
In the world of magic and monsters, my wonderful journey with the dog

The germination of magic is just now, and religious beliefs are varied. A mysterious wizard, hiding in a lonely place. From the civilized city of Ann Lobis to Zezhou in the resurrected mountains, an absurd and bizarre mystery tour is about to unfold, with the remains of witches, the pursuit of curses, the remains of behemoths, the horrible green face and the mechanical killing beyond the times. By the artificial lake of Thorn Thorn College, a fake schoolmaster was holding a fishing rod without a hook, and when he was planning how to cheat in the exam, the fishing line suddenly vibrated violently, and he caught a garden dog ... "Can even dogs cross these days?"

Wilfried_Eichberg · Fantasy
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166 Chs


In the end, Lugar took Asher out of the rolled-up piece of bread, because a soldier reminded him that there was a monster suspected of "killing the hut" in a certain urban area of Wilke, and he didn't have the mind to continue teasing Asher.

"Gather the soldiers, put on the armor, and have two musketeers."

With Lugar's command, the armory that had been closed for many years was opened, and a large number of excellent weapons were taken. These traditional armored weapons used for siege warfare, let alone swords, can only collapse the iron sheets covered on them.

Firebombs and guns, which have always been regarded as absolute killers by the cabinet, have also been taken in large numbers.

The special wartime system is that Lugar is in the position of a junior officer and has the authority to open the arsenal.

Lugar took the lead, with a huge physique, and no horse could camel him. Fortunately, he drove the hand-steamed car from Dawang City.

When he got to that area, Lugar had some headaches.

Because his clerk told him that this place is actually not his territory.

It is the jurisdiction of Countess Ikonado, and it is inhabited by her people and their cattle and sheep. Because this is what they depend on for a living, they came from the Easter Mountain together.

Lugar had no choice but to send someone to ask the countess first.

This time, the countess was not so accommodating as last time, and she stopped her unexpectedly.

Luger, who couldn't stand the hidden words in her words, jumped out of the car directly, then grabbed the countess by the collar, then threw it back, shouldered it on her shoulder, and slapped her ass with her grumpy hand.

Pa, this time he did it on purpose.

Because this countess, who seems to be in her mid-twenties, is really a beauty, and she has a little crush on Lugar. The enhancement of physical fitness also seems to promote the rapid increase of some special hormones in his body.

"Don't dawdle! Go in! "

He said in a very rude tone. "You ...

You put me down quickly! "

The countess is a bit rude. As the queen of a nomadic country, she has never been treated so rudely, whether she was married or divorced as a girl.

In the same way, she felt that her ex-husband was too unmanly, and she would only look for him when her body needed it, so that she could not have a child for so many years.

Caught off guard, she was really a little flustered.

This is not the operational command that she has practiced many times on weekdays, and there is no experience for reference! Lugar, however, seems to have heard nothing and led the team to the front.

Countess's people have come over, but when they see Luger, they all stop with a slight change of face. "Is this it?

You, split up.

If you think something is wrong, don't worry about the consequences, just shoot. "

Lugar gave the order with an extremely arrogant attitude, which was totally different from yesterday. The power to break free from the shackles made him fearless.

At the same time, Lugar also tried to analyze the different attitudes of the countess and yesterday, and felt that there should be something fishy about this place now!

Otherwise, with yesterday's pleasant attitude of cooperation, it would not be so repeated today.

In the position of the highest person in charge of Wilke, Lugar subconsciously began to think about the patrol management of this city.

Come on.

However, the teaching of thorns at this time also exposed its restrictive, boring and unified education model, which can only be cultivated

Cultivate the ability to follow suit in small places and cultivate the ability to manage a city.

At present, Lugar has also lost his mechanical brain. Without that kind of high-speed computing power, he can only start from the simplest and most effective aspects.

Get rid of all the disturbing factors! This was mentioned by Count Vla.

At present, this place, which was divided by the cabinet to Countess Ikonado, is regarded by Lugar as a place where there are uneasy factors. He can not get angry, except for the lack of evidence, but also because of the good elasticity of the Countess's ass.

"Lieutenant Luger ..." Some people of the Countess wanted to speak, but Luger, without saying anything, punched one side of the wall. Suddenly, with a bang, a big hole was exposed.

The tribe immediately chose to shut up.

Because the meaning of Lugar's threat is really obvious.

Even the countess, who was still struggling on Lugar's shoulder, suddenly dared not move.

Soon, in an alley, there was a sound of firebombs, and in addition, the sound of dense fillers being loaded also sounded in a flash, and then there was a chaotic sound of firebombs, which was obviously a scuffle.

Lugar looked over there and was about to let the soldiers around him gather in the past, but he saw a soldier running and reported to him that it had been solved.

It is this soldier's face that is a bit odd. "What's the matter?"

Lugar noticed, and naturally he wouldn't ask.

"Tell your Excellency, the monster was confirmed to be a killing hut through observation, but it was already dead when we found the monster."

Lugar's expression didn't change when he heard the soldier's words. After all, even if the monster died, it was nothing in his eyes. It's not like he didn't kill one in Vine Town.

But the countess, who was put on her shoulder by Luger, suddenly changed her face. Obviously, she didn't believe it, wanted to speak, but she was under control.

However, this change in her expression still attracted Lugar's attention. Now he understood why the countess would stop him.

Nothing more than having the same idea as the dead Archduke Anle. After all, the strength of this monster is obvious to all.

Lugar has also heard about the reason why the countess came to the atrium and requested to be included in the atrium territory. In the Resurrection Mountains, frightening changes have taken place.

On that grassland, there are a lot of strange bugs that eat grass.

These bugs are not so terrible that they can be easily killed, but there are too many of them. You know, it's the rust nematodes of Banna, and the number is too much. If it weren't for the congenital defects, it would be too easy to be restrained, and it would definitely be a more terrible living thing than the army ants.

Grassland is the foundation of the existence of the nomadic country in Ikonado. Under that kind of insect eating, the whole grassland has been destroyed, countless.

The beasts began to attack them and lived on human flesh.

However, with less than 1,000 people, the Eknado defense army could not stop the attacks of these wild animals and protect the civilians and nobles.

They had to flee the whole country.

Killing a monster like an arsenal, it is really possible to drive those bugs away or even kill them all. Lugar guessed the countess's plan, gave it to her now, then put her down and carried it again.

It is a provocation to the Ikonado, which is not conducive to the stability of Wilke.

However, after putting down the countess, Lugar found that the former female king not only didn't mean to become angry from embarrassment, but also looked a little strange.

"Be my lover?" She said so.

"Why?" "You are strong enough."

"Good eye, but sorry, I don't like being used as bedding."