
In the world of magic and monsters, my wonderful journey with the dog

The germination of magic is just now, and religious beliefs are varied. A mysterious wizard, hiding in a lonely place. From the civilized city of Ann Lobis to Zezhou in the resurrected mountains, an absurd and bizarre mystery tour is about to unfold, with the remains of witches, the pursuit of curses, the remains of behemoths, the horrible green face and the mechanical killing beyond the times. By the artificial lake of Thorn Thorn College, a fake schoolmaster was holding a fishing rod without a hook, and when he was planning how to cheat in the exam, the fishing line suddenly vibrated violently, and he caught a garden dog ... "Can even dogs cross these days?"

Wilfried_Eichberg · Fantasy
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166 Chs


Female Ghost "Yes, Pluto."

In most cases, the undead in the ghost soil still give hades face. After all, hades itself and the whole ghost soil are in a semi-integrated state. Although they are not the strongest among the dead, the two can fight hades one-on-one with each other, but they are always in the same boat.

It is easy to cause the ghost land to be called back by Styx and turned into a real place of death. After all, it is one of the seven irresistible world powers.

Especially after the defeat of David Li and the collapse of the whole mysterious game, the Styx would have been flooded if it hadn't been for the four real epic things and the physical rules of the world to suppress it.

But from this, it also gave birth to the fifth real epic!

It's just a pity that Emperor Fiance probably didn't think that he would be connected to the underworld after his death and become a generation of hades. He needs the fifth epic now, but he has no choice but to divide it into several parts by doing his best as a country.

I finally got a good clue, knowing that in the descendants of the dead man, but fearing the hail banshee, he never dared to step on the ghost soil.

After all, that woman said that if he dared to step into the world again, she would let the time chain return to its original position. As the keeper of hades, he knows very well where the strength in the hail banshee comes from.

That's the woman who deceived the whole world and thought she was a wizard.

In other words, she is not a person at all, and the arrival of the recession of extraordinary power has been unable to suppress the green demon blood in her body! "Now, there are no dragon knights ..." Once the emperor Fiance, now the king of the earth, sneered, and once again.

Fell into a deep sleep, he needs to resist the call of Styx, and at the same time protect the mysterious core, so that one of the seven great powers can recover. The shadows were wide and wide, and the figures were pulled open, almost integrated into the darkness, clinging to the ground and running rapidly down the hill. First, they were ordered to wake up ten false hades and let them leave the underworld to investigate the attack on the mysterious core. Second, the way hades wakes people up every time is too frustrating, even if the time on the mountain is in a stagnant state, which is conducive to delay.

Long life, they don't want to stay.


Lugar came from the second entrance to hell, and his face was still full of regret.

He didn't think of it when he started to kill the false hades, but he remembered afterwards that the girl who became a ghost, Ellie.


He remembered, said, Ai Lier was born as a ghost because of the false body Pluto. It is very likely that Ai Lier will be annihilated by fly ash when the false hades die.

Suddenly he turned around and looked at the villa, which was in ruins and blurred in the dark, and shouted, "Ai Lier, are you there?" Unfortunately, for a long time, there was no response to him.

Lugar shook his head and had to leave.

After confirming that Lugar had left, a fuzzy black smoke rushed from the ground and turned into a slow peristalsis.

An unusually indifferent figure, you can vaguely see that it is the false body Pluto.

At its side, there is a clear figure, which is Ai Lier, dragging a small tail like a cloud of smoke. She holds the false body Pluto that can dissipate later, and looks anxiously at the direction of Lugar's departure, trying to sound, but afraid.

"The Styx has deliberately divided a tributary. It seems that it is really going to completely destroy the mysterious game and turn the seven great powers into six great powers."

After a while, the false body Pluto has condensed a lot, and it can be seen in the eyes of the previous scene. If it hadn't been desperately propped up, Styx would have swept it away with Ai Lier.

Styx, for the dead, has a terrible summoning power.

And the soul taken away by it will disappear from this world, and in the Styx, it is not the country of the dead.

It's a monster's paradise!

Suddenly, a bit strange cold arrival.

"This is ..." False body Pluto suddenly became extremely frightened, that is, he saw Lugar and the tributaries of Styx, and there was no such fear. "You can't, and the ghost soil needs eleven false bodies Pluto!

If you kill me, the keeper will be angry! "

From the darkness, a few vague figures emerged.

"Yes, but this is the meaning of hades, you let him down too much.

However, after all, you are just a ghost who starved to death because you never caught fire when writing novels, and you can't even control your own strength. It's not your fault. "

"Your position will be replaced by someone."

"It's a pity that a pretty girl is just a ghost, otherwise we can make an appointment."

In a few words, those figures gradually faded away. After all, it was not people nearby, but with the help of several epic things, the soul trudged over.

And the false body hades, also has disappeared.

It was eaten by those figures and forcibly fed by Ai Lier.

Ghosts need to be attached to a certain geographical scene to exist, which is similar to the false body Pluto, but they are far weaker than the false body Pluto.

The destruction of the second entrance to hell, even if the false body hades didn't die, Ai Lier's distance had dissipated, and there was not much time, but after getting the power of the false body hades, she quickly completed the transformation from a ghost to a false body hades.

Then he dragged his tail and plunged into a pot of cactus that fell on the street. She decided to bury the flowerpot so that she could live in it.

No one knows, in fact, if the fake hades don't want to attract the attention of outsiders, they can turn a tiny thing into the entrance to the dungeon.

The fake hades who are still alive can't do this, but she is a ghost, and a pot of flowers is enough for her to enter the hell.

This is the entrance to hell, which is not only easy to be destroyed, but also unable to attract the power of the ghost soil and achieve the effect of time stagnation.

So, before the false body hades, will plot to get such a big place in Wilkes, can be called the second place where hell enters the mouth.

But a lesson from the past is a lesson from the past.

Ai Lier intends to keep a low profile for a period of time, at least quietly move the flowerpot to Lugar's place and ask him about her father's whereabouts.

As for the future, fulfill the duties of my predecessor and try to get another entrance to hell! It's just not as big as a villa in hell.

Like the other ten disguised hades, find a remote place, get one quietly, as an errand, and then go to sleep in the underworld.

Only a fool can be as stupid as her predecessor who starved himself to death and became a ghost.

Such a big entrance to hell, even trying to attract the monster of Styx. It's more comfortable to eat and wait for death. If the sky falls, it's not necessary to go to the top. Otherwise, what's the use of hades?

As a ghost, it is so unscrupulous!