
In The Way To Increase

This story shows how the endless craving of increasing in humans is going to almost destroy the world. We can't increase everything around us so we have to increase ourselves(our minds). How? Let's find out with the smartest people ever existed.

Om_Pritam_Das · Sci-fi
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Their own ways and challanges

The school bell rings and everyone goes their way home just as naresh. He looks sad and didn't seem to enjoy his results which he did everytime. He was always happy Mr.Charm but today is a different case. He was remembering the days he and Dinesh went to find new places nearby. They discovered new things together, worked on different types of projects. Recreated many things but they both were together all the time.Now Naresh is alone, and trying to be happy but he couldn't. But he tries to remain same even to be better, but still he fails to be happy, although he gets success in whatever he tries to do.

He scored number one in his highschool and got scholarship from government for his higher studies. He studied alot in biochemistry, biotech, and computer science and devloped a system which can be edit the genes of any single cellular creature by altering it's DNA.

Where Dinesh ran the computer hardware company where his father worked and studied his favourite subject physics along with computer science and devloped a way to generate sound from air without any speakers. He got an idea to to create a fully functional super computers which can be wore in someone's hand as a ring or a wrist band but can do the work which takes super computers to do, but he was totally failing in this thing.

At that time hologram and cloud computing technology were at their peak, people used cloud computing to do everything, playing games, making movies, every single thing that we are doing today with these highly effective computers are done using cloud with a small device like a mobile phone which looked like a 20th century phone came with a high level speaker and battry and a good camera, with ability to connect to internet and with a screen that took a lot of processing; with a cool but ordinary look.

At this time hologram and holographic displays were also very popular. People used these as displays of their desktops and it was commercially used to show advertisements in the places of traffic jam and some busy and irritating places like that to entertain people. This type of holographic displays were very expensive and the device which portraied the graphical and realistic view is bigger in size respective to more realistic the image is. So it was very difficult to do it for Dinesh also his technology was so expensive it can be only used by company professionals and CEOs not by common people. Another problem this product that it was so difficult to mass produce in a factory. Dinesh had no clue how is he going to deal with these problems.

Where Naresh devloped his technology successfully and made two mutants of HIV that helped our body to fight with HIV. It's like a vaccine, but it's the virus with similar properties with the original virus but insted of causing it helpd our body cells to nourish and grow to be able to fight with HIV that causes decease and also to kill the deasese causing HIV. Its just like we use tree's own part to cut the tree, here we are using the virus to kill the virus.

This huge success of Naresh could give him many awards but this couldn't help him find his happiness again.

Maybe it is gone forever!

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*These are the default messages called fast phrases only these took 265 characters

you must be thinking "what should I do with this information"

I say don't do anything just relax!

Bye! Bye!

Om_Pritam_Dascreators' thoughts