
In the Star Rail, relying on 3 points of intelligence to shock Herta

"I think this will work: Your inventions no longer rely on intelligence, but on love and courage." Trailblazer: "The simulated universe has been updated again. How did you do it?" Gu Tang: "I accidentally dropped a pizza into it." March 7th: "I heard this item can knock out enemies. How do you use it?" Gu Tang: "Hold it, and then hit the enemy's face until they pass out." Welt: "This handgun... why can it shoot more bullets than it holds?" Gu Tang: "Maybe the handgun forgot it ran out of ammo. Don't worry, just reload it later." Herta: "I heard you also successfully met the Aeon of Erudition?" Gu Tang: "Yes, the Aeon of Erudition said I am insulated from intelligence and couldn't appoint me as a messenger."

Cham_Zin · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 6: I Am a Traveler from Another World

March 7th and Stelle arrived at the central elevator in the atrium. The elevator was built in the center of a platform, connected to the surroundings by semi-transparent anti-gravity bridges.

According to Director Asta, only by taking this elevator could they reach the control module of the space station.

"Uh-oh..." March 7th pressed a few buttons on the elevator's control panel, scratching her head in frustration.

Stelle stepped forward and looked at the panel in front of March 7th. "Is it broken?" she asked.

March 7th quickly defended herself, "It's not my fault! It must be the Anti-Matter Legion's doing!"

She fiddled with the panel a bit more and then sighed. "If only Gu Tang were here. He can invent such amazing things; fixing an elevator would be a piece of cake for him."

"I can take a look," Gu Tang's voice came from behind them.

March 7th turned around in surprise to see Gu Tang and Dan Heng walking over. "How did you get here faster than us?" she asked.

Dan Heng replied, "We saw you on the monitors in the control room. As for how we got here so quickly... thanks to Gu Tang's penetration ring."

March 7th's eyes lit up, and she eagerly moved closer to Gu Tang. "Penetration ring? Just like in the comics! If I had known, I would have swapped with Dan Heng!"

Dan Heng stood with his arms crossed, saying nothing.

"Not only that, but Dan Heng and I have bonded through overcoming danger and rescuing allies. We're now close buddies," Gu Tang declared confidently to March 7th.

Dan Heng remained silent.

March 7th waved her hand dismissively. "What? You guys have already bonded behind my back? You should work on improving my favorability too!"

Gu Tang nodded. "There will be opportunities."

"But... isn't anyone going to mention the person on his shoulder?" Stelle walked up, looking at the unconscious man Gu Tang was carrying.

"Oh, right. This is Alan, head of the security division. He usually handles the security of the space station," Gu Tang introduced the unconscious man to the group.

"Hmm... what happened to him?" March 7th tilted her head and asked.

"Definitely the work of the Anti-Matter Legion," Gu Tang asserted firmly.

Dan Heng still said nothing.

"By the way, Stelle seems to be well protected by March 7th, not a scratch on her," Gu Tang observed, examining Stelle from head to toe.

March 7th replied, "Hehe, don't judge a book by its cover. Stelle is really good in a fight. She handles that bat like a pro and sends the Anti-Matter Legion running."

Stelle rolled up her sleeve, revealing her pale, slender arm as if to show her strength. She puffed out her cheeks and flexed, trying to make her biceps bulge. It looked quite cute.

"Not bad, not bad. Being able to fight freely, the bat must be quite satisfied too," Gu Tang praised Stelle.

Dan Heng finally spoke, bringing the conversation back to the task at hand. "Alright, let's focus. You mentioned the elevator is broken?"

"Oh, right. Gu Tang, take a look and use your vast expertise to fix it," March 7th said, pointing at the elevator.

Gu Tang inspected the elevator's control panel thoughtfully. "According to my vast expertise, it seems some circuits have burned out."

"Can it be fixed?" Dan Heng asked.

"Of course, but we'll need new parts from the storage room," Gu Tang replied.

He marked the location of the storage room on the map.

Dan Heng looked at it and said to the others, "I'll go get the parts. March 7th, stay here and protect everyone. I'll be back soon."

March 7th asked, "Are you sure you'll be okay alone?"

Dan Heng replied, "I can move more flexibly on my own. Don't worry, I'll be back quickly."

"I trust you, buddy. The parts you need have been sent to your terminal," Gu Tang said, nodding at Dan Heng and handing him a vial of the unused potion from earlier. "Take this; it might help if you run into trouble."

Will this "buddy" term stick? Dan Heng wondered.

...Not bad at all, he thought.

Before boarding the train, Dan Heng had experienced a lot of deception and intrigue. Compared to that, this straightforward friendship was refreshing.

Ding! Dan Heng's favorability +5.

"Alright, leave it to me," Dan Heng said, putting away the potion and gripping his spear tightly as he turned to leave.



"Okay, let's take a break," Gu Tang said after Dan Heng left, putting Alan down and sitting against the platform's railing.

Stelle blinked, walked over, and sat next to Gu Tang, hugging her knees.

"Uh... aren't we still surrounded by enemies?" March 7th couldn't help but remind them, seeing the two so relaxed.

Gu Tang waved his hand nonchalantly. "Dan Heng and I checked the monitors earlier. There are no enemies nearby, probably thanks to the security team clearing them out."

March 7th's eyes sparkled as she smiled and joined them. "Hehe, then I'll rest too. Getting off the train and facing this chaos is exhausting."

With Dan Heng gone, only Gu Tang, Stelle, and March 7th were left.

Clearly, you couldn't expect a serious atmosphere from these three.

What? You say Alan is still there?

Name: Unconscious Person

Type: Special Item

Level: 3

Effect: With the right collection skills, various resources can be obtained from him.

Evaluation: How you use it depends on your imagination.

Even the system regarded him as an item.

The three chatted for a while.

Gu Tang asked about Stelle's memory, but her mind was still a blank slate.

"In that case... it seems like it won't be a short-term recovery. Be prepared for a long-term state of amnesia," Gu Tang said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

March 7th confidently raised her head. "Hey, I'm familiar with this! If you don't understand anything, just ask me."

Gu Tang and Stelle looked at March 7th together. "Are you also amnesiac?"

"Yeah, before the train rescued me, I was sealed in a big block of ice, drifting in space," March 7th said matter-of-factly. "I don't remember anything from before I was frozen. Name, identity, hometown... all gone."

Stelle said, "At least I remember my name..."

Gu Tang commented, "Not much of a difference."

"Speaking of names, 'March 7th' is to commemorate the date I was awakened. Since then, I've stayed on the train, traveling from one stop to another, hoping to find my past..."

March 7th briefly recounted her experience.

"Who would have thought that a small space station could gather two severe amnesiacs," Gu Tang sighed.

March 7th puffed her cheeks and glared at him. "You're supposed to comfort this sad, beautiful girl, you know."

"Everyone is born without memories, just consider yourself a newborn," Gu Tang said nonchalantly, waving his hand.

"That's so dismissive!" March 7th exclaimed, pouting as she lightly punched Gu Tang's arm.

Stelle watched them playfully bicker and asked, "What about you, Gu Tang? What's your past?"

"Me? Why ask about me?" Gu Tang asked, puzzled.

"When I first woke up, I somehow felt you understood me very well..." Stelle placed her hand on her chest and said slowly, "I was wondering if you had a similar experience..."

"Don't overthink it. I haven't had memory problems. If there's something special about my past... well, I'm a traveler from another world," Gu Tang shrugged, answering lightly.

give me more power !!!!!

Your gift is my motivation. So give me more motivation!

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