
in the world of diablo

A lucky or unlucky fellow is sent into the world of Diablo on the hardcore mode because if he manages to beat the game in all difficulties he'll be able to go home. that is only if he manages to survive but here's the twist he doesn't choose a class! making this adventure even more treacherous for him as he has to learn all that he can to leave another day! So with these restrictions in mind how will he survive? I don't own the image so if the owner wants it down just tell me.

Rauon · Book&Literature
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51 Chs

Chapter 9 Baal's embrace~

Yeah, Silvia is one deadly archer!

her first arrow may have called to kill yok'ta but it destroyed his right arm!

Walter summoned the other two monsters to provide some support as for what they looked like one of them was an almost transparent 'hulking' figure standing 7'3" tall, as fur and stone covered the majority of its body leaving the monstrous face it had including its hands and feet!


It was a wendigo that released a roar as it charged forward like a mad beast smashing into the group of the now helpless undead grabbing one by the head using that as the handle while making its body into a crude bat whacking its rotting flesh into those of its brethren.

It would use its large frame and strength to crushed or overpower its enemies!

the next one was a stumbling ghost-like corpse that smiled widely as its rotting teeth clattered while it moved differently from its regular counterparts as it traveled unnaturally on in four limbs like a certain ghost movie, the even more frightening part was that this guy could pounce!

Any monster it targeted would either get crushed from being pounced on or would receive a deadly bite that would separate the head from the rest of the body!

while the sudden appearance of the two monsters threw Silvia off for a bit she quickly pegged them as allies since they were helping them kill the other monsters, but Walter knew that he'll have some explaining to do judging from the intense look he's getting on his back!

He ignored it while releasing a few arrows planting a few into some fallen minions as they fell dead only for the shamans to raise their staves causing the dead to rise up like a zombie before the minions started cackling before charging towards their direction but Silvia was keeping up the kills.

at least until a few dozen dark arrows came flying towards them!

Walter was the one to notice this since the little devil was still fuming while trying to annihilate the group of fallen for trying to corrupt more of her sisters!

He pulled her out of the way much to Silvia's annoyance at first, but she quickly helped him roll out of the way upon seeing the impending danger as a few of them managed to scratch Walter as the power behind the arrows were unnatural and mostly due to how archers of the sisterhood fired their arrows.

thanks to this sudden brush against death, it seemed to have affected the monsters that Walter summoned sending them into a baleful frenzy!

the wendigo it started ripping nearby undead walkers apart before using the pieces that it ripped as projectiles throwing it with so much power towards the corrupted archers killing a few of them before Quinn made a loud screech as it kept on using the skill 'blood drain' on every enemy it passed as that helped stun or weaken some of them as the freaky grinning zombie was moving faster than a trained warrior now as some of its move sets seem familiar.

all while Angel began firing away some quills that seemed deadlier than ever as each one could knock a minion off of its feet!

Walter and Silvia returned to battle as the Wendigo used its body to tank a fireball from the angered Yok'ta with its arms crossed in front of its face!

the two shamans were trying to resurrect the monsters to make things difficult for them as the Corrupted rogues were constantly moving now thanks to the ferocious attack from the wendigo under Walter.

But things got even worse as thanks to the two companions of his that were supposed to aggro the monsters away joining in thanks to him nearly becoming an arrow quiver the monsters they were meant to stall were arriving!

Yok'ta was laughing in a disgusting manner as he stabbed his staff into the ground then pointed towards the two before sliding a thumb across his throat with a smile full of malice and madness!

the Wendigos under Yok'ta attacked Walter's before the sound of flesh and bone slamming against one another resounded through the area as they 'group tackled' it since the stat difference was that big.

But despite it was still under its frenzy thus the normal wendigos only managed to push it so far before one got sent flying into the ceiling with its chest caved in by an uppercut, following a hammer fist that made another's head explode as it slumped to the ground as with every Walter's Wendigo grew in size, power, technique, everything.

It was a brutal and bloody battle as they fought like uncontrollable titans against an even bigger giant as Wendigos held little care for how much damage their bodies can receive as long as they can kill their target!

Too bad that it was a poor choice to send the SAME kind of monster against a to summon of Walter that grows much faster with the spiritual essence of their race which is why his Wendigo will more than likely win... if there weren't any interruptions!

Another fireball struck its large frame as it roared in pain!

The Wendigos under Yok'ta took this chance to attack again with the joint effort of the Corrupted rogues as a few black arrows stayed embedded within its thick stone-like skin.

Silvia, who was back on her feet, used two of her skills to reduce the numbers of the archers as she asked Walter to protect her for a bit afterward.

as for what she used the first skill she used was multiple shot, then before impact, she used more than half of her mana to make those arrows into exploding arrows!

This action tired her out a lot as they were more of a threat than Yok'ta right now, a death throe followed as one of the shamans fell from receiving a few quills into its head!

the Sounds of explosions soon echoed out as a good number of female death cries followed notifying Walter and Silvia of the success of the skill combo, however, it wasn't all good news as the powerful Wendigo under Walter received another fireball as it made a bestial groan before falling backward then transforming into an orb of light that quickly entered Walter's chest.

with the last enemy, this bloodied Wendigo Huffing on the ground struggling to get up with bloodshot before a bloodied Ghost-like zombie attacked it from above holding a scimitar it had stolen from a minion that was burning its hand cutting its head open!

It wasn't looking well either as a good number of broken arrows were sticking out of its body, burn marks from spells, cuts and scratches, as it was trying to hold on!

while Angel was looking banged up while Quinn was sort of cheating thanks to the blood drain skill looking as peppy as ever~

Yok'ta cursed out loud.

"๔ค๓ภ ץ๏ย, ๔ค๓ภ ץ๏ย, ๔ค๓ภ ץ๏ย ђย๓คภ! ๔๏ภ'Շ Շђภк ץ๏ย ςคภ ןยรՇ кเɭɭ ๓є!"

Something about how he said it made Walter feel uneasy...!

"รเภςє ץ๏ย гยเภє๔ ๓๏รՇ ๏Ŧ ๓ץ קɭคภร"

The shaman seemed to resolve himself for something before he continued.

"เ ﻮยєรร เ'ɭɭ ๓เﻮђՇ คร ฬєɭɭ ยรє ๓ץ ɭครՇ гєร๏гՇ ภ๏ฬ!"

Yok'ta threw his staff down before he clawed at his own chest letting his blood flow down as his remaining hand was now stretched out in front of him then let a drop of blood fell to the ground, as a magic circle full of malice and evil magic took form!

"Շђє รєгשคภՇ ђคร гєςєเשє๔ Շђє קгเ๓є єשเɭ'ร ςคɭɭ คภ๔ гєค๔ץ Շ๏ ๒гเภﻮ Շђє ค๒ץรร..."

Walter rushed forward as he threw his darts, his knives as Yok'ta used his bone-chilling chant as the objects struck his flesh he continued to chant as if in a daze as it went faster as he got closer.

"ɭєՇ ђเร ฬгคՇђ Ŧ๏г๓ ค รเภﻮɭє ๏г๒ คภ๔ ŦยɭŦเɭɭ ђเร ๔ยՇץ..."

"ɭєՇ Շђเร ๏г๒ ๏Ŧ ђเร ฬгคՇђ є๓єгﻮє Ŧг๏๓ Շђ�� ๔єєקєรՇ ค๒ץรร..."

Walter drew his sword before stabbing it into Yok'ta's throat which should of stopped the chanting as his voice gurgled, however, the chant remained uninterrupted!

"Շ๏ ๔єɭเשєг ยภєภ๔เภﻮ Շ๏гՇยгє ђย๓คภкเภ๔, ฬђ๏ รђคɭɭ ๒є รєгשคภՇร ยภ๔єг Շђє קгเ๓є єשเɭร...

"ɭєՇ คɭɭ ՇђคՇ Շђєץ ђคשє คςς๏๓קɭเรђє๔ ๒є เภ שคเภ!"

Walter's eyes widened so he quickly pulled his sword from out of his neck before chopping his head off, but that action still wasn't enough as Yok'ta was bold enough to power the spell with his meager soul as his body may have fallen to the ground, however, his head remained afloat as it completed the spell that Walter tried so hard to stop as his enemy's head gave him a winner's smirk.

"๒̸̢̧̧̖͇̜̠͔̲̐͜ค̶̢̡͕̤̣̬̤͕̈́͋̎̇̕͜ค̵̧̭̭̥̙̌̎͗͐ɭ̵̱̇͗̀'̶̗̝̬̀ร̴̙̖͙̥̥̭̘̝́͒̉ ̴̡̡̥̗̖͉̫͖͈̱̈́͛̇̆̿͘є̶̭̦̇̏̂̋̕͘͠ͅ๓̶̪̯͕̂̍̉̾͌̊̌̋͐๒̷̛̣̮̼̀͌̈́͒͘г̸̨̔͑̂̏̀̃̿̐͗͊ค̶͇̔̉͆̊ς̸̛̰͛͊̾̌̂̎̉͠є̸̜͒̊́͗͑̔͋̉̚!̵͉̦̪͕̩͈̾̕ͅ"

As the whole ground shook as soon as he spouted those final words!

Evil much? maybe.

this is diablo we are talking about here, remember he isn't a Nephilim or a hero or anything like that what can go bad may more than likely go bad!

A fair warning try no to get attached to anyone as you might get heartbroken sooner of later~

Rauoncreators' thoughts