
In the world of Naruto with the Patriarch System

A young guy, who just yesterday had big plans for life, wakes up in an unknown place and finds out that he has found himself in a harsh world of incessant wars and widespread violence. Having almost resigned himself to the unenviable fate of being swept away by the whirlpool of upcoming events, the young man discovers a very unusual “Patriarch System” (It's a translation)

Angel0Sama · Anime & Comics
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121 Chs

Chapter 43

On the 131st day, Kenshin sent Ichiro and the Third and Fourth out shopping, instructing them to be careful and not get into trouble. He decided not to distract the Fifth and Sixth from their training, because they had just managed to concentrate chakra on their feet and stay on the walls for half a second. Their fighting strength left much to be desired.

He called the grown-up Seventh and Eighth to do field work for the whole day, harvesting potatoes and onions. The sown field was quite large, and they only finished it in the evening, having collected a good 400 kilograms of potatoes and 80 kilograms of onions.

In total, there were more than 1,500 kilograms of potatoes and more than 300 kilograms of onions in his storage. But for Kenshin it didn't seem like much. He planned to fill several storage facilities with at least two tons of potatoes, and 500 kilograms of onions, fortunately, with the help of formations, all this could be stored for about two years, and with an increasing number of mouths, strategic food reserves were simply necessary.

In the evening, his eldest sons returned without incident, bringing with them a cart loaded to the top with rice and pearl barley. In this world, these cereals were called differently, but Kenshin gave them familiar names, which his sons also used.

Kenshin didn't want to bother with planting rice, so he just decided to buy it. At the same time, Ichiro brought him a whole bag of cabbage seeds, which Kenshin planned to grow himself. With constant additions to the family, Kenshin seriously thought about food problems, and knew that feeding even thirty people required a huge amount of food.

He was afraid that the hares and boars caught in the snare would not be enough for the growing needs of the family, and was thinking about solving this problem. He knew about the existence of more complex animal husbandry formations, one of which accelerated time in the "barn", thereby accelerating the growth of animals, and the second was applied directly to the skin of the animal, and accelerated its growth without accelerating time, on a principle somewhat similar to accelerating the development of the fetus, from the "system", only Kenshin was convinced that there were no formations that could change the flow of time for a being with a soul and will.


On the 134th day, Seven and Eight finally grew up, and according to the already worked out scheme, they were sent to the gym for training. On the same day, Five and Six fully learned to concentrate chakra on their feet, and could walk on walls without any problems. They had not yet been able to run, let alone fight, but a start had been made, and all they had to do was hone their skills.

Kenshin was at first surprised why his sons were honing their shinobi skills so quickly, but Natsumi explained that it was not surprising for a shinobi to become a Jonin at the age of twenty, and not become an Elite Jonin even at fifty. The potential of a shinobi, as a rule, was revealed within a few years, and further progress slowed down hundreds of times.


On the 136th day two things happened. Another batch of blue sage has ripened, and Natsumi and Aya have finally given birth. Fortunately, the sage ripened in the morning, and the girls gave birth only in the evening, so Kenshin had time to harvest and plant a new one, as well as deliver births to his two wives.

According to tradition, he named two little lumps according to their birth number. The Ninth, a child from Natsumi, had a talent level of a record 22 units, and the Tenth, a child from Aya, had a talent level of 19 units, slightly inferior to his brother.

All of Kenshin's eldest sons came to the birth of the two little brothers, and each managed to hold two small lumps in their hands, touched by their fragility, unable to believe that some time ago, they themselves were so small and fragile.

For the birth of two children, Kenshin received the long-awaited level, and immediately distributed the resulting point into the "Talented Offspring" skill, and then carefully examined his status.

Name: Nakayama Kenshin

Age: 21

Level: 9

Class: Patriarch

Available: 0 skill points


Harem Lord ( MAX )

Will of the Patriarch ( MAX )

Talented offspring [level 6]

Create a shelter [level 2]

Creation of Formations [4th level]




"What do these question marks mean? Perhaps I need to do some kind of achievement to unlock another ability? - Kenshin thought, looking at his status. He was glad that the next children would be 30% more talented than their mothers, and hoped that someone would awaken their Kekkei Genkai.

Due to the fact that Natsumi and Aya had just given birth and were unable to do housework, Kenshin had to cook dinner. He decided to keep it simple and make a simple but satisfying dish, and after a few hours he finally managed it. Two hares baked in the oven turned out to be a little tough and burnt around the edges, but the hungry sons ate everything for dear souls, snacking on stewed potatoes.

Kenshin personally brought food to the girls' bedroom and helped them eat. Natsumi and Aya were deeply touched, and both took turns pulling Kenshin in for a deep kiss, lamenting that they couldn't reward him any other way due to their recent birth.


On the 140th day, Kenshin again impregnated his two wives in a swimming pool. The two girls were languishing with lust, because according to the "plans" he should have dealt with them two days ago, but instead he was busy with his formations and training.

After dinner, Aya and Natsumi put the children to bed, and they themselves found Kenshin and persuaded him to relax a little in the warm pool. He headed to the pool without a second thought, but then things started to get weird.

The two girls kept striking incredibly exciting poses. Aya was wearing a light blue string bikini, and Natsumi was wearing a light green one. First they sat on the side of the pool with their feet in the water, sitting directly in front of Kenshin's eyes, showing him their pussies through the thin fabric of their bikinis.

Then they swam several laps around the pool, showing him their elastic butts while diving into the water, the girls returned to their places, and Aya suddenly slipped into the water, swam up to Kenshin, who was standing waist-deep in the water, and whined pitifully:

- Ooof, Kenshin, honey, I think I rubbed my nipples in this bikini, could you take a look? "She chirped, untying the thin strings of her bikini and letting it fall into the water. At the same time, she got close enough to Kenshin, and entwined his belt with her long graceful legs, looking into his brown eyes, with her beautiful blue eyes, like a clear sky.