
In the world of DxD as a half fallen

Waking up in an unknown void was not how I expected my Monday to start, but I'm not surprised, it is a Monday after all. Garbage synopsis I know, but...... yeah.... got no excuse.

120_faces · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs



Waking up to what I assume was the next day, I found myself laying in a crib of some kind, in a big room filled with what I can only assume are toys.

After opening my eyes the first thing that came to mind was.

'An unfamiliar ceiling.'

I had to laugh at myself foe finally scraping that line from 'frases i need to say' list.

Looking around I find myself in what i think is a Japanese style mansion..... wait how can i see so clearly? Wasn't I like literally just born?

'Huh...must be a supernatural thing.' I thought.

I got broke out of my musing by the...door?(Fusuma) opening.

In came a bunch of what I think are the Japanese versions of maids (Kaseifu), followed by a beautiful dark skinned woman with a motherly smile.

Lifting me up she says.

"Hey there my little angel, did you sleep well? Are you hungry~?" In a tender and smooth voice.

'How can I understand her?' I thought unconsciously tilting my head to the side and opening and closing my mouth, showing my confusion. Misunderstanding the meaning of my gesture, the woman that I now know is my mom just chuckles a bit.

*Chuckle*"Don't worry Shiki-chan~, mommy's got you. Just open wide and we'll be done before you know it~" Said my mom while slipping her right breast out of her yukata, and proceeded to breast feed me.

Now you might be wondering 'MC what's going through your mind right now?'.

And my answer whould simply be to insert the windows shutting down meme.


After my mom finishes after a few minutes of feeding, and talking to me, she leaves the room.

It was also at that moment that I finally rebooted.


'W..Wha..What was that!!? Did I really just black out from being breast fed!!?'*UGH*

~ One self loathing later ~

So there I sat, panting in exhaustion from my excessive hand waving and foot kicking caused by my little ' temper tantrum '. After taking a few minutes to catch my breath.

*Sigh* 'What time period is this? I mean it's clear that I'm in Japan, but I still don't know were I am,canon wise. But the lack of comfortable diapers is not a good sign.'

I thought wile looking around the room for the most basic of electronics. The light bulb.

So after looking at the ceiling in hopes of finding the most basic electricity powerd source of light, to my dismay I find a simple lanter.

Looking at every wall in hopes finding a light switch, only for my expectations to be dashed again. No light bulb. No light switch. No outlet. Uncontrollable diapers. Traditional Japanese looking mansion.

I suck in a cold breath.

' Oh.My.ROB. I'm not even in the 19th century am I....' I started hyperventilating, freaking out about what I just discovered. Not noticing the burning feeling in my eyes, or the drain on my mana pool and the dark grey colored mist that appeared out of nowhere. Before I knew it everything went dark.

Head 'maid': POV

My name is Heddo Meido.

I have been loyal to the mistress even before she fell from heaven for falling in love, and consummating with master Nura, to convince the young master. As her loyal follower I did not even hesitate at the thought of falling in order to support the mistress.


After accompanying mistress Irin to the young master, and watching her interact with her offspring I could find nothing wrong with the child. Even if he was a tad bit unresponsive in the middle, tis to be expected of a new born.

What happened next though, is anything but normal.

It started a few minutes after the young masters temper tantrum at mistress Irin's departure, nothing out of the ordinary. But after his eyes traveld across the ceiling and walls, seemingly searching for something.

After it seemed that he didn't find it, his big grey eyes grew wider by the second, then suddenly he started hyperventilating, as if though he was having a panic attack.

At this point I decided to approach the newly born fallen, when suddenly his eyes gained whitish grey rings around them, that seem to exude pressure. And the fear. Oh the impressive fear that the child exuded surprised even me, let alone the lower ranked 'maid's' that were present.

The fear showed itself in the form of a dark grey colored fog, that seemed to accentuate the glowing white rings in his eyes.

As suddenly as it came, it also went. Before I could make heads or tails about the situation, the eyes glow faded, not completely but dulled considerably and so did the fog, leaving behind an unconscious anomaly.

Getting back my bearings, I immediately order the other 'maids' to call the master and mistress, and for them to fetch a healer to check on the young masters condition. All I could do is pray for the young masters safety.

~ Meanwhile at a different location ~

In a Traditional Japanese style mansion located in the red light distrect, far larger then the one Shiki found himself in, also far more pact. You can see a large group of figures partying at a long table filled with sake and meat.

When suddenly the person sitting at the head position on the table, stopped drinking his sake and out the window, sensing something.

"What's wrong father?" Asked the man sitting to his right otherwise known as Rihan Nura, the next head of the Nura clan.

Looking to his son, Nurarihyon went silent for a bit, causing the entire hall to quiet down.

"Hmn? Oh nothing Rihan, just seems the world's getting a bit more interesting."

The clan head said with a smirk, taking a sip from his sake, and standing up.

"Hey guys!! Seems like that useless cousin of mine has finally conceived an heir for his branch of the Nura clan!!! And he didn't even invite us for this miraculous occasion! Hahaha!"

Nurarihyon shouted while laughing at the top of his lungs. Not even a second later all the other yokai also joind in, and the party continues.

Not knowing that the 'plot' is at risk.


(It's!!!! Nurarihyon no mago!!!)