

always_perfect · History
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Aisha was sleeping in her grandmother's lap and asking her for a story

"Please grandma last story than I promise I will sleep"

"Ok then listen , when all the demons have fight with spirits then demons are dominant on spirits ,then king of spirit went in a dark forest when he reach in the middle of the forest he found that there was a old Hut he entered in it and there was a old man , king came to him and tell about his problem he know that he will not go with empty hands he know that he will go with some solution

"My lord there is a solution for this ,this war is not new this war start from your father's father time and now this is the time to stop this war and leave a happy life. When the moon change its colour into blue then a flower is bloom in Luna forest then take a Patel from it and make it to eat a pregnant lady"

"What will happen then "asked king

"The flower is not an ordinary flower in every 100 years later this flower bloom and when a pregnant women eat a Patel of this flower her child who is birth he/she had power that he/she can rule all over the world no one can defeat him/her but my lord this blessing had a curse so please choose a correct woman who will take this risk on his own without forcing "

"I know a woman who can take this risk but please tell me that what type of curse you are talking about "

"I can't tell you my lord this is not right time please try to understand "

"It's ok now I'm leaving thank you so much "

With that king left for his palace and come to his queen and tell her about the solution

"So can you please do that for our kingdom's people "asked king.

"If this is the way to stop this war than I will do this happily my king"she put her hand on her belly "if this is written in my baby's faith then I am proud on my baby and I'm very thankful to you that you choose me for this " "I'm feeling very proud that I choose you for my queen I love you so much "

1week later

And the night was come when the colour of moon is become blue , king again went to that old man "yes my lord how can I help you"

"I want that you also come with me"

"I'm sorry king but I can't you have to do this alone"

"But how I will recognise that flower"

"My lord if you see that flower you will recognise it in one sight believe me that flower will shine in the light of moon ,but remember my lord you can't found this flower easily"

"I will give my best thank you for your support "

Then king left for Luna forest, when he entered in the forest he found that there is a lady who was crying and her face was covered by veil and by costume she was look like rich he came to her for console her but he stop at his point when he see that her nail are so big and her legs are opposite he leave her and about to go but he heard that the lady was laughing very loud

"Ha ha ha so spirit king is going for save his kingdom and he entered in this forest without my permission how rude "

"This is not your forest everyone know that this is moon goddess's forest so I don't need your permission "

With that king again went to his path but he doesn't know that a bad shadow was following him.