
In the world of magic and monsters, my wonderful journey with the dog

The germination of magic is just now, and religious beliefs are varied. A mysterious wizard, hiding in a lonely place. From the civilized city of Ann Lobis to Zezhou in the resurrected mountains, an absurd and bizarre mystery tour is about to unfold, with the remains of witches, the pursuit of curses, the remains of behemoths, the horrible green face and the mechanical killing beyond the times. By the artificial lake of Thorn Thorn College, a fake schoolmaster was holding a fishing rod without a hook, and when he was planning how to cheat in the exam, the fishing line suddenly vibrated violently, and he caught a garden dog ... "Can even dogs cross these days?"

Wilfried_Eichberg · Fantasy
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166 Chs

Daughter and her mother

Hangs up the phone, Lugar snorted, and his affection for the wizard group is close to negative. Even though it has been more than two years, he has experienced many things over the years, but he still hates to gnash his teeth when he became angry from embarrassment.


Although the position under the ass is unusual now, there are many things to consider, and he is also receptive, but just like

That sentence-Geer can't change what he eats.

"There will be rectified time, and I can move from this castle ..." When Lugar said this sentence, found himself feeling a little relieved.

He thought that after he took the highest position, he would still be as before, just trying to make money and use the resources at hand to activate his quarrelling.

But he is slightly the weight of this position, only a truly heartless person, after sitting in this position, will be unscrupulous. When Lugar officially became the head of the atrium, he suddenly exercised extreme restraint, even except when practicing martial arts.

He didn't even do it once.

Although Anke told him that his strength came from Styx and he was easily influenced by Styx. But Lugar also really restrained himself and made himself no longer casual.

At the beginning, the memory ability possessed by brain domain development has not been lost. In the past two years, Lugar has studied hard and barely passed the position of head of state.

Although, the epoch-making new system he formulated gave him a full 40 points for passing the exam ... A maid knocked at the door and said that breakfast was ready.

Lugar patted the lazy ass on the table, got another pillow, shrugged his shoulders and opened the door angrily. I didn't go down the stairs slowly, but a little girl ran from a side room and threw herself into his arms ... Unfortunately, it wasn't high enough, so I had to hug Lugar's leg.


It's a little girl with short green hair, just like Lugar, who came running in her pajamas. She is Lugar's daughter, Tiny.

Your highness in the atrium at present.

Of course, the title of your highness is only a few months away. "Get up?

Then get dressed and come back. "

Lugar said lazily, for this woman, he is actually quite painful ...

Because that damn ability to see through the dynamics of his heart was further strengthened after birth! And because he was exposed to the outside world in Anke's belly, a two-year-old kid has a mind of seven or eight years old. This age-basically both men and women, is the Xiong Haizi period when people are disgusted with dogs.

"Is Tiny wearing it?"

Little Tiny picked up her skirt in a strange way, and then reached out and patted Lugar's knee. "Daddy, you spoke ill of mom again!" "

"Your mother knows."

Lugar grinned, a face of don't care, the old couple for more than two years.

Then he scratched his head and put the kid in his armpit. "You almost changed the subject. Let's change our pajamas first!"

"But daddy, you wear pajamas, too!"

The kid glared at him with his little cheeks bulging angrily ... Just like her mother.

Lugar raised his eyebrows and nodded, indicating that this was the case. Then he said with a very insincere face: "I am an adult!

So you can run around in your pajamas, but children are not allowed! "

Then, regardless of this reason, whether his daughter believed it or not, he saw the maid who had taken care of Tiny in the past and gave her Tiny.

Tiny kicked him several times in anger.

Luger went down, and in the hall at the bottom, on that huge and long dining table, breakfast was ready, which was very rich. And a little one, only about 20 centimeters, is running around the dining table, tearing a little on this plate and that meal.

Take a bite on the plate, and it looks ugly ... "Damn it."

Lugar frowned. "Damn Asher, why are you here today?"

Ruff and the others didn't live in the golden castle, but returned to Berners, and Asher followed them. Lugar hasn't seen this guy for half a year.

"Come back to see you, perverted cousin ..." With his mouth full of food, he said vaguely, but he didn't see much sincerity. "That I really thank you ....." Pulled the corners of the mouth, Lugar sat down, and the servant standing next to him quickly greeted him.

A dining table with fresh and steaming food for Lugar.

This suddenly made the stupid girl on the dining table stop making trouble everywhere and suddenly looked up. "Ah ah?

Why is there still? "

Lugar smiled at this. He shrugged his shoulders and ground his teeth. "Because I am the head of state!" "

"Isn't it because you pay their salary, so you are recklessly wasting it in this respect?" Asher has a face of doubt, and the meaning of unbelief is coming from her little face.

Lugar's laughter stopped at once.

He coughed twice and poked at the food twice. He didn't good the spirit and said, "Don't talk while eating! Look at you, drooling everywhere! "

After a few bites, Lugar was surprised and asked the people around him, "Where's Lilith?"

"Madam said that she was so busy last night that she was going to die in bed today ..." The maid was sent by Count Vla to take care of Lilith's daily life. She is a trustworthy person.

Because Count Vla has prepared money for her children that can't be spent all her life.

Lugar rubbed his eyebrows. For more than two years, although he successfully activated quarrelling, and because of the strong body, quarrelling has almost formed a fighting mans.

But these are still not enough for him to pour into Styx!

However, the mother car of Styx has appeared again.

This time, it seems to be concerned about Lugar's identity, and the mother car of Styx is only a distant one. And then in the same place, left something behind.

However, due to the long distance, when the people sent by Lugar arrived, those things had already been picked up.

There is only one heavy object that cannot be taken away, a metal statue, or, more accurately, a metallized corpse.

Another part of the fifth epic!

That is an adult, very heavy, without the physical strength of young adults, and can't move at all.

This also made the superintendent speculate that it was a young man who picked up something else or something else. But when it comes to this, Lugar thinks that the superintendent's people are useless and have not been found for him yet.

He shook his head and continued to send food to his mouth.

But at this time, I suddenly heard a noise outside. Then, after a roar of fire bombs, the noise stopped. Several guards came in and reported that they had caught a magician, but the magician wanted to see him.

So Lugar waved his hand without thinking: "Lock it up and let the police station convict!" " "yes."

"I know Ai Lier, asshole."

But at this time, there was a crisp but impatient girl's voice outside.