
In the world of magic and monsters, my wonderful journey with the dog

The germination of magic is just now, and religious beliefs are varied. A mysterious wizard, hiding in a lonely place. From the civilized city of Ann Lobis to Zezhou in the resurrected mountains, an absurd and bizarre mystery tour is about to unfold, with the remains of witches, the pursuit of curses, the remains of behemoths, the horrible green face and the mechanical killing beyond the times. By the artificial lake of Thorn Thorn College, a fake schoolmaster was holding a fishing rod without a hook, and when he was planning how to cheat in the exam, the fishing line suddenly vibrated violently, and he caught a garden dog ... "Can even dogs cross these days?"

Wilfried_Eichberg · Fantasy
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166 Chs


Outside the door is the place where salaries are used to receive people and calculate salaries.

The space is very large, although there are walls to separate it, but when you look at it, the scenes in each room are clear at a glance. But in Lugar's field of vision, there is no one at this time.

This is absolutely not normal.

If nothing else, it is that guy, who followed him before. Lugar suddenly frowned, and he lifted his foot and stepped hard on the ground.

With his strength, this foot can crush the floor tiles under the premise of not worrying about these boots. But the soles of your feet fall to the ground, like stepping on cotton.

Not only that, but also the sound, without a trace.

Lugar finally understood what kind of situation he was in, but he still needed some evidence to confirm his push.


He thought about it. There was no door, but he walked upstairs.

There was silence all the way, but the light was gradually dim, and the colorful scene became black and white. Lugar can see clearly that the handrail of the stairs has faded in a flash.

It's like he stepped into another world. The scene upstairs is consistent with his memory.

However, this is not Lugar's expectation. After all, even the wilderness areas of wilderness witches need to be based on reality.

On the basis of this, we can exert the terrible power in the field of radiation. "Illusion time!"

He affirmed.

This is a very broad term, which describes skills like those in the wilderness. At the earliest time, it began to spread from the Polk dynasty.

It is also the hand of the self-ghost.

Lugar determined that he had suffered a spiritual attack, which could also explain why the person who received the so-called curse letter would die naturally.

When the soul disappears, the body loses its regulation and control, the heart and other organs will gradually stop working, and the human body will be "dead". Lugar's voice, just a buzz in his ears, came to an abrupt end.

Then, a slightly dull voice suddenly sounded: "Illusion time!"

The tone of the voice is full of affirmation, which makes Lugar very familiar, because it is his voice, but it seems to be coming from another layer of space like a world apart.

And the sound now, also like the key to open the secret lock.

Lugar's vision has become that colorful world again, and the color of black and white disappears instantly. But Lugar didn't feel back to normal, or he was still in that illusion time. It was still quiet all around, and there was no sound.

After thinking about it, Lugar opened his mouth again and said a sentence.

Not surprisingly, his alternative echo rang again. This time, the surrounding environment has changed again.

On the wall painted with white paint, a figure suddenly bulged, with only a transparent outline, and their shapes and faces could be vaguely seen. They were well-dressed men and women.

They jumped down from the wall, passed Lugar quickly, walked straight as if they didn't notice him, and then disappeared in the shadow of the sun.

Lugar narrowed his eyes. He felt that he had met a ghost besides hallucinating time. When those people passed him, although they looked nothing strange, he could feel that there were a pair of "eyes" that were tight.

Keep an eye on him.

And those eyes are still there! "Come on."

Lugar said, he is very calm.

Since the curse and killing letter is mainly about killing people, it is impossible to just create strange scenes. Even if it is a soul attack, it should be directly based on destroying his soul.

Until now, he didn't feel any confusion in consciousness, which only means one thing. As far as soul strength is concerned, the other party can't help him.

His soul is very strong, Lugar knew it at the beginning of crossing, otherwise he could not easily replace the original owner of this body.

Once again, there is an echo.

However, this time, the echo is like a sea wave, and the sound is repeated, and it is getting louder and louder, and it is gradually harsh. Finally, with a bang, the noise like an explosion suddenly appears.

Lugar snorted stiffly. He put his head in his hands and slammed into the window. Crash.

The glazed window was broken and blown apart, and Lugar also escaped. The impact of falling from the second floor was relieved when the ground rolled.

He looked up and saw that the second floor above the salary office had disappeared out of thin air, and there was a big blank there, and the sun had passed and was swallowed up.

Lugar got up quickly, and he looked at Zhou warily.

On the busy street, there is no one at this time, which is very common. Vendors pushing cars to sell hot goat milk can't hear their shouts.

The doors of shops are tightly closed, as if people in this city are still sleeping at home.

Suddenly, Lugar jumped up and punched. Snap!

The air formed translucent ripples, the airflow collapsed, and then bang, under the fist, three or four meters away, the floor tiles were broken one after another.

There was a transparent figure there, and with the broken floor tiles, the figure was torn to pieces. "Sure enough."

Seeing this, Lugar was relieved.

There is absolutely no such power to destroy several tall buildings out of thin air.

But now that it has happened, it can only show that in the illusion time, the display of strength depends on people's imagination. The power of this punch is much weaker than Lugar just thought.

All he thinks about is breaking the whole illusion time with one punch.

But the effect is only to break a figure lurking around.

The broken floor tiles, in that area, also let more people show their shapes.

In the cobweb-like fragmentation, the figures seem to have been marked out of thin air and can no longer be hidden. The staggered floor tiles were broken and branded from a distance.

Lugar's mouth suddenly twitched, and he could feel a lot of "eyes" looking at himself. But I didn't expect that there would be so many people.

This is still only a small area, and he can't imagine how many such figures are around him. Ding-ding-ding-ding-suddenly at this moment, there was a sound of horse bells.

It's like hearing something terrible. These figures turned and fled in a panic. In a blink of an eye, Lugar could no longer feel the eyes staring at him.

And in his field of vision, there is also a carriage.

The crude wood was bundled at random, and two stone wheels were placed under the head, which served as a carriage. The rickshaw puller is a one-horned white-boned horse.

On that cervical vertebra, there is a rusty copper bell, which is swaying from side to side. No one is driving this carriage.

The horse pulled the car, rushed to Luger all the way, stopped, and then did not move.

At this time, Lugar's attention was completely attracted by what was on the carriage. His eyes were wide open and his emotions were hard to control. "Aviras-Frozen Sword!"