

story of a lady that her destiny connect with her vampire boss. Her boss was dangerous in the night , when ever he was hunting to kill or do anything dangerous or in a distress all black hair in his body change to white and his voice change she caught her boss in his dangerous look at night when he was drug by one of his business partner, so his going to be able to sleep with his daughter but unfortunately his secretary fall victim meet , that night change her story and her boss was a single father. let see how her boss dealt with her, how did their destiny connect and how did they fall in love. "Serena has always been devoted to her vampire boss, but her feelings for him are just platonic. When she discovers that his daughter has been taken by a dark force, Serena embarks on a dangerous journey to rescue her. As she risks everything to save the girl, Serena must face her feelings for her boss, even as she discovers that the kidnapper's motives are more sinister than she could have ever imagined." patiently read it calmly , don't forget to like , review and follow.

kaysweeties · Fantasy
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14 Chs



Inside the dimly lit club, Damian and his two friends sat in a plush booth, the rhythmic bass thrumming in their chests. He explained, a touch of exasperation lacing his voice, "My daughter's at it again, trying to play matchmaker. I've told her countless times I'm happy single, but she insists I 'need' someone."

"She just cares, Dad," one friend said, raising his glass. "Humor her. Go on a few dates. You might surprise yourself."

Damian sighed, taking a sip of his drink. "I appreciate the concern, but—"

"Compromise," his other friend interjected, a playful glint in his eye. "One date. Make her happy. Who knows, she might have good taste."

Intrigued, Damian contemplated the idea. Perhaps, just one wouldn't hurt. "Alright," he finally conceded, "as long as she understands it's not a commitment."

His friend grinned. "One date. No strings attached."

A few days later, Damian found himself across from a captivating woman at a chic restaurant, courtesy of his daughter's matchmaking skills. She proved witty, intelligent, and possessed an easy charm that drew him in. As they delved into conversation, enjoying the delectable dishes, Damian surprised himself by truly enjoying her company. When the evening ended, a pang of regret lingered as he walked her to her car.

"I had a wonderful time," he confessed, catching a glimpse of amusement in his daughter's eyes later that night.

Damian was conflicted. He'd entered the date with reservations, yet found himself genuinely entertained. However, a spark, that undeniable romantic connection, remained absent. "She's lovely, but I don't see anything serious developing," he admitted honestly.

His daughter smiled knowingly. "I understand. Just wanted you to enjoy yourself."

"Thank you for setting it up," he said, hugging her tightly. "You know me better than anyone."

"Just promise me this," she pleaded with a mischievous glint, "one more date."

Damian groaned playfully. "You're relentless," he laughed, feigning resistance. "Fine, another date it is. But if it's anything like the last one, you're to blame!"

His daughter beamed triumphantly. "Don't worry, Dad. This one will be even better. Trust me."

Meanwhile, Serena, getting ready for her own blind date, received a text from her mother: "Don't forget, bring me a grandchild!" She rolled her eyes. Her mother's relentless pursuit of her settling down was both endearing and frustrating. Yet, a nagging thought persisted – was her mother right? Perhaps it was time to consider a family.

With a deep breath, Serena entered the cozy, candlelit restaurant. Her eyes instantly landed on a familiar face across the room – her boss, Damian. Her surprise soon morphed into unease. What were the odds?

"Hello, Serena," Damian's voice carried a hint of awkwardness. "I had no idea…"

"Me neither," she stammered, trying to mask her surprise. "It's quite a coincidence."

An uncomfortable silence ensued. "My mom set this up," Serena confessed finally. "I think it's best if I…"

Before she could excuse herself, a booming voice interrupted them. A giant of a man stood beside Serena, a confused frown etched on his face. "Serena? Is everything alright?"

"Um, this is…" Serena fumbled, unsure how to explain the bizarre situation.

Damian, ever the quick thinker, stepped in smoothly. "Serena and I are, uh, old friends catching up. Looks like you have another date waiting." He gestured towards the confused man with a smile.

The man raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. Serena, desperate to escape the awkwardness, took a chance. "Sir," she pleaded in a hushed voice, "could you pretend to be my date for a few minutes? Just long enough for him to leave?"

The man, despite his initial skepticism, agreed with a chuckle. In seconds, Damian found himself replaced by Serena's "pretend" date, leaving him with a mix of amusement and curiosity.

As Serena and her "date" walked out, leaving a bewildered Damian behind, she couldn't help but let out a nervous giggle. It had been a chaotic evening, but strangely exhilarating.

Back at the restaurant, Damian watched them leave, a smile playing on his lips. This unexpected twist had certainly sparked his interest. "Perhaps," he mused to himself, "one more date wouldn't hurt after all."

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