
In the Star Rail, relying on 3 points of intelligence to shock Herta

"I think this will work: Your inventions no longer rely on intelligence, but on love and courage." Trailblazer: "The simulated universe has been updated again. How did you do it?" Gu Tang: "I accidentally dropped a pizza into it." March 7th: "I heard this item can knock out enemies. How do you use it?" Gu Tang: "Hold it, and then hit the enemy's face until they pass out." Welt: "This handgun... why can it shoot more bullets than it holds?" Gu Tang: "Maybe the handgun forgot it ran out of ammo. Don't worry, just reload it later." Herta: "I heard you also successfully met the Aeon of Erudition?" Gu Tang: "Yes, the Aeon of Erudition said I am insulated from intelligence and couldn't appoint me as a messenger."

Cham_Zin · Anime & Comics
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130 Chs

Chapter 25: The Master Collector

"Because I get 50 power stone i give you one more chapter" Back to the story

Knocking away an opponent's weapon in battle is a huge advantage, but Jepard felt no joy in his heart.

"Something's off…"

This strike had no sensation at all, like hitting a straw, without any force feedback.

Dan Heng had never firmly gripped his spear from the beginning.

It was a trap!

Jepard realized this too late.


Dan Heng, already prepared, moved in a flash to Jepard's back.

Stretching out his arms, he firmly locked Jepard's neck.

"As I thought... your defensive field can't handle this kind of close combat, right?"

Dan Heng's voice echoed in Jepard's ear.

His arms wrapped around Jepard's neck, continuously exerting force.

A rear naked choke, simple and practical in martial arts.

Though Dan Heng excelled in spear techniques, he didn't mind using other techniques to resolve the fight.

"It's... not... over yet..." Jepard gritted his teeth, still standing tall, his hands trying to pry Dan Heng's arms off.

"No, it's already over."

Stelle's voice rang out in front of Jepard.

A baseball bat struck fiercely at Jepard's chin, sending his consciousness into darkness.


Jepard's body collapsed, and Dan Heng released his grip.

"Hmm?" Dan Heng raised an eyebrow.

Even in unconsciousness, Jepard's hand still clutched Dan Heng's arm, causing a dull pain.

"Such a tenacious warrior..."

He praised admirably.

March 7th walked over, "Phew... finally settled. Dan Heng, you had a tough fight? That's rare."

"I kept it measured. He'll wake up soon. By then, let's have him lead us to Belobog," Dan Heng glanced at the fallen Jepard.

March 7th scratched her head, "But... we just beat them up. Will they really listen to us? And, doesn't this count as assaulting the police…"

Stelle stowed her bat, "I believe a sincere heart can dispel misunderstandings caused by violence."

"Stelle, you're the last person qualified to say that..." March 7th looked at Stelle speechlessly.

Just now, Stelle had been the one enjoying the fight the most.

"Hmm... not bad, I like straightforward women." Gu Tang looked at Stelle and nodded.

[Ding! Your favorability with Stelle has increased by 5.]

Stelle happily struck a pose showing off her biceps, though from any angle, her arms were slender and delicate.

"By the way, before they wake up, let me do some looting." Gu Tang looked at the dozen or so fallen Iron Guards and Jepard, eager to plunder.

[Ding! You have obtained "Pledge of Cold Iron" *1]

[Ding! You have obtained "Iron Guard Badge" *10]

[Ding! You have obtained "Iron Guard Medal" *3]

[Ding! You have obtained "Jepard Oil" *1]

[Name: Jepard Oil]

[Type: Obstructive Item]

[Level: 4]

[Effect: When used on an enemy, it has a 150% chance to cause freezing]

[Evaluation: Extracted from Jepard, it feels icy cold]

[Ding! The mission "Master Oil Collector (Jarilo-VI)" has started]

[Mission Objective: Collect all level 4 or higher oils on Jarilo-VI]

[Reward: Level 7 damage-type item]




"Jepard, if... I mean if..." He recalled his sister's words, "If one day, the Supreme Guardian ordered you to abandon the people of Belobog, just to achieve some goal of hers... what would you do?"

Why was he recalling this conversation?

At that time, he had been unhappy with his sister's remarks, and they had a heated argument over it.

But he remembered his choice.

"If one day, protecting the people meant disobeying the Supreme Guardian's orders, and no matter what choice I made, I would find myself in danger, I would still choose the former. Because that is what I should do."

His sister had laughed heartily before him.

"Jepard, oh Jepard... you truly are a member of the Landau family."



Jepard suddenly opened his eyes.

Instinctively, he reached for his weapon, only to find his hands were tightly bound by metal handcuffs.

Beside him, a dozen Iron Guards lay on the ground, seemingly unscathed but still unconscious.

"These handcuffs were used by Herta on me. I secretly kept them, and they've finally come in handy."

Jepard looked up to see an extraordinarily handsome man in a suit, arms crossed, staring down at him.

The man's face was expressionless, like frost, reminding Jepard of the eternal glaciers.

"Who are you people? With such skills, I should have heard of you." Jepard frowned and asked.

"I am Gu Tang, the one who fought you is Dan Heng, and these are Stelle and March 7th." Gu Tang briefly introduced the group.

Though due to his social anxiety, his face remained expressionless.

Dan Heng spoke, "I think now we can have a calm discussion. I admit our identities are suspicious, but we are not criminals."

Jepard fell silent, as if pondering, then said, "You were previously with that blue-haired main suspect."

"Pah, he's not worthy!" March 7th reacted vehemently, "I swear, we're not his accomplices. Look how he abandoned us without a second thought!"

"Exactly, we were used by him," Stelle nodded in agreement.

"Why should I believe you?" Jepard asked.

"Because of our kindness, dutiful sentinel," Gu Tang bent down, his amber eyes meeting Jepard's.

That calm gaze shook Jepard's heart.

"As you can see, you're at our mercy, yet we've done nothing to harm you." Gu Tang extended his hand, unlocking the metal cuffs, "That's the best proof. If we were criminals, do you think we would treat you so kindly?"

Jepard stood up, flexing his wrists, looking at Gu Tang, "If you're not criminals... then who are you? Why are you outside Belobog?"

Though freed, his curiosity had only deepened.

"Well, to be honest, you might not believe this... but we're aliens." Gu Tang replied.

Jepard: "?"

His gaze was not one of seeing aliens, but of seeing a fool.

"Indeed, such things need proof to be believed," Stelle commented.

"Proof... right, I have photos of this planet," March 7th clapped her hands, thinking of a good idea.

Photography was her hobby and a way to record precious travel experiences.

She had taken a picture of Jarilo-VI on the train.

"A photo of the planet, I have one too. Here," Dan Heng took out a photo and handed it to Jepard.

The photo was of Dan Heng and Gu Tang on the train, with the train's large window behind them, clearly showing the snow-covered planet.

"..." March 7th looked at Dan Heng in dismay.

Photography was supposed to be her character trait, but now Dan Heng had stolen the spotlight.

She vowed to take many photos with Gu Tang and Stelle on this planet.

Without Dan Heng!