
In The SCP Foundation As An Exorcist

In the depths of the enigmatic SCP Foundation, where anomalies and mysteries abound, a young girl named Medusa Ward finds herself caught in the intricate web of the supernatural. Unbeknownst to them, Medusa is not an ordinary child, but a reincarnator, a soul reborn into a new body from a previous existence. As she navigates the labyrinthine corridors and secretive chambers of the Foundation, Medusa's journey intertwines with that of various SCPs, each with their own unique stories and powers. From encounters with sentient entities to unexplained phenomena, her path is fraught with danger and intrigue. As Medusa embraces her role as an anomaly herself, she learns to harness her newfound abilities and navigate the complex network of alliances and rivalries within the Foundation. Along the way, she encounters both allies and adversaries, forming unexpected friendships and facing formidable foes. Prepare to embark on a thrilling journey where the line between reality and the extraordinary blurs, and the true nature of Medusa's existence is revealed. [A/N: This is a test run to see if my writing is too boring or too long.] Disclaimer; I don't own any of the SCP foundation. I only own my oc.

Magn0lia · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

The Child Exorcist

The small translucent blue rat moved at supernatural speed, leaving behind wisps of shadow as it dashed across the room, its eyes flowing with a fiery, malevolent light, exuding an air of darkness and vindictiveness.

The translucent rat glided soundless across the room, tts elongated, jagged claws leaving no trace, its movements were swift and fluid.

The translucent rat quickly made its way towards a wall in the room before it let out a haunting squeak that would've sent shivers down the spines of those within earshot. The eerie sound resonated through the air, infusing the atmosphere with an unsettling aura.

Without missing a beat, after it squeaked, executing a seamless 180-degree turn. Its spectral form seemed to blur as it darted off in the opposite direction, its speed surpassing even its previous impressive pace. It moved with an otherworldly agility, leaving wisps of shadow in its wake, as if defying the laws of the physical realm.

As the rat reached the midpoint of the room, a sinuous, translucent silver snake emerged silently from the very wall the rat had recently fled towards. The serpentine creature scanned the surroundings with deliberate slowness, its ethereal form casting an otherworldly glow.

Its gaze fixated on the darting rat, and with astonishing swiftness that defied its snake-like form, it propelled itself forward, effortlessly outpacing the rat in pursuit. Like liquid silver, it coiled itself around the rat's spectral body, its grip firm and unyielding, effectively entrapping its fleeing prey.

Caught in the snake's vice-like grip, the rat's attempts to free itself were met with eerie, haunting squeaks that filled the room. Each desperate sound reverberated through the air, a testament to the rat's futile struggle against the unyielding hold of the serpent.

The snake's jaw parted, but instead of devouring the rat, a remarkable phenomenon unfolded. The rat's spectral form started to disintegrate, transforming into wisps of mesmerizing blue energy that emanated from its ethereal body. The snake's mouth became a conduit for this captivating energy, drawing it in with an insatiable hunger. The vibrant blue essence flowed seamlessly into the snake's being, gradually empowering and revitalizing it with each passing moment. It was a mesmerizing display of absorption.

As the rat's cries faded into oblivion, the snake's relentless absorption reached its conclusion, leaving no trace of the once-vibrant spirit. The snake uncoiled itself, its serpentine form gently swaying with a sense of satisfaction. Its translucent body seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow, as if savoring the power it had acquired.

Satisfied with its meal, the snake gracefully slithered away, retracing its path through walls with uncanny ease. Its journey led it through numerous walls, until it finally arrived in a small room—a child's room.

Within the child's room, a colorful array of toys adorned the shelves, a delightful mix of stuffed animals, action figures, and puzzles. The bed, adorned with vibrant sheets and a cozy comforter, beckoned for restful slumbers. A closet stood against one wall, its doors closed, concealing hidden treasures and secrets within.

Meditating upon the bed was a young girl. The child's tender age, no more than three years old, was evident in her innocent demeanor. Her delicate features showcased a complexion of warm brown hues, while their hair, a cascade of striking thick white locks, framed their face like a halo. Piercing blue eyes, filled with a depth beyond their years, which were currently closed, as if harboring a world of untold secrets within their depths.

The translucent snake, its movements graceful and deliberate, approached the little girl with a sense of purpose. As it coiled itself around her delicate neck, finding a place of comfort upon her shoulder, the snake and the girl seemed to have an unexpected bond.

The snake's presence, rather than invoking fear or alarm, was met with an astonishing calmness from the young girl. With her eyes now open, the girl's gaze instantly locked onto the figure of the ethereal serpent. Yet, instead of displaying any signs of distress or unease, her response was one of gentle acceptance.

Raising her small hand, she reached out to touch the snake with tenderness. As her fingers made contact with the snake's shimmering form, she began to mutter softly in a low voice, her words carrying an otherworldly resonance.

"Thank you for your hard work"

With a gentle smile playing upon her lips, the girl's voice resonated with gratitude, breaking the silence that enveloped the room. The serpent, basking in the girl's warmth, acknowledged her gratitude with a subtle flicker of its tail, as if expressing its own form of acknowledgment.

The girl's gaze shifted, her eyes settled upon a holographic screen that materialized beside the snake. The screena—an ethereal display of mesmerizing indigo hues enveloped the screen, dancing with vibrant energy and intricate patterns that seemed to shift and flow like ethereal currents.

『 Lesser Vengeful Rat Spirit Killed! 』

『 Open Records? 』

The girl's gaze absorbed the information displayed on the screen, her interest piqued. The girl reached out her hand, intent on pressing the "Open Records?" option on the screen when the screen automatically transitioned to a different display, her intentions to open the records having been sensed by the holographic interface.

The new screen unveiled a section labeled "Spirits Documented: 1/???"

The girl retracted her hand, her eyes widened with curiosity as a row of small, grayed-out blank boxes appeared before her, with only one box highlighted and filled. With a subtle shift in the holographic display, the screen transformed once again, revealing a detailed description of the recently encountered Lesser Vengeful Spirit.

The words flowed across the screen, painting a vivid picture of the spectral rat's nature and abilities.


『 Lesser Vengeful Rat Spirit 』

『 Description: A spectral embodiment of vengeance, taking the form of a translucent rat with glowing, malevolent eyes. Its ethereal fur shimmers with a ghostly aura, and its movements are swift and elusive, leaving behind traces of eerie mist as it scampers through the shadows. 』

『 Abilities:

Ghostly Phantasm: The spirit rat can pass through solid objects and become incorporeal, allowing it to move effortlessly through walls and obstacles.

Vengeful Bite: Its bite carries a malevolent energy that can drain vitality from its targets, weakening and causing lingering discomfort.

Shadow Dash: The spirit rat can move with supernatural speed, leaving behind wisps of shadow as it darts across the area, making it difficult to track or catch.

Searing Gaze: Its eyes emit an intense, vengeful light that can disorient and temporarily blind its foes.

Eerie Squeak: The haunting sound emitted by the spirit rat unsettles and disturbs those who hear it, instilling a sense of unease and fear. 』

『 Strengths: The Lesser Vengeful Rat is an agile and nimble spirit, capable of navigating tight spaces and evading attacks with ease. It has the ability to pass through physical barriers, making it difficult to trap or corner. In addition to its enhanced night vision, enabling it to see clearly in low-light conditions. 』

『 Weaknesses: The Lesser Vengeful Rat is vulnerable to spiritual purifications and banishments, as its vengeful nature makes it susceptible to holy or cleansing rituals. It can also be repelled or warded off by protective or sanctified objects. Moreover, it has a limited physical strength, making it less effective in direct confrontation. 』


With a gentle exhale, the little girl released a playful whistle from her lips. As the last echoes of the whistle dissipated, the holographic screen dissolved into nothingness, vanishing from sight.

The girl's attention returned to the translucent snake that had been coiled around her neck, its form starting to dissipate like wisps of smoke. It seemed to respond to her words, acknowledging her intention.

"Okay... it's time to go," she whispered, her voice carrying a sense of determination. The snake, in sync with her command, began to fade away, its ethereal presence blending seamlessly with the surrounding air. Gradually, its form dissipated, merging with the spiritual realm from which it had emerged.

As the translucent snake dissolved into the ethereal realm, the mesmerizing blue hue in the girl's eyes gradually faded, replaced by deep, enigmatic black orbs. Her gaze, now devoid of its previous vibrant blue, seemed to hold an immeasurable weight.

Suddenly the sounds of footsteps from outside her door could be heard. As the approaching footsteps grew louder, the little girl started to move. With remarkable swiftness, she slid under the covers of her bed, tucking herself in and rolling over onto her side.

She closed her eyes tightly, feigning sleep as if she were completely unaware of the world around her. The footsteps drew closer, echoing through the hallway outside the child's room.

The door swung open with an eerie creak, allowing a sliver of light to penetrate the room, casting faint illumination upon the surroundings. Time seemed to stand still as the room held its breath, the silence punctuated only by the soft whisper of the air. For a fleeting moment, the door remained ajar, the presence on the other side unannounced.

The room basked in the muted glow, creating an ethereal ambiance that danced with shadows upon the walls. Then, without warning, the door closed once more. The light vanished as swiftly as it had appeared, leaving the room shrouded in darkness once again.

The little girl, still nestled in her bed, remained perfectly still, her senses attuned to every subtle sound, waiting for the confirmation of the figure's departure. The silence stretched on, and as the seconds turned into minutes, the absence of footsteps or voices suggested that the figure had indeed left.

With a sigh of relief, the girl cautiously opened her eyes, allowing them to adjust to the dimness that enveloped the room. She remained still for a brief pause, gathering her thoughts, before her gaze shifted upwards. In a hushed tone, she uttered a whispered command, speaking two words that held significant meaning: "Status analysis."

The air fluctuated with a hint of energy, as if responding to her whispered command, a soft glow materialized, illuminating the area immediately surrounding her.

A familiar screen materialized before her eyes, bearing a resemblance to the previous holographic display. However, unlike before, the information it presented now pertained to the little girl herself, delving into the depths of her being and revealing insights about her true nature and extraordinary abilities.

『 System Analysis 』

『 Title: The Spectral Hunter 』

『 Name: Medusa Ward 』

『 Race: Spectral 』

『 Physical Age: 1—Mental Age: 16 』

『 Lifespan: 85 』

『 Class: Exorcist 』

『 Spiritual Essence: Initiator I 』


『 Talent: Spiritual Awareness 』

『 Skills: Spirit Sensing, Spiritual Warding , Cleansing Touch, Spirit Whisper, Spirit Sight, Spiritual Resilience, Spirit Manifestation, Cold-Blooded, Spiritual Favor, Ethereal Glimpse 』


"Oh. This is gonna be a lot of fun" Medusa Ward nestled into the comfort of her bed, a sense of anticipation and excitement welled up with her. With a content smile, she succumbed to the embrace of sleep, allowing her consciousness to drift into a realm of dreams and possibilities.

This is a draft to gauge readers' reaction.

Thanks for reading!

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