
In the Star Rail, relying on 3 points of intelligence to shock Herta

"I think this will work: Your inventions no longer rely on intelligence, but on love and courage." Trailblazer: "The simulated universe has been updated again. How did you do it?" Gu Tang: "I accidentally dropped a pizza into it." March 7th: "I heard this item can knock out enemies. How do you use it?" Gu Tang: "Hold it, and then hit the enemy's face until they pass out." Welt: "This handgun... why can it shoot more bullets than it holds?" Gu Tang: "Maybe the handgun forgot it ran out of ammo. Don't worry, just reload it later." Herta: "I heard you also successfully met the Aeon of Erudition?" Gu Tang: "Yes, the Aeon of Erudition said I am insulated from intelligence and couldn't appoint me as a messenger."

Cham_Zin · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 30: Wooden Fish, Suki?

  "I've never met someone who fits so well with me. How about staying and being my assistant?" 

  Serval placed her hands on Gu Tang's shoulders and said to him.

  "Sorry, I have important tasks to attend to," Gu Tang refused expressionlessly.

  "Really not going to consider it? If all goes well... we could open a couple's store together." Serval smiled and winked.

  Stelle, a bit anxious, inserted herself between the two, reaching out to protect Gu Tang. "I want to go to many places with Gu Tang and create important memories..."

  "Hahaha, just kidding, don't take it seriously."

  Serval laughed, raising her hands in a playful gesture as she stepped back.

  Dan Heng frowned.

  Older, wearing black stockings, and sharing the same hobbies in rock and mechanics...

  Not good, she might win Gu Tang's favor more easily than March 7th.

  "March 7th, can you age ten years immediately?" he said to her.

  "Dan Heng, I'm seriously considering hitting you." March 7th looked at him with a cold expression.

  "Or maybe put on some black stockings," Dan Heng continued.

  March 7th punched Dan Heng in the stomach.

  She even wrapped her fist in heavy ice, greatly enhancing the attack power.


  Ignoring Dan Heng's friendly exchange, Stelle pointed to a heater in the corner.

  The cylindrical heater was about the size of a forearm, something Gu Tang's group had seen many times in the city, often placed outside houses.

  "I'm actually curious about this device," Stelle said, looking at the heater.

  "You mean this? It's the most common geothermal heater in Belobog. Don't let its plain appearance fool you; it's a lifeline for the people," Serval explained. "With the fierce wind and snow outside, reliable heating is essential; otherwise, Belobog would have become a dead city long ago."

  "What's geothermal?" March 7th asked curiously, moving closer.

  "It's a local energy source mined from beneath the surface of this planet, used for everything from city heating to hand-held devices," Serval patiently explained, knowing this was their first time on this planet. "Geothermal is mined by professional mining teams in the lower district and transported to the surface through pipelines. In return, the upper district sends support materials back to the lower district through the same pipelines."

  "Upper district and lower district?" Stelle picked up on unfamiliar terms.

  Serval used her fingers to illustrate: "Well... the structure of Belobog is like two large discs connected together. The upper district handles administration and trade, while the lower district is responsible for energy supply and resource mining."

  She sighed, "However, due to a decree from years ago, there hasn't been any personnel exchange between the upper and lower districts for many years... ah, why am I saying this? Just pretend I'm talking to myself."

  "How much does this thing cost?" Gu Tang asked Serval, pulling out a device resembling a phone from some corner.

  March 7th looked at the device in Gu Tang's hand: "Is this... a broken phone?"

  "No, it's a signal jammer designed to disrupt the neural systems of Rift creatures, originally developed for the Silvermane Guards, but it failed," Serval said.

  "Why did it fail?" Stelle asked.

  Serval scratched her head: "The effect was too weak, only making those creatures a bit sleepy, not useful in combat."

  "No worries, I have some good ideas to turn it into something useful," Gu Tang said, examining the device.

  Serval smiled: "Then it's yours. It's of no use to me anyway. By the way, let me see it after you've modified it. We are mechanical and rock partners, after all."


  After their visit to the mechanical shop, the group went to the Golden Opera House.

  Unfortunately, the opera house was closed, so they couldn't see a Belobog opera performance.

  However, on the way, March 7th discovered something interesting.

  "Look, there's a flower shop!" March 7th grabbed Gu Tang's hand and rushed over.

  The flower shop was named "Changxia."

  The shop entrance was decorated beautifully with various flowers and plants.

  The two of them walked into the flower shop.

  "Welcome~" A female employee greeted them with a warm smile.

  The shop was small but very cozy, with various beautiful flowers in full bloom, their subtle fragrances lingering in the air.

  "Wow... so beautiful..." March 7th bent down to look at the blooming flowers, exclaiming in admiration.

  She hadn't expected to see such beautiful flowers on a snow-covered planet.

  Perhaps this was also a reflection of the will of Belobog's residents.

  Not only must they strive to survive, but they must also strive to live well, to honor those who risked their lives to protect them.

  "I wonder what the language of these flowers is..." March 7th murmured to herself.

  "I'm not interested in flower language; those are just labels people add," Gu Tang gently picked up a bouquet and sniffed it. "As long as you like it from the bottom of your heart, that's enough."

  "Hehe~ Indeed, liking is the most important," March 7th smiled brightly.

  "Then choose a flower you like, and I'll give it to you as a gift," Gu Tang said to her.

  "Hmm... then... this one!" March 7th didn't hesitate long and chose a bouquet in the corner.

  It was a sunflower-like flower, a fiery orange-red color, very beautiful.

  The shopkeeper immediately came over, smiling: "Hello, would you like me to wrap it for you?"

  "Yes, please." Gu Tang nodded.

  The shopkeeper skillfully took the flowers to the counter to wrap them, continuing to ask, "Are you two a couple?"

  "Eh, eh, eh? No... we are... uh... partners! Friends! Travel companions! Comrades!"

  March 7th's face turned red as she tried to explain.

  The shopkeeper winked at her: "Actually, we're having a promotion recently. Couples get a 12% discount..."

  "Yes, we are a couple, and we've had 2000 children already," March 7th immediately said.

  The progenitor god would be impressed by their fertility.

  "Haha... it's good to be in a couple," the shopkeeper said with a smile.

  Despite being her own words, March 7th started to feel shy.

  "Alright, it's done. Here you go." The shopkeeper handed the beautifully wrapped bouquet to March 7th.

  As March 7th took the bouquet, the shopkeeper paused and teased her: "By the way, although you said you're not interested in flower language, this flower means... eternal and unchanging love. Picking such a flower without knowing its meaning, isn't that fate?"

  March 7th's face was already red, but since she had dug this hole herself, she could only squeeze out a tiny, mosquito-like thank you.

  What a cute girl... the shopkeeper thought as she looked at the shy girl.

  She sincerely blessed them.

  Then she glanced at Gu Tang.

  Wow, he's so handsome.

  Her sincere blessing was instantly tainted with black jealousy and pink lust.

  Fortunately, the surrounding flowers purified her heart, bringing her back to a state of calm.

  After buying the flowers, the two walked out of the shop.

  They didn't speak, a subtle silence flowing between them.

  Gu Tang turned his head to look at March 7th holding the bouquet.

  The orange-red flowers matched perfectly with March 7th's pink and blue hues.

  "These flowers suit you, March 7th," Gu Tang said straightforwardly.

  "Uwah!" March 7th quickly raised the flowers to cover her face. "You're not allowed to compliment me right now!"

  "Then when can I compliment you?" Gu Tang asked honestly.

  "At least in thirty minutes... no! At least an hour!"

  March 7th was very flustered.

  She somewhat regretted taking that 12% discount.

  Ugh... where did Dan Heng and Stelle go? There's no one to alleviate this awkwardness...

  [Ding! March 7th's favorability +10]


  At an open-air general store stall, Dan Heng was showing Stelle a wooden fish.

  His eyes were focused like never before, as if the wooden fish before him was everything in the universe.

  "Um... Dan Heng?" Stelle cautiously called out to him.

  Dan Heng exhaled: "What is it, Stelle?"

  Stelle glanced at the flower shop behind them: "Why aren't we with Gu Tang and March 7th?"

  "... Stelle, don't worry about the flowers," Dan Heng said, caressing the wooden fish. "Can't you feel the artistry of this wooden fish? Look at these lines, this craftsmanship."

  He stroked the scales and gills of the wooden fish.

 Stelle shook his head decisively: "No."

  "Then listen to it. Put the wooden fish next to your ear and you can hear the sound of the waves..." Dan Heng picked up the wooden fish gently and put it next to his ear.

  "I'm going to find Gu Tang and the others." Stelle turned and left.

  "Wait! Stelle! You will definitely be able to feel the charm of the wooden fish. Listen to me explain it to you for six hours!" Dan Heng tried to stop her.

  The shop owner looked at Dan Heng helplessly and said, "Brother, can I give you this wooden carved fish as a gift? Please don't interfere with my business."

Your gift is my motivation. So Give me more motivation(Power Stone)!

The more you comment the more chapter I will release?!?!!?

for every 50 Power Stone I will release one chapter early

Cham_Zincreators' thoughts