Death, ROB, OP Wishes, Reincarnation
It's been three months since Alex was reincarnated in this new world.
Being froma modern world it was difficult for him to adapt at first to the medieval era but it didn't take long for him to grew accustomed to the life here.
After coming to this new world he tried to use his abilities to its fullest and get strong as soon as possible.
Everyday he does high intensity training to increase his strength, endurance and speed which was already at the peak of humanity.
Practicing with his magic manipulation which was very easy with his abilities. He was able to learn using multiple spells at once, invoking magic without any chants and many other things.
Training his mind and enhancing his memories through using direct transfer of DragonX, which can transfer the data directly to the brain enhancing his memories to the point he now has gained pseudo- eidetic memory.
He also learner to use different weapons like swords, spears etc mastering their basics. He is now really good with weapons though not as goods as the ones who practiced their entire life but then also to the point where he could defeat some veteran weapon users.
He had joined the guild a few days after he entered the town and is now a red rank adventurer with the title of golem buster.
(POV Alex)
"Thunderage Mountain..."
As I gazed at the towering mountain ahead of me while riding my horse, I couldn't help but mutter to myself.
The whole mountain was shrouded in dark, ominous clouds, adding to the sense of foreboding.
Thunderage Mountain was an infamous location in the central region of Lestia, known for being home to thunder zipplebacks, a subspecies of dragons with low intelligence.
"So this is where I will slay my first dragon," I thought to myself.
I had taken up the quest to slay a thunder zippleback as part of my class advancement, and to bring its heart for medicinal research.
I dismounted from my rented horse and made my way towards the mountain.
"Alfred, search for thunder zipplebacks," I commanded.
[There is an adult thunder zippleback approximately one mile away from your current location], Alfred replied.
With Alfred's guidance, I was able to locate my target, which was currently feasting on its prey.
The thunder zippleback was a massive creature, about 15 feet long, with a slender body and enormous wings. The most notable feature of its body were its two hideous heads, both of which were covered in blood from its latest meal.
I emerged from my hiding place and began walking towards the two-headed beast, making my presence known.
The zippleback, sensing my approach, let out a loud roar from both its heads. I ignored it and continued to walk towards my target.
"Storage," I said, opening my storage and retrieving my glaive, assuming an attacking stance.
The zippleback, full of pride, was infuriated by the sight of a human walking towards it, ignoring its roar. It attacked me with a powerful lightning roar, unleashing two streaks of lightning from its mouths.
"Accel!" I shouted, successfully dodging the attack with the help of the Accel spell.
However, the zippleback was not so easily deterred. Both of its heads began to move, following my every move.
Using fortification spells and the Accel spell, I was able to avoid all of the zippleback's attacks.
"Slip," I murmured, using the null magic spell to make the zippleback lose its balance and fall to the ground.
"Teleport," I shouted, using the teleportation spell to move behind the zippleback and attempt to strike its unprotected neck with my glaive.
However, the zippleback, sensing the danger, quickly moved its neck, narrowly avoiding my attack. The other head then released a burst of lightning at me.
I teleported again, barely avoiding the attack, and used multiple lightning chains to bind the zippleback in place, closing its mouths.
Seizing the opportunity, I charged at the zippleback and severed both of its heads in a single, swift strike of my glaive.
As the lightning chains faded away, the headless body of the zippleback collapsed onto the ground.
"Dismantle," I said, using the dismantle spell to properly disassemble the dead body of the zippleback.
I stored everything in my storage and mounted my horse to make my way out of the mountain.
Though I could have used gate or other teleportation magic to reduce the travel time, I preferred to travel by horseback, as I found the journey to be more enjoyable than simply teleporting instantly. Although I used to rely heavily on gate magic, I discovered that there was something special about the experience of traveling through the land on horseback.
Back at the town he was currently staying in for his advancement quest he made his way towards the guild.
Alex walked into the bustling adventurers guild, his eyes scanning the room for the receptionist's desk. As he approached, he noticed a young woman staring at him with wide eyes, her mouth slightly agape. Alex raised an eyebrow, slightly unnerved by her intense gaze, but couldn't deny that he enjoyed the attention.
The receptionist suddenly snapped out of her trance and blushed furiously, her cheeks turning a bright shade of red. "I-I'm sorry!" she stammered. "I didn't mean to stare. H-how can I help you?"
Alex flashed her a charming smile, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket. "I'm here to request advancement to silver rank from red," he explained, holding up the document. "I also have some valuables to turn in as proof of my achievements."
Hearing an advancement quest and that too for silver rank receptionist's eyes went side open and the other adventurers who were present in the guild also stopped talking as they heard the conversation between Alex and receptionist and couldn't help but examine young Alex seriously.
The receptionist nodded, her eyes flickering over the paper briefly before glancing at the items in Alex's outstretched hand. "I'll need to have these examined by an expert," she said, reaching for a bell on her desk. "Please wait here for a moment."
A few minutes later, a grizzled old man with a bushy beard appeared, his eyes sharp as he scrutinized the items Alex had brought in. After a few minutes of careful examination, the old man nodded in approval. "These are indeed the heart and other valuables of thunder zipplebacks," he declared. "Very impressive, young man. I'll notify the guild master of your request for advancement."
The old man grunted and shuffled away, leaving Alex and the receptionist alone once again. "Congratulations," she said with a smile, handing him back the paper. "Your request for advancement to silver rank has been granted. However, you'll need to wait a few days to receive your silver card, which represents your rank and also with your new title for being a dragon slayer. Is that alright?"
Alex nodded, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over him. He had achieved something he had been working towards for a long time, and he couldn't wait to see what new adventures awaited him as a silver-ranked adventurer. "Thank you," he said, grinning from ear to ear. "I'll be back to collect my card as soon as it's ready."