
In the Star Rail, relying on 3 points of intelligence to shock Herta

"I think this will work: Your inventions no longer rely on intelligence, but on love and courage." Trailblazer: "The simulated universe has been updated again. How did you do it?" Gu Tang: "I accidentally dropped a pizza into it." March 7th: "I heard this item can knock out enemies. How do you use it?" Gu Tang: "Hold it, and then hit the enemy's face until they pass out." Welt: "This handgun... why can it shoot more bullets than it holds?" Gu Tang: "Maybe the handgun forgot it ran out of ammo. Don't worry, just reload it later." Herta: "I heard you also successfully met the Aeon of Erudition?" Gu Tang: "Yes, the Aeon of Erudition said I am insulated from intelligence and couldn't appoint me as a messenger."

Cham_Zin · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 27: A Brother's Preferences

The young woman wore a blue and white uniform and boots, adding a touch of sharpness to her appearance. Her long, wavy, ash-gray hair hung behind her, and her eyes were calm but keen. Purple-blue earrings added a hint of nobility to her look, and her movements had the elegance of nobility. She exuded both the arrogance of a princess and the steadfastness of a soldier, giving her a unique aura.

"Mother, we cannot—!"

The young woman was emotionally charged, arguing with the woman on the platform.

"You may leave, Bronya. The visitors have arrived." The woman, addressed as mother, waved her hand, dismissing all of Bronya's objections.

"…Yes, Mother." Bronya bit her lip in frustration, bowed, and turned to leave the hall.

At that moment, she felt a scorching gaze. Turning around, she saw Gu Tang staring at her intently.

"What a rude guy…" Bronya thought with some disdain as she quickened her pace out of the hall.

The perceptive Dan Heng also noticed Gu Tang's gaze.

"So that's it, he likes black stockings," Dan Heng deduced in an instant.

Indeed, both Stelle and March 7th had their fair legs exposed. Being attracted to a girl in black stockings was understandable.

Now, who on the train resembled a girl in black stockings the most?

Dan Heng looked down at his dark pants.

So it's me. Well, that's fine then.

He nodded.

"Her hair looks like croissants… three of them," Gu Tang thought as he watched Bronya's departing figure.

Gepard stepped forward: "Guardian, I have brought four visitors to meet you."

Cocolia nodded. "The messenger has informed me of the situation. You did well, Gepard. You may leave now."

After Gepard left, the spacious hall only had Cocolia and Gu Tang's group remaining. The group carefully observed the legendary guardian.

Golden hair tied into a ponytail draped over her left shoulder. Her purple eyes were both proud and cold. She indeed bore a strong resemblance to Bronya.

She had the toughness of a soldier and the grace and composure of a noble. But she was more domineering, more forceful, mixed with the oppressiveness of a ruler, making it hard for anyone facing her to breathe.

She was like an unwavering block of ice, immune to melting from any external force.

"Welcome, visitors from beyond the cold wave… no, from beyond the stars, right?" Cocolia began. "I am Cocolia Rand, the guardian of Belobog. Here to listen to your purpose."

At this moment, the perceptive Dan Heng noticed again that Gu Tang was staring intently at Cocolia.

"So that's it, he likes older women," Dan Heng deduced in another instant.

Indeed, both Stelle and March 7th were young girls, lacking the mature charm of an older woman.

Could it be… Himeko?

No, Himeko doesn't wear black stockings.


It's Mr. Welt.

Well, that's fine then.

Dan Heng nodded.

All these thoughts took only 0.1 seconds.

"You don't doubt our identity?" he asked Cocolia, his expression calm and voice steady, leaving others unaware of the thoughts flashing through his mind.

As for what Gu Tang was thinking…

"Why are the sides of her hips exposed?" Gu Tang pondered as he looked at Cocolia's outfit, his hand on his chin.

"Do you really want me to doubt you? Do you have so little confidence in your own claims?" Cocolia responded to Dan Heng's question, her tone as firm as her appearance. "No, I don't doubt you. I can tell you're not from this world."

Cocolia turned to look at the large orrery by her desk and said, "We remember history, knowing that in the distant past, before the cold wave, before the invasion, this world was once incredibly prosperous… The Aeon connected our planet to other worlds, showing us the vastness of the galaxy."

She scrutinized Gu Tang's group with sharp eyes. "So don't be surprised. Although the builders haven't received any news from the stars for seven hundred years, I know of your existence. State your purpose. I'm listening."

Stelle spoke up: "We're here for something called a Stellaron."

"A Stellaron?" Cocolia raised an eyebrow.

"It's a substance that suddenly appears in various worlds, and its presence signifies disaster. Many planets we've visited have suffered from Stellaron's effects," Dan Heng added.

"You mean… the cold wave was caused by a Stellaron?" Cocolia frowned, contemplating.

"Not only that. We heard from Gepard that you've been fighting with rift creatures. The disasters Stellaron causes differ on each planet, but every world implanted with a Stellaron spawns rifts. That's the most direct evidence," March 7th explained in detail.

Stelle was surprised by March 7th's clear and logical explanation.

"Hey, what's that look? I've learned a lot too, you know," March 7th huffed at Stelle.

"Stellaron is bad news. We're here to help you get rid of it. Either help us, or stay out of our way," Gu Tang summarized bluntly.

"Though it's true, your tone!" March 7th kept reminding him.

"No worries. I like straightforward people," Cocolia said to Gu Tang. "So… tell me your purpose. I don't believe anyone would go to great lengths to help a world unrelated to them without any ulterior motive."

Dan Heng explained: "Stellaron doesn't just destroy civilizations; it also disrupts star rails. Our train can't warp, and we're stuck here. Without sealing Stellaron, we can't leave this planet. So our interests align."

Gu Tang spread his hands: "I did suggest on the train that we could blow up Jarilo-VI and fish out the Stellaron from the planet fragments more efficiently, but Himeko and the others rejected it, so—mmph!"

Before he could finish, March 7th and Stelle covered his mouth.

Cocolia bowed her head in thought. After a while, she nodded to the group: "Alright, I believe you. If the current situation is indeed related to this Stellaron, your arrival could be the hope Belobog has awaited for seven hundred years… I am willing to provide any possible assistance to help you find Stellaron."

"Don't worry. Our train crew is very capable," March 7th said confidently, puffing her chest.

"To think we actually gained the assistance of local residents. This is a rare experience for me," Gu Tang remarked.

"Usually, you're exploring planets with Ms. Herta…" Dan Heng said, imagining Herta's approach.

"After your journey from the outskirts to the city, you must be tired. I'll arrange for you to stay at the most comfortable inn in the city for a good rest. Tomorrow at noon, I'll send someone to invite you, and we'll discuss this matter in detail," Cocolia said considerately.

"Thank you, Guardian," Stelle thanked her.

"I should be thanking you, guests from beyond the stars," Cocolia smiled slightly. "I also need time to investigate all records that might be related to Stellaron… Excuse me for not seeing you off."

Gu Tang's group left the hall.

Cocolia stood alone in the spacious hall, making the space seem particularly empty and making her figure appear somewhat lonely and tired.

A strange, hoarse voice echoed in Cocolia's mind.

"…I understand, no need to rush, I have my own way." She murmured with a dark expression, seemingly talking to the voice in her mind.

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