in another Full [Unlimited Imprisonment].

Luminous was upset that we didn't plan on killing him, but I told her that he would just re-incarnate later and with a different personality that would probably be even worse than his current one since he wouldn't have the memories of him getting his ass kicked. She reluctantly agreed after a few moments of hesitation, though my comment of 'Better the Demon Lord you know that the Demon Lord you don't' may have made my 'fondle Luminous plan' harder when she looked at me with half-closed eyes.

After everything was said and done, Luminous agreed to let Chronoa take Veldora away tomorrow to seal him, but for now, I stored him as data again and we went back to her palace. Yue, Mio, and Tomoe were there alongside Roy and Louis came running up to us and my wives all hugged me in worry. Yue and Mio seemed relieved, but Tomoe looked to be rather upset, though I don't really know why.

Although we didn't party like I was expecting a bit, we all did celebrate at the passing of the threat and the 'free' destruction of the city. Louis and Roy had already drawn up new plans and developments for rezoning the city when it will be rebuilt and Louis was already preparing sermons about the epic battle between the Storm Dragon and the Hero and the Saint.

Apparently, the fact that Chronoa was a True Hero didn't slip by Luminous' senses, but I was surprised she didn't say anything. I was also going to be honored, though I really didn't want to be, as being a Phantasmal Lord while pretending to be a Hero was too much like Leon for my tastes.

The next day I traveled with Chronoa and Tomoe, who insisted on coming, to the Jura Forest in order to seal the True Dragon. On our way, I passed by a gathering of Orcs near Lake Siss in the center of the forest. It was a young lizardman and his company fighting a powerful (relative to them) Orc Lord and his band. We hovered in the air for a long time, observing the fight for several hours before the lizardmen emerged victorious, though only after suffering terrible losses. I thought about it for a while before realizing that that lizardman who killed the Orc Lord was probably Gabiru's father and noted this location for a future visit.

Afterward, We finally found the Cave that Veldora used as his 'nest'. It was the same cave as the Cave of sealing, so I had no qualms about placing Veldora back into his cannon spot. I also collected several hundred pounds of magic ore on our way in and out again. With Veldora sleeping and releasing his aura all over the place, there was plenty of rocks and stones that would be converted for Rimuru to use later anyway.

I then used a bit of the Magisteel I had refined out of Magic Ore to create the doorway that locked off the cave and activated some spells that would only allow humans or dwarves to enter, though I made sure that there were a few creatures in the cave for Rimuru to eat first. He is going to be very surprised when he sees the Tarasque I put in there, hehehe.


As we were leaving, Tomoe asked if we could stop by a certain place she liked to frequent when she went on her journey's into the Forest back during the relaxing years we spent in Zodiac. I was extremely surprised when it was the Ogre village we visited. Apparently, Tomoe had taken a young and nameless Hakuru as her apprentice in the ways of the sword.

We spent a few days in the village and I noticed one of the young women kept stealing glances at me, so I went up to her and greeted her. It turned out that she was an orphan ogre girl who the village was taking care of. As she was born in an awkward time in between generations of her village, she didn't have any hopes or prospects for a mate and asked to become my follower.

Seeing that I had no reason to refuse, I agreed and, when we left the next day, I brought her back to Rune to pick up everyone else. Mio and Yue were not amused, but Alice agreed to help train her a bit more. I gave her the name Shuten Doji, because why the heck not, and had her contract with some Greater Spirits once she became a Kijin. She can become one of my Phantasmal Lords later on.

Chronoa left my party after a few days as she traveled off to kill Demon Lord ROOT because he was still a massive threat to the timeline as well as being a jackass slaver, so I wished her well. Of course, with her strength, it didn't take long for ROOT to end up dead. Less than a week actually and with this, another Walperguis was called.

Other than the Restructuring of the Demon Lords into the Octagram, this was perhaps the most turbulent one of them all. Guy told the other Demon Lords about me but due to Luminous and Leon, the others weren't able to cause much of a fuss about it. Ramiris even left the council to join me as the leader of the Phantasmal Lords, thus leaving the total amount of Demon Lords at nine.

Since they couldn't come up with a good name, they put off deciding on one for now and decide one at their next banquet. I thought about installing Shuten Doji as a spy but decided Guy would see right through it so I left the future of that up to them.

Finally, I aided Toranir and his forces in fighting off a coalition of Western Nations from invading Zodiac in an attempt to crush the Demihuman nation before it became too rich and powerful. Although initially, my reputation diminished a bit with the humans of the West, when Ruberios condemned the invasion along with Sarion and even Dwargon, everyone saw the war as hopeless and stopped thinking poorly of me.

Like this, another few years past by in the blink of an eye.

Short an kinda rushed chapter today but take it or leave it.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts
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