
The Yin and Yang Tigers

The Yin and Yang tigers. Up to the Heavenly Realms common knowledge, these two tigers are supreme beings at the pinnacle of cultivation.

For the past 14 days, these two tigers have been fighting to claim the title of the strongest of their kind.

"Yin tiger give up! You are no match for me!" said the Yang tiger seemingly getting impatient of how long this fight has been going on for.

"Che! As if, what are you scared that i'll kill you?" said the Yin tiger.

Suddenly out of nowhere, in between these two tigers battle ground, a black hole the size of a full grown tree, popped out, startling them. Although teleporting in itself isn't two surprising, the chances of a portal that appears out of nowhere that even escaped their senses would be no less than 20 people with the ability to do so.

"Who!?" said the Yin and Yang tigers.

"Hm? A black and white tiger? How interesting" said the young man who walked outside of the portal.

"A boy?" whispered the Yin and Yang tigers.

"Boy, leave before I kill you" said the Yang tiger.

"Leave? I just came to this realm, where would i go?" said the boy confused.

This boy was exactly Guang Wu, the child of Void.

"Just came to this realm?" said the Yin and Yang tigers confused.

Although there were strong existences in the Heavenly Realm, very few people from the lower realms were able to ascend here because of the harsh requirements to do so.

"Boy, did you just ascend to this realm?" said the Yin tiger.

"Huh, ascend hehe?" chuckled Guang Wu. "No i descended to this realm." said Guang Wu with a straight look in his eyes without the slightest trace of lying.

"D-descended!?" exclaimed the Yin and Yang tiger in shock.

"Oh I know nothing about this realm, how about you guys show me around?" said Guang Wu to the Yin and Yang tigers.

"Boy don't lie to us, there is no realm above the Heavenly Realm. Scram I am getting impatient." said the Yang tiger.

"Don't believe me? How about I prove it to you guys." said Guang Wu.

"Prove it?" said the Yin and Yang tigers confused.

"Yeah, how about I help you two ascend from the True God realm to the Supreme God Realm." said Guang Wu.

"Supreme God Realm?!?!?" one should know, the difference between the True God Realm and the Supreme God Realm is so massive that even with 1 million years of cultivation, you still might not be able to break through. Plus, the Supreme God Realm was the realm only achieved by a few renowned people and the Heavenly Generals of the Heavenly Army.

"Okay you two come closer to me and i'll help you two break through." as Guang Wu said that the Yin and Yang tigers went to Guang Wu so fast it was as if they teleported. Although they didn't have complete faith in him, it would be better to be safe than sorry.

"Okay i'm starting." Guang Wu put out two fingers, one on both of the tigers fore heads sending them unimaginable amount of Heavenly Qi from the surrounding area. In fact it was so fast that it would even put the Heavenly Kings cultivation to shame.

In a short few minutes, the Yin and Yang tigers both broke threw to the Supreme God Realm, sending a white and black ray to the sky.

After the rays stopped, they looked at Guang Wu with eyes of worship and tears.

"WE GREET YOUNG MASTER." yelled the Yin and Yang tiger with obvious gratitude in their voice.


"Now that's over can you guys tell me about this realm?" said Guang Wu.

"Y-young master, did you really come from a realm above this?". asked the Yin Tiger.

"Of course i did. I came from the Void Realm, but sadly it was just me in that realm so i left it to come here for some adventure i guess." said Guang Wu with clear excitement in his voice.

"V-void realm?" said the Yin and Yang tigers.

"Yeah, enough of that. Tell me about this realm."

"Y-yes. Before we met young master, it was said that the Heavenly Realm was the highest realm attainable. This world consists of one giant continent that covers all four corners of the Heavenly Realm. The Heavenly Realm is ruled over by the Heavenly Kings family and the 9 Heavenly Sects. Currently the highest realm, which is kept by the Heavenly King alone is Absolute God Realm which is 3 realms above the Supreme God Realm. Currently the three strongest races in the Heavenly Realm are the Phoenix race, Dragon race, and our race." said the Yang tiger giving Guang Wu a basic summary of this realms power.

"Absolute God Realm? That's it?" said Guang Wu a bit disappointed. If anyone else heard this they would think he was a fool but the Yin and Yang tiger didn't find it a bit weird since he helped them advance a realm in a mere few seconds.

"Can you guys turn into humans by any chance?" said Guang Wu

"N-no we can't. A Heavenly General destroyed our human forms deeming it to dangerous for us to walk among humans." said the Yang tiger disappointed.

"Is that so.." as Guang Wu said that he put up his hand and two black flames appeared in his hand. "Eat this flame, it will grant you a human form." said Guang Wu as if it was a normal event.

The Yin and Yang tigers ate the flame without a second thought because if he were to kill them then what was the point of making them rise another realm.

As they ate the flame, the Yin tiger turned into a beautiful and elegant woman who looked to be in her mid 20's with long black hair, black eyes, perfect curves and red lips. The Yang tiger turned in a handsome man who also looked in his mid 20's, with white silk hair and features that would make any woman want to eat him up.

After forming two pairs of clothes for them, they left off beginning their adventure.

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